So If Our Intel Agencies Are Unimpeachable Answer This.....

President Trump has clarified his comments and accepts the conclusions of the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the election.

Libs, feel free to stop your fake outrage now.
hey right wingers; how does it feel to have Your guy call you liars. y'all claimed it didn't happen.
It is known as FANCY it. .........Spearphishing...........common tactic now for countries to spy on one another........Been going on forever..........just with the internet they can spy from abroad............

Our side spies..........tries to influence does Russia, China, Germany, UK, France, and EVERYONE....

We got caught bugging Merkels phone........they got caught spying on Turkey...and spying on John Kerry in the process........our CIA ops in China got arrested and some were executed........and so on............

This is nothing new. Unless you live under a rock.

You don't need a Special Council to investigate and charge people doing these crimes...........There is a division in the FBI that does this already.................And you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever bringing one of them to trial when they do it from Russia with Love.......We can't do it to the ones doing it in China..............if you think we can then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.

I suggest you tell Mueller to go to Mother Russia and get these guys............I'm sure they will go OMFG it's Mueller and hide......................Mueller did this as a show.........and nothing more knowing he'll never get them to go to trial.........and they trapped his ass.............They hired U.S. lawyers to come forward and demand DISCOVERY on the crimes.........under the law Mueller is required to give that information to them for their defense..............They screwed Mueller 10 ways side ways with that one.................His little game blew up in his face trying to figure out how the hell he can get around a Judge on that one..............Russians are LAUGHING AT MUELLER.................

This is a Circus............and nothing more. ENJOY THE SHOW.
lol. the right wing is nothing but fake news. fallacy is all they have.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
President Trump has clarified his comments and accepts the conclusions of the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the election.

Libs, feel free to stop your fake outrage now.
hey right wingers; how does it feel to have Your guy call you liars. y'all claimed it didn't happen.
It is known as FANCY it. .........Spearphishing...........common tactic now for countries to spy on one another........Been going on forever..........just with the internet they can spy from abroad............

Our side spies..........tries to influence does Russia, China, Germany, UK, France, and EVERYONE....

We got caught bugging Merkels phone........they got caught spying on Turkey...and spying on John Kerry in the process........our CIA ops in China got arrested and some were executed........and so on............

This is nothing new. Unless you live under a rock.

You don't need a Special Council to investigate and charge people doing these crimes...........There is a division in the FBI that does this already.................And you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever bringing one of them to trial when they do it from Russia with Love.......We can't do it to the ones doing it in China..............if you think we can then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.

I suggest you tell Mueller to go to Mother Russia and get these guys............I'm sure they will go OMFG it's Mueller and hide......................Mueller did this as a show.........and nothing more knowing he'll never get them to go to trial.........and they trapped his ass.............They hired U.S. lawyers to come forward and demand DISCOVERY on the crimes.........under the law Mueller is required to give that information to them for their defense..............They screwed Mueller 10 ways side ways with that one.................His little game blew up in his face trying to figure out how the hell he can get around a Judge on that one..............Russians are LAUGHING AT MUELLER.................

This is a Circus............and nothing more. ENJOY THE SHOW.
lol. the right wing is nothing but fake news. fallacy is all they have.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
President Trump has clarified his comments and accepts the conclusions of the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the election.

Libs, feel free to stop your fake outrage now.
hey right wingers; how does it feel to have Your guy call you liars. y'all claimed it didn't happen.
It is known as FANCY it. .........Spearphishing...........common tactic now for countries to spy on one another........Been going on forever..........just with the internet they can spy from abroad............

Our side spies..........tries to influence does Russia, China, Germany, UK, France, and EVERYONE....

We got caught bugging Merkels phone........they got caught spying on Turkey...and spying on John Kerry in the process........our CIA ops in China got arrested and some were executed........and so on............

This is nothing new. Unless you live under a rock.

You don't need a Special Council to investigate and charge people doing these crimes...........There is a division in the FBI that does this already.................And you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever bringing one of them to trial when they do it from Russia with Love.......We can't do it to the ones doing it in China..............if you think we can then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.

I suggest you tell Mueller to go to Mother Russia and get these guys............I'm sure they will go OMFG it's Mueller and hide......................Mueller did this as a show.........and nothing more knowing he'll never get them to go to trial.........and they trapped his ass.............They hired U.S. lawyers to come forward and demand DISCOVERY on the crimes.........under the law Mueller is required to give that information to them for their defense..............They screwed Mueller 10 ways side ways with that one.................His little game blew up in his face trying to figure out how the hell he can get around a Judge on that one..............Russians are LAUGHING AT MUELLER.................

This is a Circus............and nothing more. ENJOY THE SHOW.
lol. the right wing is nothing but fake news. fallacy is all they have.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
No no no..............not changing the subject............The OP is on our intel Agencies.......if you want to discuss the tax cuts start a new thread..............My point stands...........Prove overwise.............
hey right wingers; how does it feel to have Your guy call you liars. y'all claimed it didn't happen.
It is known as FANCY it. .........Spearphishing...........common tactic now for countries to spy on one another........Been going on forever..........just with the internet they can spy from abroad............

Our side spies..........tries to influence does Russia, China, Germany, UK, France, and EVERYONE....

We got caught bugging Merkels phone........they got caught spying on Turkey...and spying on John Kerry in the process........our CIA ops in China got arrested and some were executed........and so on............

This is nothing new. Unless you live under a rock.

You don't need a Special Council to investigate and charge people doing these crimes...........There is a division in the FBI that does this already.................And you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever bringing one of them to trial when they do it from Russia with Love.......We can't do it to the ones doing it in China..............if you think we can then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.

I suggest you tell Mueller to go to Mother Russia and get these guys............I'm sure they will go OMFG it's Mueller and hide......................Mueller did this as a show.........and nothing more knowing he'll never get them to go to trial.........and they trapped his ass.............They hired U.S. lawyers to come forward and demand DISCOVERY on the crimes.........under the law Mueller is required to give that information to them for their defense..............They screwed Mueller 10 ways side ways with that one.................His little game blew up in his face trying to figure out how the hell he can get around a Judge on that one..............Russians are LAUGHING AT MUELLER.................

This is a Circus............and nothing more. ENJOY THE SHOW.
lol. the right wing is nothing but fake news. fallacy is all they have.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
No no no..............not changing the subject............The OP is on our intel Agencies.......if you want to discuss the tax cuts start a new thread..............My point stands...........Prove overwise.............
right wing, "intelligence" is as Worthless as right wing Tax Cuts.



Democrats and the media are saying that Trump shouldn't question our intelligence agencies. Doing so is not only an embarrassment to this nation but tantamount to treason.

But those agencies swore that Saddam had WMDs.




I want to know!!!

You apparently don't understand sexing up intelligence by one dick cheney.
Oh, so it was just Dick Cheney who fooled the FBI and the CIA....along with Colin Powell.

It was just Dick Cheney.

Bush is cool now cuz he hangs with Bill and Hill.



Democrats and the media are saying that Trump shouldn't question our intelligence agencies. Doing so is not only an embarrassment to this nation but tantamount to treason.

But those agencies swore that Saddam had WMDs.




I want to know!!!

You apparently don't understand sexing up intelligence by one dick cheney.
Oh, so it was just Dick Cheney who fooled the FBI and the CIA....along with Colin Powell.

It was just Dick Cheney.

Bush is cool now cuz he hangs with Bill and Hill.
Why should anyone believe the right wing over our own intelligence services?
It is known as FANCY it. .........Spearphishing...........common tactic now for countries to spy on one another........Been going on forever..........just with the internet they can spy from abroad............

Our side spies..........tries to influence does Russia, China, Germany, UK, France, and EVERYONE....

We got caught bugging Merkels phone........they got caught spying on Turkey...and spying on John Kerry in the process........our CIA ops in China got arrested and some were executed........and so on............

This is nothing new. Unless you live under a rock.

You don't need a Special Council to investigate and charge people doing these crimes...........There is a division in the FBI that does this already.................And you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever bringing one of them to trial when they do it from Russia with Love.......We can't do it to the ones doing it in China..............if you think we can then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.

I suggest you tell Mueller to go to Mother Russia and get these guys............I'm sure they will go OMFG it's Mueller and hide......................Mueller did this as a show.........and nothing more knowing he'll never get them to go to trial.........and they trapped his ass.............They hired U.S. lawyers to come forward and demand DISCOVERY on the crimes.........under the law Mueller is required to give that information to them for their defense..............They screwed Mueller 10 ways side ways with that one.................His little game blew up in his face trying to figure out how the hell he can get around a Judge on that one..............Russians are LAUGHING AT MUELLER.................

This is a Circus............and nothing more. ENJOY THE SHOW.
lol. the right wing is nothing but fake news. fallacy is all they have.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
No no no..............not changing the subject............The OP is on our intel Agencies.......if you want to discuss the tax cuts start a new thread..............My point stands...........Prove overwise.............
right wing, "intelligence" is as Worthless as right wing Tax Cuts.
One line responses with nothing their but BUTT HURT change the OP not one iota...........

The 3 ring circus is now under investigation..........Mueller got his ass caught in a bear trap for disclosure......getting interesting..............ENJOY..............

Problem with lies.......need more lies to cover the 1st lie.......until the lies get killed by the IG report and Sessions investigation coming up............LOL
lol. the right wing is nothing but fake news. fallacy is all they have.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
No no no..............not changing the subject............The OP is on our intel Agencies.......if you want to discuss the tax cuts start a new thread..............My point stands...........Prove overwise.............
right wing, "intelligence" is as Worthless as right wing Tax Cuts.
One line responses with nothing their but BUTT HURT change the OP not one iota...........

The 3 ring circus is now under investigation..........Mueller got his ass caught in a bear trap for disclosure......getting interesting..............ENJOY..............

Problem with lies.......need more lies to cover the 1st lie.......until the lies get killed by the IG report and Sessions investigation coming up............LOL
nothing but fake news from the right wing? how many convictions does it take, to convince y'all. your own Guy, already called you all liars.



Democrats and the media are saying that Trump shouldn't question our intelligence agencies. Doing so is not only an embarrassment to this nation but tantamount to treason.

But those agencies swore that Saddam had WMDs.




I want to know!!!

You apparently don't understand sexing up intelligence by one dick cheney.
Oh, so it was just Dick Cheney who fooled the FBI and the CIA....along with Colin Powell.

It was just Dick Cheney.

Bush is cool now cuz he hangs with Bill and Hill.
Why should anyone believe the right wing over our own intelligence services?
Uh......isn't our intelligence services filled with rightwingers? wonder these fuckers lie so much.....THEY'RE LIBERALS!!!!



Democrats and the media are saying that Trump shouldn't question our intelligence agencies. Doing so is not only an embarrassment to this nation but tantamount to treason.

But those agencies swore that Saddam had WMDs.




I want to know!!!

You apparently don't understand sexing up intelligence by one dick cheney.
Oh, so it was just Dick Cheney who fooled the FBI and the CIA....along with Colin Powell.

It was just Dick Cheney.

Bush is cool now cuz he hangs with Bill and Hill.
Why should anyone believe the right wing over our own intelligence services?
Uh......isn't our intelligence services filled with rightwingers? wonder these fuckers lie so much.....THEY'RE LIBERALS!!!!
why call your own guys, liars, right wingers?



Democrats and the media are saying that Trump shouldn't question our intelligence agencies. Doing so is not only an embarrassment to this nation but tantamount to treason.

But those agencies swore that Saddam had WMDs.




I want to know!!!

You apparently don't understand sexing up intelligence by one dick cheney.
Oh, so it was just Dick Cheney who fooled the FBI and the CIA....along with Colin Powell.

It was just Dick Cheney.

Bush is cool now cuz he hangs with Bill and Hill.
Why should anyone believe the right wing over our own intelligence services?
Uh......isn't our intelligence services filled with rightwingers? wonder these fuckers lie so much.....THEY'RE LIBERALS!!!!

What political rival of the Clinton showed up dead?
Too bad the mother truckers didn't listen to the Russians when they warned them about the Boston Marathon bombers eh?
They listened, of course. But they do not have the resources to surveil, 24/7, every single person who may be an extremist.
PROVE IT...............FANCY BEAR is all over the net..........I could post a bunch of articles and videos on what I just posted........and have on other threads.........I gave the Germans response to our spying on them.....but it is wasted on TDS people like you..................

Enjoy FANTASYLAND........because that is all you have...........The FACTS are biting your side right in the ass right now.........Enjoy............I know I am........your losing.........
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
No no no..............not changing the subject............The OP is on our intel Agencies.......if you want to discuss the tax cuts start a new thread..............My point stands...........Prove overwise.............
right wing, "intelligence" is as Worthless as right wing Tax Cuts.
One line responses with nothing their but BUTT HURT change the OP not one iota...........

The 3 ring circus is now under investigation..........Mueller got his ass caught in a bear trap for disclosure......getting interesting..............ENJOY..............

Problem with lies.......need more lies to cover the 1st lie.......until the lies get killed by the IG report and Sessions investigation coming up............LOL
nothing but fake news from the right wing? how many convictions does it take, to convince y'all. your own Guy, already called you all liars.
How so.............I never said they didn't try to hack the DNC.......didn't deny that Julian is confined to Equador embassy for 6 years cause he fished the DNC and the emails and exposed Hillary............that exposure was the truth.............but if he comes out of the embassy...........well.........he gets nabbed and comes to trial.........he committed a crime and can be charged..........

Just like Snowden........exposing the intel for spying on our allies.............He is a criminal as well...........why he is in hiding.......

Your strawman is BS.............and the current indictments are a JOKE..........Yes they committed a crime...but you have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting them to trial. Mueller has no authority to nab them in Russia......just like we can't nab the people doing it from China........This was a show......and spearphishing is a common problem around the world..............used for spying because it's cheap..........All you got to do is find the right dummy to click it......and your in.

Given that no one can prove it had any effect on the election......and no one can prove that it was COLLUSION WITH TRUMP...........All the intel agencies have continuously denied that Trump COLLUDED with Russia.....which is exactly why they are trying to fry people for tax evasion.
It sure is kind of the Trumpkins to do all the footwork amd heavy lifting for the incompetent, rogue president. This thread is an example of the sort of defense a desperate person makes. So all of this prattling and hand wronging is really just a warm-up exercise for if and when Mueller's investigation reflects very poorly on Trump.
promoting the Hellish conditions of warfare on Earth on a for-profit basis, is a moral turpitude, right wingers.
Again.........when you get your ass handed to you............just like Mueller is getting his ass whooped for his use one liners to troll.............

Your useless..............
tax cut economics are Worthless if they don't cover spending. Why does the right wing allege,otherwise; but for being, fake news.
No no no..............not changing the subject............The OP is on our intel Agencies.......if you want to discuss the tax cuts start a new thread..............My point stands...........Prove overwise.............
right wing, "intelligence" is as Worthless as right wing Tax Cuts.
One line responses with nothing their but BUTT HURT change the OP not one iota...........

The 3 ring circus is now under investigation..........Mueller got his ass caught in a bear trap for disclosure......getting interesting..............ENJOY..............

Problem with lies.......need more lies to cover the 1st lie.......until the lies get killed by the IG report and Sessions investigation coming up............LOL
nothing but fake news from the right wing? how many convictions does it take, to convince y'all. your own Guy, already called you all liars.
How so.............I never said they didn't try to hack the DNC.......didn't deny that Julian is confined to Equador embassy for 6 years cause he fished the DNC and the emails and exposed Hillary............that exposure was the truth.............but if he comes out of the embassy...........well.........he gets nabbed and comes to trial.........he committed a crime and can be charged..........

Just like Snowden........exposing the intel for spying on our allies.............He is a criminal as well...........why he is in hiding.......

Your strawman is BS.............and the current indictments are a JOKE..........Yes they committed a crime...but you have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting them to trial. Mueller has no authority to nab them in Russia......just like we can't nab the people doing it from China........This was a show......and spearphishing is a common problem around the world..............used for spying because it's cheap..........All you got to do is find the right dummy to click it......and your in.

Given that no one can prove it had any effect on the election......and no one can prove that it was COLLUSION WITH TRUMP...........All the intel agencies have continuously denied that Trump COLLUDED with Russia.....which is exactly why they are trying to fry people for tax evasion.
Only the right wing was, "dumb enough" to take Wikileaks as their Gospel Truth over MSM.
The Obama Administration’s Defiance of Inspectors General—A Faulty Opinion from the Justice Department

Unless the DOJ withdraws this flawed OLC opinion, Congress must rectify the DOJ’s faulty statutory interpretation. As stated by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, any legislative solution must “affirm[] the authority of an Inspector General under IG Act Section 6(a) to access, independently and without delay, all information and data in an agency’s possession that the Inspector General deems necessary to conduct its oversight functions.”

Congress can correct the OLC’s misreading of “all” in the IG Act by:

  1. Writing into § 3(a) that the attorney general’s role of “general supervision” over the IG does not include the power to restrict the disclosure of materials the IG requests or to otherwise interfere with IG investigations and audits except as stated in § 8(E);
  2. Amending § 6(a)(1) to state that IGs are “to have access to all records…with respect to which that Inspector General has responsibilities under this Act, unless Congress explicitly denies the OIG access to specified documents”; or “notwithstanding any other law”; or
  3. Passing separate legislation that states unambiguously that no law restricting access to information applies to IGs unless that law expressly states such a restriction.
Congress and the public both deserve the fullest information about the executive branch, its operations, and any fraud or abuses of its power and authority.
promoting the Hellish conditions of warfare on Earth on a for-profit basis, is a moral turpitude, right wingers.
Again.........when you get your ass handed to you............just like Mueller is getting his ass whooped for his use one liners to troll.............

Your useless..............
how many guilty pleas does it take to convince the right wing?

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