So California Girl

Apparently stoners think that everyone is OK with their use of it. I'm not, if the person using it has an impact on my safety and welfare. That's a fact. The federal government and most of the private sector share my view. That is also a fact.

It also appears that their is a causal relationship between its use and psychosis, at least according to the BMJ. I can believe the BMJ or believe what some poster types on the net. I believe the BMJ lacking any other science that I see pertaining to the topic.

They can deal with that, or not. So far, they're not taking that so well. Funny how my opinion about their practice is so valuable to them.

But it IS nice having a clear head.

I really don't give a shit what you think about my marijuana use. I am successful in life as a marijuana user and it's obvious that you are clueless about it.

I just enjoy mocking you.
Apparently stoners think that everyone is OK with their use of it. I'm not, if the person using it has an impact on my safety and welfare. That's a fact. The federal government and most of the private sector share my view. That is also a fact.

It also appears that their is a causal relationship between its use and psychosis, at least according to the BMJ. I can believe the BMJ or believe what some poster types on the net. I believe the BMJ lacking any other science that I see pertaining to the topic.

They can deal with that, or not. So far, they're not taking that so well. Funny how my opinion about their practice is so valuable to them.

But it IS nice having a clear head.

I really don't give a shit what you think about my marijuana use. I am successful in life as a marijuana user and it's obvious that you are clueless about it.

I just enjoy mocking you.
Good for you that you've found a way to make a living where they don't care about your use. I mean that. And, I'm betting you'll tell me again that you don't care.

Although you felt so very insulted that I stated that our professional lives would never pass, that's all I really care about your use of it. We won't cross paths professionally and that's a good thing in my book.

Having used marijuana personally probably about 20 times in my life when I was younger, I know that I have no use for it personally. I also know that I have no use for users of it in my life other than a casual relationship of little import to me.

As I said, it's a choice we all make.
Yes. Marijuana does stimulate appetite. If you use marijuana be prepared to gain a few pounds.

If you've already eaten something, you probably won't eat again just because you are high. And if someone can't control food intake, then they shouldn't eat when they're not high.

Control of food intake has to do with discipline.
Apparently stoners think that everyone is OK with their use of it. I'm not, if the person using it has an impact on my safety and welfare. That's a fact. The federal government and most of the private sector share my view. That is also a fact.

It also appears that their is a causal relationship between its use and psychosis, at least according to the BMJ. I can believe the BMJ or believe what some poster types on the net. I believe the BMJ lacking any other science that I see pertaining to the topic.

They can deal with that, or not. So far, they're not taking that so well. Funny how my opinion about their practice is so valuable to them.

But it IS nice having a clear head.

I really don't give a shit what you think about my marijuana use. I am successful in life as a marijuana user and it's obvious that you are clueless about it.

I just enjoy mocking you.
Good for you that you've found a way to make a living where they don't care about your use. I mean that. And, I'm betting you'll tell me again that you don't care.

Although you felt so very insulted that I stated that our professional lives would never pass, that's all I really care about your use of it. We won't cross paths professionally and that's a good thing in my book.

Having used marijuana personally probably about 20 times in my life when I was younger, I know that I have no use for it personally. I also know that I have no use for users of it in my life other than a casual relationship of little import to me.

As I said, it's a choice we all make.

Well gee thanks.

I suggest keeping it at that because when you pretend you know what you are talking about on the matter it only highlights what an ignorant and lame bitch you are.
I really don't give a shit what you think about my marijuana use. I am successful in life as a marijuana user and it's obvious that you are clueless about it.

I just enjoy mocking you.
Good for you that you've found a way to make a living where they don't care about your use. I mean that. And, I'm betting you'll tell me again that you don't care.

Although you felt so very insulted that I stated that our professional lives would never pass, that's all I really care about your use of it. We won't cross paths professionally and that's a good thing in my book.

Having used marijuana personally probably about 20 times in my life when I was younger, I know that I have no use for it personally. I also know that I have no use for users of it in my life other than a casual relationship of little import to me.

As I said, it's a choice we all make.

Well gee thanks.

I suggest keeping it at that because when you pretend you know what you are talking about on the matter it only highlights what an ignorant and lame bitch you are.
Are you sure you don't want to declare how much you don't care what I think, again? You can never say it too much. :lol:

I'm so sorry your feelings are so bruised by me and by the BMJ.
Good for you that you've found a way to make a living where they don't care about your use. I mean that. And, I'm betting you'll tell me again that you don't care.

Although you felt so very insulted that I stated that our professional lives would never pass, that's all I really care about your use of it. We won't cross paths professionally and that's a good thing in my book.

Having used marijuana personally probably about 20 times in my life when I was younger, I know that I have no use for it personally. I also know that I have no use for users of it in my life other than a casual relationship of little import to me.

As I said, it's a choice we all make.

Well gee thanks.

I suggest keeping it at that because when you pretend you know what you are talking about on the matter it only highlights what an ignorant and lame bitch you are.
Are you sure you don't want to declare how much you don't care what I think, again? You can never say it too much. :lol:

I'm so sorry your feelings are so bruised by me and by the BMJ.

*rereads last post*

Nope, don't see where I said I didn't care what you think again.

Lying is an ugly trait.
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Apparently stoners think that everyone is OK with their use of it. I'm not, if the person using it has an impact on my safety and welfare. That's a fact. The federal government and most of the private sector share my view. That is also a fact.

It also appears that their is a causal relationship between its use and psychosis, at least according to the BMJ. I can believe the BMJ or believe what some poster types on the net. I believe the BMJ lacking any other science that I see pertaining to the topic.

They can deal with that, or not. So far, they're not taking that so well. Funny how my opinion about their practice is so valuable to them.

But it IS nice having a clear head.

Is that the same federal government that has lied about the effects of marijuana use since the 50's?
Most of my friends smoke pot or smoked pot. I have one friend with diagnosed depression, which she developed before smoking pot. I have another friend who was diagnosed as bi polar long before she ever smoked pot.
If it caused what they claim, wouldnt at least one of friends have a mental illness?

Er...depression and bi polar are mental illnesses.

Here's the thing with drug use and mental illness...people with mental illness are drawn to drugs. It's called self medicating. So it's very, very difficult to determine if people are mentally ill BECAUSE of drug use, or if they use drugs because they're mentally ill.

It's a vicious circle. Schizophrenics love meth, for example. But meth can also cause schizophrenia. One of the reasons a lot of tweakers end up in treatment is because they start hearing voices.

There are marijuana addicts....people who just can't or won't live without the stuff, despite the fact that they've had their kids taken away and the whole nine yards. People do go into treatment for it, generally because there's child welfare involvement and they are encouraged to do so, or lose their kids.

Personally I could care less if people smoke..but if it's more important to you than paying the electric bill, working or keeping your kids, then you've got a problem. It wouldn't matter how stupid I thought the law was; if child welfare determined I needed to quit smoking and become the anti-marijuana poster child, I'd fucking do it in order to get my kids back.
And the truth of the matter is, different people react differently. I had a friend who smoked pot all his teen years and through his 20s. He tapered off as he got older, then tried it again when he attended a party with his wife. He became deathly ill AND psychotic and got a trip to the ER for his trouble. He'd developed some sort of sensitivity to it. Who knows the whys and wherefores, but they're honest, intelligent people and when they shared that story with me, I believed them. Especially since I can't handle hash. When I was young I could do abuse every drug under the sun with no particularly harsh side effects...but hash made me puke and become insensible. Go figure.

So people who insist marijuana is completely benign for everyone don't know what they're talking about. Different people have different threshholds for drugs.
And the truth of the matter is, different people react differently. I had a friend who smoked pot all his teen years and through his 20s. He tapered off as he got older, then tried it again when he attended a party with his wife. He became deathly ill AND psychotic and got a trip to the ER for his trouble. He'd developed some sort of sensitivity to it. Who knows the whys and wherefores, but they're honest, intelligent people and when they shared that story with me, I believed them. Especially since I can't handle hash. When I was young I could do abuse every drug under the sun with no particularly harsh side effects...but hash made me puke and become insensible. Go figure.

So people who insist marijuana is completely benign for everyone don't know what they're talking about. Different people have different threshholds for drugs.

That's BS. The guy might have been "deathly ill" but that was not caused by pot. Sometimes people put other substances in pot. THAT is possible since many people overdose on pot laced with other drugs. By itself...not a chance. I have smoked pot maybe a hundred times... I don't care for the "stupid" symptom but it never made me ill in any way and I have tried some of the strongest pot on the planet. I have known and know hundreds and possibly thousands of pot smokers over the 45 years since I first tried it and "deathly ill" has NEVER happened because of just pot. Like I said..that report is bogus or those symptoms were caused by something else.
Alliebaba said:
When I was young I could do abuse every drug under the sun with no particularly harsh side effects...but hash made me puke and become insensible. Go figure.

You puked because you smoked low-quality hashish with not so good mixed ingredients.
Alliebaba said:
When I was young I could do abuse every drug under the sun with no particularly harsh side effects...but hash made me puke and become insensible. Go figure.

You puked because you smoked low-quality hashish with not so good mixed ingredients.

What you know about that hashish ekrem?
Alliebaba said:
When I was young I could do abuse every drug under the sun with no particularly harsh side effects...but hash made me puke and become insensible. Go figure.

You puked because you smoked low-quality hashish with not so good mixed ingredients.
Sadly, she stayed insensible for life.

Maybe there is some truth to the rumor...:lol:
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Most of my friends smoke pot or smoked pot. I have one friend with diagnosed depression, which she developed before smoking pot. I have another friend who was diagnosed as bi polar long before she ever smoked pot.
If it caused what they claim, wouldnt at least one of friends have a mental illness?

Er...depression and bi polar are mental illnesses.

Here's the thing with drug use and mental illness...people with mental illness are drawn to drugs. It's called self medicating. So it's very, very difficult to determine if people are mentally ill BECAUSE of drug use, or if they use drugs because they're mentally ill.

It's a vicious circle. Schizophrenics love meth, for example. But meth can also cause schizophrenia. One of the reasons a lot of tweakers end up in treatment is because they start hearing voices.

There are marijuana addicts....people who just can't or won't live without the stuff, despite the fact that they've had their kids taken away and the whole nine yards. People do go into treatment for it, generally because there's child welfare involvement and they are encouraged to do so, or lose their kids.

Personally I could care less if people smoke..but if it's more important to you than paying the electric bill, working or keeping your kids, then you've got a problem. It wouldn't matter how stupid I thought the law was; if child welfare determined I needed to quit smoking and become the anti-marijuana poster child, I'd fucking do it in order to get my kids back.

Really? They are?:eek:

I meant, wouldn't one of my friends have a mental illness from pot. Those are the only two who do, and it wasn't caused by pot. Living where I do, a lot of people smoke, and I haven't met one person who has a mental illness caused by pot or that was developed by pot.
I have also already talked about self medicating. ;)
Here ya go. I know . Let the bleating continue by the brainwashed sheep.
[ame=]YouTube - Montel Williams - Medical Marijuana[/ame]
Oh, and by the way
Epidemiological evidence

Contemporary interest in this topic began with a longitudinal study of Swedish conscripts reported by Andreasson and his colleagues. 1 Their findings have been replicated and extended in a series of longitudinal studies 2 – 6 all of which have found increased rates of psychosis or psychotic symptoms in people using cannabis ( table ). Furthermore, these findings of longitudinal, case-control studies have been augmented by a series of cross-sectional studies of large populations 7 and high risk populations. 8 – 11 These studies produce the following suggestive evidence that supports the conclusion that the link between the use of cannabis and increased risks of psychosis is likely to be causal.
[Emphasis added]

Cannabis and psychosis -- Fergusson et al. 332 (7534): 172 --

You know what I think is funny. From what you posted, all you have proven is people who smoke pot have a higher chance of psychosis. Which is the same for any drug, including alcohol. It doesn't look like they really proved it causes it.

What is also funny, is California Girl talked about an article that would be coming out in Britain. Talked about it for months.

And here is the source for the conclusion about marijuana use increasing, but not psychosis.

13Degenhardt, L., Hall, W., & Lynskey, M. (2001) Comorbidity between cannabis use and psychosis: Modelling some possible relationships. NDARC Technical Report No. 121. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. pdf.
The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, suggest that activity in the basolateral amygdala is involved in marijuana-induced paranoia (the state of becoming afraid of things that wouldn't normally trigger fear). That means marijuana is actually enhancing a type of learning about fear, leading the brain to jump to conclusions about mild experiences involving particular places or things, and to perceive them as scarier and more strongly connected than they are.

Read more: A Rat Study Helps Explain Why Pot Smokers and People With Schizophrenia Are Paranoid - - TIME Healthland

Incident cannabis use almost doubled the risk of later incident psychotic symptoms, even after accounting for factors such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, use of other drugs, and other psychiatric diagnoses. Furthermore, in those with cannabis use at the start of the study, continued use of cannabis over the study period increased the risk of persistent psychotic symptoms
There was no evidence for self medication effects as psychotic symptoms did not predict later cannabis use.
These results "help to clarify the temporal association between cannabis use and psychotic experiences," say the authors. "In addition, cannabis use was confirmed as an environmental risk factor impacting on the risk of persistence of psychotic experiences."
The major challenge is to deter enough young people from using cannabis so that the prevalence of psychosis is reduced, say experts from Australia in an accompanying editorial.

Pot smokers, much like cigarette smokers, appear to prefer denial about the effects of their vice. Some of us prefer to recognize that we just don't know enough about pot to claim it's safe. It might be safe for some - but not for others. Personally, if I were the mother of a small child, the risk would outweigh the 'pleasure'... but that's just me... I'm uncool.
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