So-called Conservatives: “The govt can’t have my guns, but they can indoctrinate my kids for 7 hours a day”


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Does that hypocrisy sound about right?

I don't know, maybe you can put off buying a new PU for yourself or SUV for your housefrau and think of your kids rather than yourself for a change.....Never let your kids see the inside of a public school.....You can do "toys" later in life.

Don't even think about saying "well I live in a red state". They are near as bad.

Those that have seen the light then kudos, the rest of you have some soul-searching to do.
buy guns and get your kids out of public schools. Both can be done easily enough. You cannot trust who is propagandizing your kids. They will lie to your face and do their dirty work behind your backs. LIke antifa, blm and black criminals, they work in groups to ruin your kids and destroy schools.
Does that hypocrisy sound about right?

I don't know, maybe you can put off buying a new PU for yourself or SUV for your housefrau and think of your kids rather than yourself for a change.....Never let your kids see the inside of a public school.....You can do "toys" later in life.

Don't even think about saying "well I live in a red state". They are near as bad.

Those that have seen the light then kudos, the rest of you have some soul-searching to do.
What do you expect when parents turn over the responsibility of raising their kids to the public school system? I mean perhaps it is news to you, but parenting involves more than keeping them clothed, fed, and a roof over their head. When it comes to teaching them morality, ethics, financial responsibility, and citizenship--well that is on you as well.

Look, if you hired a raving communist nanny would you be surprised that your kids became communists? The public school system is the same thing. Parents treat the school as their nanny. But Red State, or Blue State, or any state, your children are going to be exposed to some BULLSHIT. Us that has a teaching moment, get involved with your children, their school, and their school work. Play defense, and you won't have to punt.
There aren't enough private schools for all who would choose that option, and homeschooling is out of the question for most. So, we're stuck with public schools for now. Best to attend school board meetings and support sensible policies, be aware of your kids' attitudes, opinions, etc. Teachers fear parents, so use that fear to keep them in line.
There aren't enough private schools for all who would choose that option, and homeschooling is out of the question for most. So, we're stuck with public schools for now. Best to attend school board meetings and support sensible policies, be aware of your kids' attitudes, opinions, etc.
BS, they would be built if the demand was there.....No will, no demand.
Does that hypocrisy sound about right?

I don't know, maybe you can put off buying a new PU for yourself or SUV for your housefrau and think of your kids rather than yourself for a change.....Never let your kids see the inside of a public school.....You can do "toys" later in life.

Don't even think about saying "well I live in a red state". They are near as bad.

Those that have seen the light then kudos, the rest of you have some soul-searching to do.

This is why we homeschooled our kids.
Does that hypocrisy sound about right?

I don't know, maybe you can put off buying a new PU for yourself or SUV for your housefrau and think of your kids rather than yourself for a change.....Never let your kids see the inside of a public school.....You can do "toys" later in life.

Don't even think about saying "well I live in a red state". They are near as bad.

Those that have seen the light then kudos, the rest of you have some soul-searching to do.


A public school in small town Nebraska is far superior to a private school in NYC or Berkeley CA.

Your stereotypes are dumb.
buy guns and get your kids out of public schools. Both can be done easily enough. You cannot trust who is propagandizing your kids. They will lie to your face and do their dirty work behind your backs. LIke antifa, blm and black criminals, they work in groups to ruin your kids and destroy schools.

Hey parents. When your schools go to four-day weeks, and then eventually the whole system craters, this was why.

This attitude right here. Same thing as Defund the Police = crime wave, this will have real consequences.
There aren't enough private schools for all who would choose that option, and homeschooling is out of the question for most. So, we're stuck with public schools for now. Best to attend school board meetings and support sensible policies, be aware of your kids' attitudes, opinions, etc. Teachers fear parents, so use that fear to keep them in line.

I'm doing one better. Because of the lack of trust, the absolute cratering of it, I tell everyone that Community Schools (public schools) are now unsustainable. America has lost its community.

As much as it has enriched my life, as dear as it has been to me, I do not recommend teaching to anyone now. There is no trust left.

Thanks, my fellow conservatives. You did this.
What do you expect when parents turn over the responsibility of raising their kids to the public school system? I mean perhaps it is news to you, but parenting involves more than keeping them clothed, fed, and a roof over their head. When it comes to teaching them morality, ethics, financial responsibility, and citizenship--well that is on you as well.

Look, if you hired a raving communist nanny would you be surprised that your kids became communists? The public school system is the same thing. Parents treat the school as their nanny. But Red State, or Blue State, or any state, your children are going to be exposed to some BULLSHIT. Us that has a teaching moment, get involved with your children, their school, and their school work. Play defense, and you won't have to punt.

These people--my fellow conservatives--say this BS out of one side of their mouths and then out of the other, run down the schools for not teaching their kids how to balance a checkbook and drive a car.

I wish I were kidding.
I'm doing one better. Because of the lack of trust, the absolute cratering of it, I tell everyone that Community Schools (public schools) are now unsustainable. America has lost its community.

As much as it has enriched my life, as dear as it has been to me, I do not recommend teaching to anyone now. There is no trust left.

Thanks, my fellow conservatives. You did this.
Bitch and moan...

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