Snowflake "U"

Where are all these hateful conservatives coming from? I think it's more a case of the younger generation refusing to be controlled by bigotry.

It's much more like "Newspeak" from "1984"

Random hurtful words. :crybaby:

Wahh, I heard dagoniggerwopchinksandniggerbeanerretardfaggotcrackerbulldyke. Zomg! :crybaby:
You think those words are okay? In a college setting where young people are living and sharing space?
I thought more of you, Marion.

Just about any words and ideas should be OK in a college setting. It's supposed to be preparing young men and women for the real world. The real world is not always nice and something you agree with.

First they start by not using phonics, next they stop teaching Socratically.

This is on purpose so the children never realize they've been indoctrinated.

They have no ability to reason.
Tsk tsk tsk

They should have a 1st amendment lawsuit levied against them.

Congress shall make no laws ...

Does that mean we can prevent certain people from voting? After all we aren't "congress".

I think it means we can tell snowflakes to STFU and that they can't say that and they're pussies. At least by that logic.

See Wry? It's a 2-way street baby.
Not to worry. All the racist POS can still write Ni&&er on a White piece of paper and tape it to the Black Honor student's door.

However, I must say actions like removing the boards are not going to stop the harassment in the dorms and perhaps it will encourage more.
That is exactly how communism rises. Check out the rise of the Bolsheviks or especially the red guard. Where the youth in China were told to turn anyone that adheres to the FOUR OLDS, is the way they called it.

Khmer Rouge the same thing. The devil does not change. Same tactics.


Of course you would support hate speech, which is ignorance on steroids. By the time a child reaches maturity and is attending a University or four year college they have already been molded by their upbringing. Each generation had become less bigoted, until the election of President Obama made racism and misogyny acceptable - that is no longer in the closet, and this has infected the next generation, just now coming of age.

Society is not improved in any way by bigots! Nor is an institution of learning, where ignorance is replaced by learning which opens the minds (and hearts) of those whose brain has not been entirely washed.
That is exactly how communism rises. Check out the rise of the Bolsheviks or especially the red guard. Where the youth in China were told to turn anyone that adheres to the FOUR OLDS, is the way they called it.

Khmer Rouge the same thing. The devil does not change. Same tactics.

Not really, I think Communism grows from the barrel of a gun.
That is exactly how communism rises. Check out the rise of the Bolsheviks or especially the red guard. Where the youth in China were told to turn anyone that adheres to the FOUR OLDS, is the way they called it.

Khmer Rouge the same thing. The devil does not change. Same tactics.

"Ignorance is Strength;
"Freedom is Slavery;
"War is Peace";

And today, each is purported to "Make America Great Again"

Only the very stupid ^^^ post the same BIG LIE over and over add nausea, and have the hope that someone is ignorant and biased enough to believe it.
RW's oppose millennials because they are better educated, pragmatic, and have better paying jobs, so naturally they degrade them by calling them "snowflakes".

but other than RW's who gives a rats ass what RW's think or say, they're irrelevant in the big picture.
That is exactly how communism rises. Check out the rise of the Bolsheviks or especially the red guard. Where the youth in China were told to turn anyone that adheres to the FOUR OLDS, is the way they called it.

Khmer Rouge the same thing. The devil does not change. Same tactics.

Not really, I think Communism grows from the barrel of a gun.

Communism's father is exploitation, where the King, Czar, Clergy, aka, The Power Elite, take from the many and deprive them of the fruits of their labor. This can go on for generations, but soon a charismatic leader will emerge and lead the masses in revolution against the established order.

Sometimes the charismatic leader leads and passes reforms, but the disposed never quit in their effort to reclaim the power they lost. Sometimes the charismatic leader is simply a demagogue, whose pathos are false and his promises fad away once he is has assumed the throne.

They should have a 1st amendment lawsuit levied against them.

Congress shall make no laws ...

Does that mean we can prevent certain people from voting? After all we aren't "congress".

Nice spin, and the answer is yes. We deny felons the ability to vote, we denied women the right to vote, we denied and continue to roadblock blacks from voting.

Whose to say what the new right will one day do? We see the effort to suppress the vote in states controlled by the Republican Party, intentionally closing poling places, reducing the number of days or hours to vote, demanding specific forms of ID to vote, and not providing a simple and free way to obtain whatever form of ID they decide is proper.
Taking away everybody's whiteboard method of expression does amount to fascism

No it doesn't. It will make the kids think up new ways to expressively offend their fellow students besides writing mean things on their white boards.
Taking away everybody's whiteboard method of expression does amount to fascism

No it doesn't. It will make the kids think up new ways to expressively offend their fellow students besides writing mean things on their white boards.

Now they can't post creative things on their doors. I disagree, it's stifling creativity.
if not having access to a whiteboard is the worst damn thing that ever happens to students they'll be lucky as hell.

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