So Kids Want to Walk out of Class in Protest


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
deal with the consequence then. Even the whacked out state of California says don't or you'll be suspended.

This is how the day will be for some with better use of their time



Paso schools tell kids: Walk out to protest guns and you'll be in trouble

March 09, 2018 05:08 PM

Updated March 09, 2018 07:22 PM

Any Paso Robles student walking out of class to protest gun violence as part of a nationwide event on March 14 will be sanctioned with an unexcused absence, the district announced in a letter to parents this week.

The move is a break from how other school districts in the county are planning to handle the protest,which was inspired by the survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Paso schools tell kids: Walk out to protest guns and you'll be in trouble
All it would take is for one of the students to get hit by a car or something while off campus and you can bet the law suits would fly...only a person too stupid to be in charge of a school would take that chance and allow the kids...THE KIDS!!!!!! to walk off campus...
Get a load of the little shit stain's newest idea, black arm bands, lol it'd help if he didn't have spaghetti arms, he looks like he has a tapeworm

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement


The gun-grabbing kiddos from Parkland have been making the news like wild. They’re on a quest to rid every ‘Murican citizen of their pesky kiddie-killing boomsticks. One particular student activist had an idea for a hip new accessory to help spread the gospel of a gunless world.

I don’t think she thought this one through:

James Woods


You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC...


Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control – Minuteman Militia
Get a load of the little shit stain's newest idea, black arm bands, lol it'd help if he didn't have spaghetti arms, he looks like he has a tapeworm

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement


The gun-grabbing kiddos from Parkland have been making the news like wild. They’re on a quest to rid every ‘Murican citizen of their pesky kiddie-killing boomsticks. One particular student activist had an idea for a hip new accessory to help spread the gospel of a gunless world.

I don’t think she thought this one through:

James Woods


You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC...


Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control – Minuteman Militia
Anyone who doesn't believe there's a weapon in their house is delusional.
Get a load of the little shit stain's newest idea, black arm bands, lol it'd help if he didn't have spaghetti arms, he looks like he has a tapeworm

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement


The gun-grabbing kiddos from Parkland have been making the news like wild. They’re on a quest to rid every ‘Murican citizen of their pesky kiddie-killing boomsticks. One particular student activist had an idea for a hip new accessory to help spread the gospel of a gunless world.

I don’t think she thought this one through:

James Woods


You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC...


Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control – Minuteman Militia
Anyone who doesn't believe there's a weapon in their house hold is delusional.

I saw an article where the little turd's mom said his dad is conceal smh
Get a load of the little shit stain's newest idea, black arm bands, lol it'd help if he didn't have spaghetti arms, he looks like he has a tapeworm

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement


The gun-grabbing kiddos from Parkland have been making the news like wild. They’re on a quest to rid every ‘Murican citizen of their pesky kiddie-killing boomsticks. One particular student activist had an idea for a hip new accessory to help spread the gospel of a gunless world.

I don’t think she thought this one through:

James Woods


You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC...


Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control – Minuteman Militia
This is more his style.

She probably is too, as she is also ex fbi.
Get a load of the little shit stain's newest idea, black arm bands, lol it'd help if he didn't have spaghetti arms, he looks like he has a tapeworm

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement


The gun-grabbing kiddos from Parkland have been making the news like wild. They’re on a quest to rid every ‘Murican citizen of their pesky kiddie-killing boomsticks. One particular student activist had an idea for a hip new accessory to help spread the gospel of a gunless world.

I don’t think she thought this one through:

James Woods


You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC...


Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control – Minuteman Militia
Anyone who doesn't believe there's a weapon in their house hold is delusional.

I saw an article where the little turd's mom said his dad is conceal smh
I thought the little shit had his 15 mins...I guess he's doubling down.

He'd be wise to learn some actual history and cease listening to whoever is handling him
deal with the consequence then. Even the whacked out state of California says don't or you'll be suspended.

This is how the day will be for some with better use of their time



Paso schools tell kids: Walk out to protest guns and you'll be in trouble

March 09, 2018 05:08 PM

Updated March 09, 2018 07:22 PM

Any Paso Robles student walking out of class to protest gun violence as part of a nationwide event on March 14 will be sanctioned with an unexcused absence, the district announced in a letter to parents this week.

The move is a break from how other school districts in the county are planning to handle the protest,which was inspired by the survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Paso schools tell kids: Walk out to protest guns and you'll be in trouble

Gotta love how the authoritarian-passives always self-identify moaning and groaning that somebody dares to speak out.

"When they came for the targets of school shootings I said nothing, because I'm a good little drone who does what the Establishment tells me". Nice. Way to man up. :gay:
Get a load of the little shit stain's newest idea, black arm bands, lol it'd help if he didn't have spaghetti arms, he looks like he has a tapeworm

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement


The gun-grabbing kiddos from Parkland have been making the news like wild. They’re on a quest to rid every ‘Murican citizen of their pesky kiddie-killing boomsticks. One particular student activist had an idea for a hip new accessory to help spread the gospel of a gunless world.

I don’t think she thought this one through:

James Woods


You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC...


Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control – Minuteman Militia

Probably a homo


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