So the rightwing is willing to take pay & benefits cuts?

Do YOU see tent cities along the River/ Food Lines bread lines as far as the eye can see...are you painting a picture as the 1930's?

I don't see it *YET* but if Obama and the Statists continue...that's WHAT we will see...I think you need to get a grip or your fantasy will be reality in short order...and the UNIONS and their untward demands that force bankruptcy of the many States will come to fruition IF they don't start to buckle down, SHED their entitlement mentality on a SOUR ECONOMY and on the BACKS of the private sector they DEMAND FROM...

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE is entitled to a living on the backs of others...

Got it ACE?

Unions make up 7.5% of all private sector jobs. Please explain their incredibly HUGE impact. Or not.

Got it ACE?
We are still talking AMERICA aren't we?

Come up with a PLAN to get BIG Government OFF the backs of Americans and Companies...and YOU won't have to BITCH about SWEAT SHOPS now will you?

You can't be serious. Sweat shops are one of the reasons we have government on the backs of companies.

And thank God for that!

NAME the last sweat shop In the United States...

Most Government Sub Contractors. ;) The ones that do the work beneath the Elites, who refuse to get their hands dirty. ;)
Even the Illegal's work below market for the Privilege to remain here. Maids, House Cleaner's, Nanny's, Gardner's, of the Union-Party Elite, The Privileged Class.

We are all pretty much, taking cuts, paying higher Taxes and Surcharges, working harder to stay where we are, and not keeping up, except for Government workers anyway. You are still living in a fantasy, profiting and living off of the backs of Private Enterprise.
The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations.

Then why do we need them in the government jobs?

How is it that unions protect workers from greedy bosses, yet at the same time you defend and empower their bosses?

Do you understand why a Union member makes more than the private sector worker? It is because of collective bargaining. Unity is power, individuality is weakness. That is your answer.

Unions do not empower private sector bosses, they meet them head to toe and negotiate worker solutions.
Do YOU see tent cities along the River/ Food Lines bread lines as far as the eye can see...are you painting a picture as the 1930's?

I don't see it *YET* but if Obama and the Statists continue...that's WHAT we will see...I think you need to get a grip or your fantasy will be reality in short order...and the UNIONS and their untward demands that force bankruptcy of the many States will come to fruition IF they don't start to buckle down, SHED their entitlement mentality on a SOUR ECONOMY and on the BACKS of the private sector they DEMAND FROM...

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE is entitled to a living on the backs of others...

Got it ACE?

Unions make up 7.5% of all private sector jobs. Please explain their incredibly HUGE impact. Or not.

Got it ACE?

Government Workers Union's should be disbanded.
Do YOU see tent cities along the River/ Food Lines bread lines as far as the eye can see...are you painting a picture as the 1930's?

I don't see it *YET* but if Obama and the Statists continue...that's WHAT we will see...I think you need to get a grip or your fantasy will be reality in short order...and the UNIONS and their untward demands that force bankruptcy of the many States will come to fruition IF they don't start to buckle down, SHED their entitlement mentality on a SOUR ECONOMY and on the BACKS of the private sector they DEMAND FROM...

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE is entitled to a living on the backs of others...

Got it ACE?

Unions make up 7.5% of all private sector jobs. Please explain their incredibly HUGE impact. Or not.

Got it ACE?

They sure have an IMPACT in elections via MONEY that is stolen for belonging whether they chose to or NOT...Given to Politicians they won't or DON'T Vote for against their will...

For those in WI. If the teachers union is broken I will bet that the school portion of your property taxes will not drop one cent.
For those in WI. If the teachers union is broken I will bet that the school portion of your property taxes will not drop one cent.

So what? THEY are already OVERTAXED as the rest of us are and for what? Kids that are sent into the world that can't READ their diplomas? (And could care less)? Ignorant fucks that can vote taxpayer dollars to embellish them if they screw up in life?

Nice consolation for FAILURE isn't it?
what's good for the goose... we should drive the corporations right out of america

Corporate America has been reporting record profits of late...

...what would be their sacrifice in this 'shared sacrifice' thing??

And that's their business...what business is it of yours? NONE...that's what I thought. Carby? You're a CLASS WARFARE CLOWN.
For those in WI. If the teachers union is broken I will bet that the school portion of your property taxes will not drop one cent.

Of course it won't. The projected 2 year deficit is over $2B. They "plugged the hole" with Porkulus funding for the past 2 years. That con game is over.
It must be hell to be a leftie and find a job.

They HATE the very thing (corporations) that would hire them.
I was listening to a news panel this morning early and it was stated, with no dissent or correction from anybody else, that the unions have produced $3 trillion--that TRILLION with a "T"--in unfunded liabilities due to their collective bargaining.

I am reminded of a friend of ours who once ran a medium sized manufacturing business in a neighboring state. During an economic downturn he sought to renegotiate the contracts with his union employees rather than be forced to lay a lot of people off. They refused. A lot of workers got laid off.

When the downturn continued, he sought to renegotiate again to keep the business afloat. He opened the books to the union leaders showing them the red ink and cash flow hemorrhage that was draining his ability to even bid on new contracts. Again they refused.

He closed his business and moved to an adjacent right-to-work state and started up again. He would have preferred to stay put. But the unions greed not only forced him to move but cost all the union workers their very lucrative livelihoods.

For those of us who have been working in the private sector for any time, there have been numerous times that many of us have worked overtime, worked shorter hours, not gotten pay raises, had benefits reduced due to the ebb and flow of the fortunes of our employers. Those of us who have run businesses hire and lay off people based on the financial health and stability of the business.

When unions are unwilling to do that in the public sector, and the alternative is simply to bleed the economy dry in higher taxes or dig a hole of economic liability from which there is no possible recovery, then the union has to be busted and a new system put into place.

The 'government is god and the people ought to be submissive' crowd wring their hands and accuse the 'right' of hating labor and collective bargaining. No compromise is even considered. The rest of us know that you can't keep bleeding red ink forever until the whole system collapses.

I say if the unions won't be sensible, bust them.
You poor thing....what will you do?


Well I guess I will continue to move into my million dollar home & furnish it with $75,000. cash. Then I will set out by my pool, and watch the steaks cooking on my BQ. I could be inside watching one of five new wide screen televisons I just bought at Sears, but I enjoy the sun outdoors, so I will prolly be on my back patio in the afternoon watching my tv at the bar, or on my front patio in the morning sun sipping coffee and playing on the net with one of my lap tops.

Now what will you do my poor lil Zander? If you are like me, you have no dog in the fight. The difference between you and me is I am a humanitarian and Pro-American who cares about his fellow country men who seem to be making some bad choices here by dissing Unions. And by the way, You can't intimidate me with wealth, so laugh that one off.
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The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations.

Then why do we need them in the government jobs?

How is it that unions protect workers from greedy bosses, yet at the same time you defend and empower their bosses?

Do you understand why a Union member makes more than the private sector worker? It is because of collective bargaining. Unity is power, individuality is weakness. That is your answer.

Unions do not empower private sector bosses, they meet them head to toe and negotiate worker solutions.
Individuality is weakness?......Maybe for you.

Funny how i've never held a union job in my life, and have made far more than any union worker in this country could ever hope too. I didn't need a union coddling and protecting me. I did it myself.

Ya' see, that's the biggest problem facing this country. People want to be coddled. They don't want to pay their share. What ever they can get for nothing at all costs. And if it means their union will aid in bankrupting a state by demanding unstustainable gotten gains, so be it. It's friggin' ridiculous.
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Look no farther than the PEOPLE themselves that sacrifice now.


Those people haven't seen nothing yet. Where you better look is over at Asia sweat shops that they will be competing with. Look at their lifestyle, their mud huts, ox drawn cart. Because corporations have shown us, they can go there, or if they stay, you will make the same wage the Asian does and like it.

I just see us headed in the wrong direction in America. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev made a prediction years back, "We will bury you from within." I do hope he is wrong.

good gawd, talk about FEAR MONGERING.:lol:

Well give us the good side of having your wages & benefits cut down to that of an Asian.

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