So Much for the Africans Are Dumb Notion

Nah I prefer banning trolls that are just here to aggravate people. Oh and nice comment. Proves your character and maturity. How old are you?

There is an "ignore" feature on here. I suggest you use it instead of wanting to silence speech you don't like.

My age is irrelevant.
There is free speech and then there is hate speech. Shootspeeders is ignored but I'm seeing comments still opposing him.

Shootspeeders is a troll and should be banned. He said it himself. He's here to piss people off. And he only seems to come here to degrade blacks with his racist posts.

Hate speech is also free. Don't believe me? Ask the Westboro Baptist Church idiots.
Nah I prefer banning trolls that are just here to aggravate people. Oh and nice comment. Proves your character and maturity. How old are you?

There is an "ignore" feature on here. I suggest you use it instead of wanting to silence speech you don't like.

My age is irrelevant.
There is free speech and then there is hate speech. Shootspeeders is ignored but I'm seeing comments still opposing him.

Shootspeeders is a troll and should be banned. He said it himself. He's here to piss people off. And he only seems to come here to degrade blacks with his racist posts.

Why do you hate the 1st Amendment?

Africans do very well in Universities worldwide.

HAHAHA. What a brazen lie. They do poorly in american colleges. Only 1% of the PHDs in math and science in america go to blacks!!! They can't do anything mathematical. Their tiny brains cannot think abstractly and can only learn verbal ( thus useless) subjects like sociology or history.

Great! ANOTHER racist piece of shit. I'm not surprised Poet didn't put you on the Ignore List. You're like two peas in a pod!:cuckoo:
This just proves that Africans aren't dumb. No different than other humans. Its all about persistence, determination, and the desire to be the best. We need more Africans and African Americans like this young man.

We do...:cool:


Ben Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan, on September 18, 1951. His mother, though undereducated herself, pushed her sons to read and to believe in themselves. Carson went from being a poor student to receiving honors and he eventually attended medical school. As a doctor, he became the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33, and became famous for his ground-breaking work separating conjoined twins.


Sowell was born in North Carolina, but grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of high school, and served in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War. He received a bachelor's degree from Harvard University in 1958 and a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959. In 1968, he earned his Doctorate in Economics from the University of Chicago.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles, and worked for think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980 he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is the author of more than 30 books

Worthless Uncle Toms, according to the poet!:razz:
Once again. I believe in free speech and then there is hate speech. Speech that is meant to be offensive and hateful. I don't think it should be allowed. I guess you could say I think "free speech" should be limited.
Probably shouldn't have said that because people are probably going to think I'm a communist.

Lone star, if you look at hate organizations, you will notice that the members are often poor people who want to feel superior to others. The kkk and the black panthers are great examples. People that are poor tend to succumb to racism. Common sense really. Not many rich people who join organizations like those.
Nah I prefer banning trolls that are just here to aggravate people. Oh and nice comment. Proves your character and maturity. How old are you?

There is an "ignore" feature on here. I suggest you use it instead of wanting to silence speech you don't like.

My age is irrelevant.
There is free speech and then there is hate speech. Shootspeeders is ignored but I'm seeing comments still opposing him.

Shootspeeders is a troll and should be banned. He said it himself. He's here to piss people off. And he only seems to come here to degrade blacks with his racist posts.

Many years ago( when I was a lot more idealistic, and a lot less cynical about people in general) I used to post in a race relations forum on AOL, and when I began posting there, I was alarmed and outraged by some of the comments that were made there, but over time, it became humorous.

Shootspeeders is no different than quite a few who post here, with one exception.........he is obviously less intelligent than some here who make the same statements, but convey them in a way that enables them to appear to be just a little more civil.

The good news is that this is an anonymous forum, and the majority of us here will probably never cross paths in a real life situation.

Besides this being a form of entertainment, it also serves as a reminder that in many ways, we are not that far removed from decades ago, the only difference is that there are laws in effect now(although passed begrudingly, they are still laws), that prevent nut jobs like Shootspeeders and others here from legally forcing anyone to the back of a bus, or burning a cross in front of their home and having law enforcement turn a blind eye to that kind of act.

This kind of forum is the last tool that certain ignorant bigots have to spread their poison.

Having seen the civil rights movement firsthand, and having relatives who were there during the REAL fight, when people were getting devoured by German Shepards and getting sprayed with water hoses, and beaten with batons, this forum is better than the alternatives from the past.
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Once again. I believe in free speech and then there is hate speech. Speech that is meant to be offensive and hateful. I don't think it should be allowed. I guess you could say I think "free speech" should be limited.
Probably shouldn't have said that because people are probably going to think I'm a communist.

Lone star, if you look at hate organizations, you will notice that the members are often poor people who want to feel superior to others. The kkk and the black panthers are great examples. People that are poor tend to succumb to racism. Common sense really. Not many rich people who join organizations like those.

Yeah, I'm sure Robert Byrd was just poor white trash when he joined the KKK.
I'm talking majority here rather than a few. Of course you would be quick to defend such an organization.
This shows how dumb the OP is. Even if the story is true it's just one person and doesn't prove anything about the approximately 500 million blacks in the world.

It absolutely does...because if it can happen once, it can happen again, and again, and again, and again. And does.

Of course it can and it will, but can you explain to me why African American males make up 2.5% of medical school students, 41% of prison inmates and 39% of murderers?
Iz dat whiteez fault?
I was proving a point on how poor people usually join stupid organizations like that and then you pointed out 1 exception. I felt you were siding with them for a second as an attempt to prove a fact wrong. Sorry for the accusation.
Once again. I believe in free speech and then there is hate speech. Speech that is meant to be offensive and hateful. I don't think it should be allowed. I guess you could say I think "free speech" should be limited.
Probably shouldn't have said that because people are probably going to think I'm a communist.

Lone star, if you look at hate organizations, you will notice that the members are often poor people who want to feel superior to others. The kkk and the black panthers are great examples. People that are poor tend to succumb to racism. Common sense really. Not many rich people who join organizations like those.

What you don't understand is that offensive and hateful speech is free speech and as long as the speech doesn't incite imminent lawless action or isn't perjury, libel, slander or threatening then it's perfectly legal even though you may not like it.

In Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the Court struck down a criminal conviction of a Ku Klux Klan group for "advocating ... violence ... as a means of accomplishing political reform" because their statements at a rally did not express an immediate, or imminent intent to do violence.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Free speech does have it's limits and those who disregard those limits are subject to prosecution.

How many KKK members or NBPP members do you know? I know none personally just the ones I've seen in the media and it was impossible to tell whether they were rich or poor.
This shows how dumb the OP is. Even if the story is true it's just one person and doesn't prove anything about the approximately 500 million blacks in the world.

It absolutely does...because if it can happen once, it can happen again, and again, and again, and again. And does.

Of course it can and it will, but can you explain to me why African American males make up 2.5% of medical school students, 41% of prison inmates and 39% of murderers?
Iz dat whiteez fault?

generations of racists like you
It absolutely does...because if it can happen once, it can happen again, and again, and again, and again. And does.

Of course it can and it will, but can you explain to me why African American males make up 2.5% of medical school students, 41% of prison inmates and 39% of murderers?
Iz dat whiteez fault?

generations of racists like you

Exactly what makes him racist in your world?
Lone star, will you or not admit that often poor people join organizations like the kkk or the black panthers? You seem to just be questioning fact. Go watch the kkk secret history. You can find it on the history channel.

Sadly I have family members who are part of the black panthers. They are poor and just like the kkk, they are anti Zionist. They also blame whites for their failures as of today.

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