So the rightwing is willing to take pay & benefits cuts?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations. And anyone with a brain knows once the Unions are gone to maintain the living & nminimum wage standard in America, Corporations seeking profits are going to cut their wages and benefits in the most uncaring axing weilding way imaginable. So this a given, you will take what they give you, or watch a Mexican take your job.

So I just want to hear the cons explain how they want their own wages & benefits cut for profits, when it is a corporate hiring market with millions waiting to take their jobs. Go on and explain to us how you think you won't suffer major wage & benefit cuts, or get the boot out your employers door.

Don't even tell me free market BS, it doesn't work in a global community.
what's good for the goose... we should drive the corporations right out of america
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what's good for the goose ............... we should drive the corporations right out of america

Yes, indeed. I am also thinking about people with fixed mortgages, car payments, and other bills, that those monthy payments will not drop, just because their wages do. They will end up eating shoe leather, or go belly up.

The corporations will suck us dry and then leave on their own.
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The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations. And anyone with a brain knows once the Unions are gone to maintain the living & nminimum wage standard in America, Corporations seeking profits are going to cut their wages and benefits in the most uncaring axing weilding way imaginable. So this a given, you will take what they give you, or watch a Mexican take your job.

So I just want to hear the cons explain how they want their own wages & benefits cut for profits, when it is a corporate hiring market with millions waiting to take their jobs. Go on and explain to us how you think you won't suffer major wage & benefit cuts, or get the boot out your employers door.

Don't even tell me free market BS, it doesn't work in a global community.

Look no farther than the PEOPLE themselves that sacrifice now.

The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations.

Then why do we need them in the government jobs?

How is it that unions protect workers from greedy bosses, yet at the same time you defend and empower their bosses?
You poor thing....what will you do?

The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations. And anyone with a brain knows once the Unions are gone to maintain the living & nminimum wage standard in America, Corporations seeking profits are going to cut their wages and benefits in the most uncaring axing weilding way imaginable. So this a given, you will take what they give you, or watch a Mexican take your job.

So I just want to hear the cons explain how they want their own wages & benefits cut for profits, when it is a corporate hiring market with millions waiting to take their jobs. Go on and explain to us how you think you won't suffer major wage & benefit cuts, or get the boot out your employers door.

Don't even tell me free market BS, it doesn't work in a global community.

Look no farther than the PEOPLE themselves that sacrifice now.


Those people haven't seen nothing yet. Where you better look is over at Asia sweat shops that they will be competing with. Look at their lifestyle, their mud huts, ox drawn cart. Because corporations have shown us, they can go there, or if they stay, you will make the same wage the Asian does and like it.

I just see us headed in the wrong direction in America. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev made a prediction years back, "We will bury you from within." I do hope he is wrong.
The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations. And anyone with a brain knows once the Unions are gone to maintain the living & nminimum wage standard in America, Corporations seeking profits are going to cut their wages and benefits in the most uncaring axing weilding way imaginable. So this a given, you will take what they give you, or watch a Mexican take your job.

So I just want to hear the cons explain how they want their own wages & benefits cut for profits, when it is a corporate hiring market with millions waiting to take their jobs. Go on and explain to us how you think you won't suffer major wage & benefit cuts, or get the boot out your employers door.

Don't even tell me free market BS, it doesn't work in a global community.

Look no farther than the PEOPLE themselves that sacrifice now.


Those people haven't seen nothing yet. Where you better look is over at Asia sweat shops that they will be competing with. Look at their lifestyle, their mud huts, ox drawn cart. Because corporations have shown us, they can go there, or if they stay, you will make the same wage the Asian does and like it.

I just see us headed in the wrong direction in America. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev made a prediction years back, "We will bury you from within." I do hope he is wrong.

We are still talking AMERICA aren't we?

Come up with a PLAN to get BIG Government OFF the backs of Americans and Companies...and YOU won't have to BITCH about SWEAT SHOPS now will you?
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Look no farther than the PEOPLE themselves that sacrifice now.


Those people haven't seen nothing yet. Where you better look is over at Asia sweat shops that they will be competing with. Look at their lifestyle, their mud huts, ox drawn cart. Because corporations have shown us, they can go there, or if they stay, you will make the same wage the Asian does and like it.

I just see us headed in the wrong direction in America. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev made a prediction years back, "We will bury you from within." I do hope he is wrong.

We are still talking AMERICA aren't we?

Come up with a PLAN to get BIG Government OFF the backs of Americans and Companies...and YOU won't have to BITCH about SWEAT SHOPS now will you?

You can't be serious. Sweat shops are one of the reasons we have government on the backs of companies.

And thank God for that!
I'm self employed. Why should I give up what I have earned on my own? Fuck you.

And every SOUL on these boards has that option to be as you, don't they? And WHY don't they? WHY are they reliant upon others?

They lack the options we had T. They had wages cut, we didn't. We lived in a rare golden era before this global take over. We could afford to invest in cheap undeveloped properties, they live pay check to pay check, and corporations know that. The only thing keeping this economy from collapse is the credit card & people stupid enough to loan them money. IMO

I assume you think they have our options, or have no excuse for being relient on others (like credit, debts, charity)? They don't control their destiny. They didn't wish themselves into this economy, that is some body else a little higher on the peg. They do control their vote.
Those people haven't seen nothing yet. Where you better look is over at Asia sweat shops that they will be competing with. Look at their lifestyle, their mud huts, ox drawn cart. Because corporations have shown us, they can go there, or if they stay, you will make the same wage the Asian does and like it.

I just see us headed in the wrong direction in America. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev made a prediction years back, "We will bury you from within." I do hope he is wrong.

We are still talking AMERICA aren't we?

Come up with a PLAN to get BIG Government OFF the backs of Americans and Companies...and YOU won't have to BITCH about SWEAT SHOPS now will you?

You can't be serious. Sweat shops are one of the reasons we have government on the backs of companies.

And thank God for that!

NAME the last sweat shop In the United States...
The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations. And anyone with a brain knows once the Unions are gone to maintain the living & nminimum wage standard in America, Corporations seeking profits are going to cut their wages and benefits in the most uncaring axing weilding way imaginable. So this a given, you will take what they give you, or watch a Mexican take your job.

So I just want to hear the cons explain how they want their own wages & benefits cut for profits, when it is a corporate hiring market with millions waiting to take their jobs. Go on and explain to us how you think you won't suffer major wage & benefit cuts, or get the boot out your employers door.

Don't even tell me free market BS, it doesn't work in a global community.

Look no farther than the PEOPLE themselves that sacrifice now.


Those people haven't seen nothing yet. Where you better look is over at Asia sweat shops that they will be competing with. Look at their lifestyle, their mud huts, ox drawn cart. Because corporations have shown us, they can go there, or if they stay, you will make the same wage the Asian does and like it.

I just see us headed in the wrong direction in America. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev made a prediction years back, "We will bury you from within." I do hope he is wrong.

good gawd, talk about FEAR MONGERING.:lol:
The Cons are hot to get rid of Unions, the last bastion between worker protection from greedy, unpatriotic, uncaring asshole Corporations. And anyone with a brain knows once the Unions are gone to maintain the living & nminimum wage standard in America, Corporations seeking profits are going to cut their wages and benefits in the most uncaring axing weilding way imaginable. So this a given, you will take what they give you, or watch a Mexican take your job.

So I just want to hear the cons explain how they want their own wages & benefits cut for profits, when it is a corporate hiring market with millions waiting to take their jobs. Go on and explain to us how you think you won't suffer major wage & benefit cuts, or get the boot out your employers door.

Don't even tell me free market BS, it doesn't work in a global community.

Does the right work in Public Sector Union jobs who make more than their Private Sector counterparts? Are they the ones crying because the Governor of Wis wants them to pay a whole 5% into their pensions, and 13% of their Health care.

I mean wow what a lot to ask. While most workers pay half or More of their Health and half into their Pensions. Public Sector Union Employees working for the WIS dept of Education Currently get their Health care at 0 Cost to them, and their pensions as well.

Anyone supporting them must be part of the 20% of Americans in Unions.


Liberals constantly talk about the Democrats as the party of the working man. The Truth is they are the Party of the Union man, Fuck everyone else.
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I'm self employed. Why should I give up what I have earned on my own? Fuck you.

Sad thing is, you will give it up, because whatever it is you do is going to be worth a whole lot less. When people cannot afford themselves, how could they add you to their burden? You will take the pay cut or shut your doors. That is reality. And if you want to fuck me so bad, bring it on, as I can see we know you are a whore, all we have to do now is settle on a price.:eusa_angel:

Cutting out for awhile. :)
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The private sector already pays far more than its Fair Share. 7M lost jobs to bail out public employee unions is enough.
I don't understand the question...

Government is broke, or in fact, it's in massive debt... Cuts need to be made as poorly spedning the money Government had mixed with spending to much has caused the problems we have today, not giant companies.

So what's the question? Who are these "rightwingers?" I asume this thread is coming off the Teachers on strike stuff going on... So we can point at the teachers union and say "they cost to much and Government has no money to pay them."

So please, point to some "righties" that are getting Goverment money so people have something to respond to in this otherwise moronic thread.

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