So what do Democrats really want


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
From this debt ceiling debate? Because it's clear they aren't happy with any compromise that raises the debt ceiling with spending cuts. What do you want then?
What do Democrats really want?
Massive, gigantic, enormous Government. The government has doubled in size in the last 10 years. They want to double it again. The goal is dependency. We are close to the tipping point.......
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No... that isn't true. It's that cuts had to be linked with raising revenue... as any rational plan would require.

So raising taxes on American citizens is more important than raising the debt ceiling?
What do Democrats really want?
Massive, gigantic, enormous Government. The government has doubled in size in the last 10 years. They want to double it again. The goal is dependency. We are close to the tipping point.......

Actually I doubt they have some master plan of Dependency, They just care about one thing. Votes, and in their eyes, Creating Government Programs to hand out Borrowed money like Candy is the surest way to winning Votes. End Result, Dependency.
From this debt ceiling debate? Because it's clear they aren't happy with any compromise that raises the debt ceiling with spending cuts. What do you want then?

[ame=]‪Congressman John Dingell: Control The People‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
No... that isn't true. It's that cuts had to be linked with raising revenue... as any rational plan would require.

Raising taxes as a means of raising revenue in this brutal Obama economy which is a disaster
is not the way to go...We need to cut spending so the World can see that for a change we can act responsibly. :clap2:
They want everyone elses money to be their money. They know whats best.
What do Democrats want? Quite simply we want to pay down the debt.

The Republicans have been cutting taxes while starting wars and creating new government departments and entitlements.

The Republicans got rid of Paygo.

If you want something have to pay for it.

It's as simple as that.

Republicans don't like math.
the dems offered already 4 trillion cut off the deficit in 10 years through program reforms, cutting spending, closing tax loopholes and very slightly raising taxes on couples making more than a million in taxable income, not the 250k and above but those clearing a million and above....there was about 900 billion in defense cuts over 10 years in that plan as well....

a very solid plan!
the dems offered already 4 trillion cut off the deficit in 10 years through program reforms, cutting spending, closing tax loopholes and very slightly raising taxes on couples making more than a million in taxable income, not the 250k and above but those clearing a million and above....there was about 900 billion in defense cuts over 10 years in that plan as well....

a very solid plan!

where? the gang of 6?

lets see obama cough up the notes from the meeting like he said he would.

if boehner said yes then obama said no, there after, demanding 400 billion more? then hat?
No... that isn't true. It's that cuts had to be linked with raising revenue... as any rational plan would require.

dimocrats spend 4 Billion dollars a day,, there are no jobs, no jobs no revenue. any rational person would work on imporving the economy not killing it.. ya think?
From this debt ceiling debate? Because it's clear they aren't happy with any compromise that raises the debt ceiling with spending cuts. What do you want then?

They want to tax the rich, even more than they already do. They want redistribution of wealth. They want to drop America to it's subservient knees and all for power and control. Then we are Greece. DOH!!! :cuckoo:
You Libs take the cake. You can not even Admit it when your Hero Just tried to change the rules at the last min, and the Opposition walked out on him.

The Deal was 800 Billion until Yesterday. Obama is a lying piece of Garbage who should have the Balls to admit to it.

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