So, the democrat controlled press is insisting that Trump investigate voter fraud...the fools....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....
I think that the President should investigate voter fraud , its simply common sense !!
I think that the President should investigate voter fraud , its simply common sense !!

He is......Jeff Sessions, the New Attorney General....the one the democrats have been smearing....will be conducting the investigation......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And he can start with democrat operative bob craemer and scott foval.....two guys who admitted to being paid by the hilary campaign and the Democrat national Comittee to engage in massive voter fraud operations....he should be the first one arrested....

Let's begin with an Alt Fact OP.

Prove the media is democratic controlled.

How silly an OP. This may in the top 100.
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So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....
It is rampant. People at grassroots know. Liberal media and Democrats are hiding this because it happens in Democrat districts.

Ok well one is a screen shot of cnn saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud (which is a straight up lie) and the other is an article where they maintain that the hacking influenced the election for trump.

It's all semantics and stupidity, but it's still telling.

CNN is pretty much done I think. They've been identified for what they are, and they aren't going to be viewed as anything but propagandists from here on out.
If I jingled keys in front of them or pointed to a bright, shiny thing, the alt-right could not be more distracted or distractible!

Voter fraud on a scale The Donald talks about would be tantamount to the largest political scandal in American history. The only problem is proving The Donald's alternative facts.

Ain't gonna happen, but, Hey! Look! A chromed hubcap!
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....

Trump claimed that there was 3 to 5 million illegal votes- and now he will investigate to find the evidence he didn't have when he made the claim.

Trump is not a fool for making the claim- he is Trump- once again making false claims- or 'alternate facts'

I look forward to our new AG Overlord doing exactly what you have proposed- and what Trump voters expect- blatant political targeting of Democrats.

And in Trump's world- the investigation doesn't have to find actual facts- Sessions can just make up 'alternate facts'
If I jingled keys in front of them or pointed to a bright, shiny thing, the alt-right could not be more distracted or distractible!

Voter fraud on a scale The Donald talks about would be tantamount to the largest political scandal in American history. The only problem is proving The Donald's alternative facts.

Ain't gonna happen, but, Hey! Look! A chromed hubcap!

Trump can't stop talking about how he lost the popular vote. He won the electoral vote- why does he feel compelled to keep reminding everyone that he lost the popular vote?
And once again- as a liberal I look forward to a 'real investigation' of voter fraud.

Will Sessions do a real investigation- or just target states that didn't vote for Trump?

We will have to see.

We know what easy wants.
I think that investigation is needed to establish proof and I hope that the President does the investigation .
If I jingled keys in front of them or pointed to a bright, shiny thing, the alt-right could not be more distracted or distractible!

Voter fraud on a scale The Donald talks about would be tantamount to the largest political scandal in American history. The only problem is proving The Donald's alternative facts.

Ain't gonna happen, but, Hey! Look! A chromed hubcap!

Yes....keep thinking he is he keeps signing executive orders, making friends with democrat unions leaders, and building the wall.......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Let's begin with an Alt Fact OP.

Prove the media is democratic controlled.

How silly an OP. This may in the top 100.

The emails during the election showed it...they were cooperating with hilary at all levels......
I am so afraid that after witnessing how Trump has hit the ground getting so much accomplished in just three or four days that after about a month, he will have everything accomplished and become bored. He probably will not seek re-election since he will be bored with the job. The man is high energy and used to working and getting things accomplished.

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