So, the democrat controlled press is insisting that Trump investigate voter fraud...the fools....

Meanwhile, under Obama, the feds tried to hack the Georgia election system:

EXCLUSIVE: IG Investigating Obama Admin Cyber Attacks On Georgia Election System

"DHS officials confirmed the attacks came from an unnamed contractor attached to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia, a part of DHS.

"FLETCO officials have refuse to identify the contractor and the agency did not respond to a DCNF inquiry about the intrusions."

"Title 18 of the federal code makes it a federal crime to “having knowingly accessed a computer without authorization” and to damage or impair the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information. The penalty could be a fine and up to 20 years for each offense.

"Georgia also has several computer fraud and abuse statutes that could apply to the DHS contract employee and to other officials in Georgia who are implicated in the effort. Four of the 10 attacks against the Georgia network occurred as Kemp was about to talk to DHS officials, or coincided with his public testimony about his opposition to the critical infrastructure designation."

"Kemp said the DHS answers have continued to change over time, and the department has been unwilling to identify the contractor.

“First they said it was an individual in Corpus Christi Texas who worked for border patrol that had a bug in his Microsoft software that was causing it. And then they moved off of that, and said that it was somebody in Georgia at FLETCO down in Gleynn County on the coast of Georgia.”

"Kemp said, “We’ve never been given the name of the employee. We haven’t been able to talk to them. We expect OIG would want to talk to that employee.”

"DHS cannot launch scans without the permission of state officials. Kemp, in a December 8 letter to Johnson noted, “At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network.”

"The attacks against Kemp’s network — which also contains corporate information of registered companies in the state as well as professional licenses — began on Feb. 2.

"The last effort to penetrate the Georgia system, which Kemp called a “large attack,” occurred Nov. 15, a week after the election but before the state certified its results."
Read more:
Wikileaks Reveals Mainstream Media’s Coziness With Clinton

The Corrupt Democrat-Media Complex Seeks Clinton Victory

A Soros Problem at NPR

Special Report: Soros Funds Next Generation of Liberal Journalism

Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations

Let's begin with an Alt Fact OP.

Prove the media is democratic controlled.

How silly an OP. This may in the top 100.
Let's begin with an Alt Fact OP.

Prove the media is democratic controlled.

How silly an OP. This may in the top 100.
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....
*Jeff Sessions
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.

No...they voted for the democrats....the democrats lost so their efforts failed....America defeated them....
Unfortunately for you, we have a secret vote/secret ballot in this nation of ours, and there is no way to determine how these alleged 3 to 5 million illegal voters, voted, The ONLY WAY to rectify a massive voter fraud case such as this, is to void the fraudulent election results and have a new one.
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.
Nice try.

But no. If we know who committed election fraud (and we all know who we're talking about here) and the fraud didn't result in a win, then those people are prosecuted and that's the end of it.
You know, no such thing. We have a secret ballot, you do not know how anyone personally voted.

Your presumption means nothing.

the ONLY way to rectify a fraud ridden election held with 3 to 5 million voting illegally is to do the election over.
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.
Nice try.

But no. If we know who committed election fraud (and we all know who we're talking about here) and the fraud didn't result in a win, then those people are prosecuted and that's the end of it.
You know, no such thing. We have a secret ballot, you do not know how anyone personally voted.

Your presumption means nothing.

the ONLY way to rectify a fraud ridden election held with 3 to 5 million voting illegal is to do the election over.

Your presumption means nothing. History has taught us that.

Go back to quaking in fear.
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.

No...they voted for the democrats....the democrats lost so their efforts failed....America defeated them....
WTF???? Do you ever know what you are talking about??? I can see how the Democrats might lose the rigged EC vote but i it is more problematic to explain how 3 to 5 million illegal votes got through the system undetected. Are you saying the PEW report is biased or corrupt?

And don't forget, those 3 to 5 million votes don't just include votes from the blue states. Many of the red states have large numbers of voting Democrats too. Many of those Democrats in red states were disenfranchised by Crosscheck simply because some ,like Trump's daughter and Banon, are registered to vote in 2 states. Registering in two states is not a crime unless you vote in both states. But since there is not much evidence of people being arrested , except several, republicans Trump is FOS.

Another scenario for pulling millions of democrats off the voting rolls via Crosscheck was to
purge all the names of people that voted Democrat who had the same name. Without due process of any kind the Constitutional rights of American citizens were criminally neutralized.
So who will stand up for them? Who will "investigate" and bring criminal charges against the republicans who perpetrated that crime?

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