So Was It Global Warming/Climate Change That Spared Central Florida From Certain Doom&Peril?,Or Not.

Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.

What I posted are based on the NOAA own statements, too bad you are too biased and lazy to click on the link.

Here is the NOAA chart you ignored:


Since 2005 season there have been FEWER Hurricanes and Fewer Tornadoes too, all according to the NOAA. You have never learned about the 12 1/2 year major hurricane landfalling drought starting in 2005.

You must be soooo lazy not to look up the official data from the NOAA, is it laziness, stupidity, bias or all three?
For the ignorant and ill informed, it is all about AVAILABILITY HEURISTICS. This is what the global media knows and why we have a world of brain dead robots just parroting what they can recall only what is hyped, cause it is so readily AVAILABLE. When they dig into it, which always takes effort, they will see that it is a crock and since the worst nightmare for any left winger under the power of group think is being saddled as a WHITE CONSERVATIVE, they need to just giggle. It is always an uncomfortable giggle, cause deep inside they know we are right.

Want absolute evidence that the global warmers know we are right? Just take a look at how many of them are NOT MOVING AWAY FROM THE COASTS. Why, if they actually believed the global warming is beyond the point of no return and sea levels are rising at such a rate, are they NOT MOVING FROM THE COASTS in mass numbers?

Go ahead and answer that lefty. Go ahead, we are waiting and wondering. If the carbon footprint is such a huge problem, then please explain to all of us why the global media is not attacking al gore for his huge carbon footprint? We are all waiting lefty. Go ahead and answer that one, since the first question you cannot and will not answer. How about why are banks all around the world continuing to give 30 year and 50 year loans along the coasts around the world?

Now watch as they avoid those questions and giggle. They are losers and most are programmed robots with no ability to see the truth. Their sight has been taken from them.
Yes yes, brainwashed functional moron, all the journalists and all the climatologists and every political party in the world are wrong, only your bought off high-school Grad ex cokehead DJs in the GOP propaganda machine are right. LOL.
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
Good idea-I also want to raise taxes on tacos to price the illegals out of this country
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
It 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy and 50% under Reagan when he did well, then 28% the kiss of death when he was leaving. It hasn't changed much since.... the GOP is great at obstruction. Of course the rich should pay more. End of story so we can invest in infrastructure and Americans. The GOP is a scumbag disaster that only propaganda keeps going at this point....
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
It 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy and 50% under Reagan when he did well, then 28% the kiss of death when he was leaving. It hasn't changed much since.... the GOP is great at obstruction. Of course the rich should pay more. End of story so we can invest in infrastructure and Americans. The GOP is a scumbag disaster that only propaganda keeps going at this point....
Of course taxing the rich would help oh, don't be ridiculous. They wouldn't fix everything immediately it took 35 years to get this bad....
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
It 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy and 50% under Reagan when he did well, then 28% the kiss of death when he was leaving. It hasn't changed much since.... the GOP is great at obstruction. Of course the rich should pay more. End of story so we can invest in infrastructure and Americans. The GOP is a scumbag disaster that only propaganda keeps going at this point....
Why didn't the Democrats change that when they had both houses and Obama?
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.

What I posted are based on the NOAA own statements, too bad you are too biased and lazy to click on the link.

Here is the NOAA chart you ignored:


Since 2005 season there have been FEWER Hurricanes and Fewer Tornadoes too, all according to the NOAA. You have never learned about the 12 1/2 year major hurricane landfalling drought starting in 2005.

You must be soooo lazy not to look up the official data from the NOAA, is it laziness, stupidity, bias or all three?
Annual average temperature United States 2018 | Statista
:5_1_12024: So how are the loons going to essplain Hurricane Dorian? Wasn't it supposed to wipe out the middle of Florida then move on the the gulf of Mexico? We all know that if a CAT5 ripped thru Orlando, yah,,they would of blamed Global Warming and all white racist men.
But as of now{early Sunday Morning} it looks like its headed north.
So what happens when it hits another city? Global Warming?,,what happens if it shifts back east into the Atlantic Ocean?,,Global Cooling?

It is actually called the Coriolis effect.
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
It 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy and 50% under Reagan when he did well, then 28% the kiss of death when he was leaving. It hasn't changed much since.... the GOP is great at obstruction. Of course the rich should pay more. End of story so we can invest in infrastructure and Americans. The GOP is a scumbag disaster that only propaganda keeps going at this point....
Why didn't the Democrats change that when they had both houses and Obama?

When Obama had both houses, they had to fix the economy Republicans destroyed & fix Healthcare.
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
It 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy and 50% under Reagan when he did well, then 28% the kiss of death when he was leaving. It hasn't changed much since.... the GOP is great at obstruction. Of course the rich should pay more. End of story so we can invest in infrastructure and Americans. The GOP is a scumbag disaster that only propaganda keeps going at this point....
Why didn't the Democrats change that when they had both houses and Obama?
They need 60 votes to do what they want to do, and the only time they had 60 votes was under Obama in the middle of a giant GOP meltdown, which is no time to mess with taxes. Thanks GOP reconciliation rule and filibuster rule. Next time the nuclear option.
They are pushing this shit to end the globe . to end humanity living as we do now . connect the gawd dam dots

5G grid controlled
smart phones
smart cities
smart tv's
smart computers
smart lights
smart thermostats.........

  • UN admits ‘historic’ Paris climate pact did not save Earth after-all! Now says: Cutting CO2 ‘not enough’ – ‘We must change food production to save the world’
    UN in 2019: We must change food production to save the world, says leaked report - Cutting carbon from transport and energy ‘not enough’ IPCC finds


    But in 2015, the UN Paris climate pact was supposed to be enough.

    Al Gore in 2015 on Paris pact: “Years from now, our grandchildren will reflect on humanity’s moral courage to solve the climate crisis and they will look to December 12, 2015, as the day when the community of nations finally made the decision to act."

    Secretary of State John F. Kerry in 2015: “This is a tremendous victory for all of our citizens–not for any one country or bloc, but a victory for all of the planet, and for future generations."

    French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius in 2015: “History is coming, in fact, history is here,” he said. “On 12 December 2015, we can have a historic day, a major date to go down in the history of mankind. The date can become a message of life."

    But Climate Depot's Morano warned in 2015 that the UN Paris climate pact was only the beginning: Flashback 2015: ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’ - Morano: "Now that the United Nations has officially 'solved' man-made global warming, does this mean we never have to hear about 'global warming' fears again!? Does this mean we can halt the endless supply of federal tax dollars funding 'climate change' studies?...Can we finally move on to other issues?...Now that the UN treaty has 'solved' global warming, can we all just move on to something else?'

    Posted August 5, 20195:24 PM by Marc Morano | Tags: agriculture, ipcc, mediacd, new study, tipping point, un.....




The fizz that bubbles up when you crack open a can of soda is carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Soft drink manufacturers add this tingling froth by forcing carbon dioxide and water into your soda at high pressures—up to 1,200 pounds per square inch. The "fssst" you hear is millions of carbon dioxide molecules bursting out of their sweet, watery prisons, where they have been held against their will.

Why Does Soda Fizz?

Apparently everything is smart except you!
Only the big oil GOP could deny global warming with the doops going on about the weather LOL... Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. In general higher temperatures and erratic weather.
I said slowly raise gas tax and people here revolted. Its not big oil, its the average consumer-talk to him.
We have raised so many taxes and fees that kill the non-rich the last 35 years it is ridiculous, it is time to raise taxes on the rich again who are now paying the same percentage as you are, which is ridiculous and a crime.
People do not want to believe we are living beyond our means. The rich have gotten to rich. That is true. The privileged peasant class are to privileged over the non privileged peasant class. That is true. We have made a permanent underclass and it has turned into an institution. That is true. People are over compensated in many endeavors. From privileged middle class jobs to the top 1 per cent. Resources are needed and the peasants pay the piper. Even if the rich paid more it would not be enough. When you talk about the rich. Remember before the Trump tax bill was enacted there was a 39% top tax rate. Regulations/ back then lowered the rates to less then half that for many. All of that blustering by the Progs and not a damn thing was done to end that.
It 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy and 50% under Reagan when he did well, then 28% the kiss of death when he was leaving. It hasn't changed much since.... the GOP is great at obstruction. Of course the rich should pay more. End of story so we can invest in infrastructure and Americans. The GOP is a scumbag disaster that only propaganda keeps going at this point....
The times were different. What you got for a dollar is incomprehensible now. The state, local and city taxes were embarrassingly low compared to now. We had a physical foundation economy building things for our greatness and not a human foundation where we pay people off. The federal government size even with all of this was miniscule compared to today. To generalize and not go deep into issues makes for good headlines. But then after the headlines comes the paragraphs we never get to see. How does a nation pay people to have abortions and ph uk their azzes off? To spread diseases? To have children with multiple partners and not give a damn? This is the start that the GOP scumbags had nothing to do with.
:5_1_12024: So how are the loons going to essplain Hurricane Dorian? Wasn't it supposed to wipe out the middle of Florida then move on the the gulf of Mexico? We all know that if a CAT5 ripped thru Orlando, yah,,they would of blamed Global Warming and all white racist men.
But as of now{early Sunday Morning} it looks like its headed north.
So what happens when it hits another city? Global Warming?,,what happens if it shifts back east into the Atlantic Ocean?,,Global Cooling?
Seriously dude?

A high pressure ridge is causing the storm to turn north. I'd say we were pretty lucky.

You on the other hand try to score some sorta obscure political points offa it?

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