So the SJWs now Condemn History as Hate Speech? OMG


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right...

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right...

View attachment 264479


Is that like an app or sumpin?

We are entering a second Dark Ages. Books and historical records were copied by hand and hidden away. I certainly hope that devoted historians are hiding and preserving history today.
Nazi book burning revisited. Hey! Did they remove the film of Nazis burning books, or what?

Google is the modern book-burner, keep that in mind.
Lol @ "Crowder has been bothering him"

What a wuss and sounds like a couple of loons on this forum
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

What nazi scum leftwingers love !A toasty fire full of thought crimes

"Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.
Heinrich Heine
Almansor: A Tragedy (1823)"

"Your ideological enemies defend unto madness the wholesale slaughter of innocents in the name of “choice”.Anyone capable of defending mass convenience homicides will have no problem whatsoever putting badthinkers like you and your fam into a cage or a ditch.
wrs "

"BitChute @BitChute News
9 hours ago
It's now becoming controversial to criticize illegal immigration. Remarkably YouTube has created rules to limit what can be said on this topic. Whether you agree with a law or not, surely we must be able to talk about it? BrittPettibone via @BrittPettibone
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Why would you say that? Anyone can make a video saying anything they like about history, factual or not, and put it up on Youtube. Nothing to stop them. Nothing to stop them including their biased hate in that "lecture," either.

I'm not sure why Allsop's perspective on Nazi history is so attractive to the neo-Nazi's. That's kind of interesting. I'm not about to go research it though.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.
Brieghtbart quoting the Guardian.

This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Yoir kidding right?

I can put anything I want up on YouTube and call it history.

Just like that video. It's not really history.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Why would you say that? Anyone can make a video saying anything they like about history, factual or not, and put it up on Youtube. Nothing to stop them. Nothing to stop them including their biased hate in that "lecture," either.

The man is a history teacher. Here is a link to the About page on his history website: About | History revision for GCSE, IGCSE, IB and AS/A2 History | Mr Allsop History

I'm not sure why Allsop's perspective on Nazi history is so attractive to the neo-Nazi's. That's kind of interesting. I'm not about to go research it though.

Nothing was said about neo-nazis in connection with Allsop or his videos. The only thing we know is that YouTube yanked his material because it contained historical footage and narratives about German Nazis.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Yoir kidding right?

I can put anything I want up on YouTube and call it history.

Read my post to OLDLADY (#13).

Just like that video. It's not really history.

Just like what video?
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Yoir kidding right?

I can put anything I want up on YouTube and call it history.

Read my post to OLDLADY (#13).

Just like that video. It's not really history.

Just like what video?
That just makes what he did worse.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Why would you say that? Anyone can make a video saying anything they like about history, factual or not, and put it up on Youtube. Nothing to stop them. Nothing to stop them including their biased hate in that "lecture," either.

The man is a history teacher. Here is a link to the About page on his history website: About | History revision for GCSE, IGCSE, IB and AS/A2 History | Mr Allsop History

I'm not sure why Allsop's perspective on Nazi history is so attractive to the neo-Nazi's. That's kind of interesting. I'm not about to go research it though.

Nothing was said about neo-nazis in connection with Allsop or his videos. The only thing we know is that YouTube yanked his material because it contained historical footage and narratives about German Nazis.
Yeah, in the article linked in the OP, Mr. Allsop said he was troubled by the positive replies he was getting to his lectures by neo-Nazi's. That is no doubt why his videos were initially pulled, but with further review, Youtube realized it wasn't his words that were the problem. I guess.
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Yoir kidding right?

I can put anything I want up on YouTube and call it history.

Read my post to OLDLADY (#13).

Just like that video. It's not really history.

Just like what video?
That just makes what he did worse.

What did he do in the first place to make it worse?
This has gone war past the horizon for blitheringly stupid asinine behavior.

Good Gawd, are these people even in possession of a mind?

Report: YouTube #VoxAdpocalypse Censored Historical and Educational Videos | Breitbart

According to a recent report from The Guardian, YouTube has begun removing and demonetizing educational history videos relating to the Nazi regime and fascism following a campaign by leftist Vox journalist Carlos Maza to have offensive content about him removed from the platform. Carlos Maza recently called for conservative commentator Steven Crowder to be removed from YouTube, claiming that Crowder repeatedly directed homophobic slurs at him. Maza took to Twitter to call Crowder out and pressure YouTube to take action, claiming that despite being used to “online harassment,” Crowder had been “bothering him.”...

Shortly after that, multiple other independent creators found their content removed from the site or demonetized, including history teacher Scott Allsop, who runs a website and YouTube revision channel called MrAllsopHistory. Allsop’s channel featured hundreds of historical clips on a number of topics from the Norman conquest to the cold war; his channel has now been deleted for breaching hate speech rules. “It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” said Allsop. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”

Richard Jones-Nerzic, a British teacher, was also affected by what has been branded the #VoxAdpocalypse. Jones-Nerzic stated that YouTube’s policy failed to take into account the extent to which the British history syllabus focused on World War 2. “Modern world study and Hitler in particular have dominated the history curriculum in the UK over the last 25 years,” said Jones-Nerzic who had a number of clips from old documentaries about the rise of Nazism removed from the platform.

Jones-Nerzic stated that he is appealing the deletion of his content and argued that this was in fact a “form of negationism or even Holocaust denial.” He added: “I have for a long time been unhappy with how my films have often been hijacked by neo-fascists through the comments section, but YouTube’s actions are far too indiscriminate.”

Allsop suggested that the site must take educational context into account when censoring content: “I fully support YouTube’s increased efforts to curb hate speech, but also feel that silencing the very people who seek to teach about its dangers could be counter-productive to YouTube’s intended goal.” A YouTube spokesperson stated that the company uses a combination of technology and employees to enforce guidelines and encouraged individuals to provide context to the clips they upload noting that they are educational material. YouTube stated that Allsop and Jones-Nerzic’s content has since been reinstated.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Who goes to Youtube to learn history?
I've been having to educate myself on it, going back to ancient times and covering the whole globe, because I'm going to be teaching it. I haven't yet needed to go to Youtube for it. That's for OPINIONS and yes, I am not shocked that some of those opinions include hate for one or another group. You make it sound as if the "Left" is changing history by banning hate speech. That's ridiculous.

History videos are not hate speech, that's the point.
Why would you say that? Anyone can make a video saying anything they like about history, factual or not, and put it up on Youtube. Nothing to stop them. Nothing to stop them including their biased hate in that "lecture," either.

The man is a history teacher. Here is a link to the About page on his history website: About | History revision for GCSE, IGCSE, IB and AS/A2 History | Mr Allsop History

I'm not sure why Allsop's perspective on Nazi history is so attractive to the neo-Nazi's. That's kind of interesting. I'm not about to go research it though.

Nothing was said about neo-nazis in connection with Allsop or his videos. The only thing we know is that YouTube yanked his material because it contained historical footage and narratives about German Nazis.
Yeah, in the article linked in the OP, Mr. Allsop said he was troubled by the positive replies he was getting to his lectures by neo-Nazi's. That is no doubt why his videos were initially pulled, but with further review, Youtube realized it wasn't his words that were the problem. I guess.

That wasn't Allsop that said this, that was Richard Jones-Nerzic, another history teacher.
All that is wrong with the study of history is that the voices of those who actually experienced it are not included. Voices of those who were enslaved in the U.S. (at least we have some preserved courtesy of the WPA projects of the 1930s) , African Americans living in fear of the KKK, women who experienced repeated pregnancies that they did not want, and or beatings, soldiers in trenches in WWI ducking mustard gas, Jews hunted down by nazies and trying to hide their children, GIs jumping off landing craft on Omaha Beach. Germans who froze their asses off in Russia. So much more from people all over the world. What were the experiences of these people?

History must be taught by the voices of experience, not cleaned up to fit someone's narrative.

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