Sneaky Way The Obama Administration Is Allowing Illegal Immigrants To Join The Military


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
While many fine American citizens are getting the boot from the military because of downsizing, illegal aliens from all over the world will be allowed to join. Never mind the terrorist threat is high. If I didn't know better, I'd think Obama wanted to get rid of generals and other officers who love their country and replace them with those who don't. It makes no sense that we would force out citizens who have served honorably while replacing them with illegal aliens, some who don't have allegiance to America. He promised to wait till after the election to grant amnesty, but the truth is that he has already been doing it through executive order.

And just who has been granted DACA status?

As of June 2014, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 1,423 citizens from Pakistan have been granted executive amnesty through DACA. Furthermore, the administration has approved 449,921 Mexican citizens and tens of thousands of others from at least 18 different countries.

This news comes the same week the Justice Department convicted Sohiel Kabir of terrorism. An Afghan-born, naturalized U.S. citizen who served in the U.S. Air Force, Kabir was charged with providing material support to terrorists by making arrangements to join al-Qaeda and other related charges. He faces life in prison when sentenced.

All of this is happening at a time when the threat of international terrorism is on the rise, and the military is downsizing. In fact, according to American Enterprise Institute defense expert Mackenzie Eaglen, the active-duty Army has declined 21 percent from a post-9/11 wartime high of 570,000 down to 450,000 soldiers, and could go as low as 420,000 if current funding levels continue.
It continues to get worse. The deep cuts in our military are underway now and many good citizens will have their military careers ended because of those cuts. And he intends to replace them with non-citizens. I will remain outraged at this because it's wrong on all levels. Military just had the first round of cuts and it's only the beginning. Obama is kicking Americans out and putting illegals in. Once again he shows that he doesn't work for America.
So you are saying that the National; Guard, which supplies at least 25% of the troops in Afghanistan are getting fired?
So you are saying that the National; Guard, which supplies at least 25% of the troops in Afghanistan are getting fired?

Not sure if they are included. I have many friends and family in the military and the cuts are beginning now. Lots of people with perfect records are being cut. Seems most are officers and higher ranking enlisted, who make more money than the newbies. And they probably figure that a lot of the new enlistees will just do their 4 years and they won't have to worry about paying pensions later on. The ones who opted to make military a career and were working toward retirement just got screwed and might end up in unemployment lines while the illegals will gain opportunities. It is just wrong when citizens should have the opportunity over illegal aliens. I think allowing illegal aliens from Afghanistan to be sent back to fight on our behalf is stupid. Nothing like having the enemy hiding among our own troops.

Liberals have a tendency to go overboard with military personnel cuts and then a few years later they realize they went too far. Now that Obama is taking in illegals and allowing citizenship in exchange for military service, more will jump at it and more citizens will be cut. I don't think it's about the number of troops, rather the cost of paying them. So out with college grads and in with unknown people from all over who might be our sworn enemies. While the claim now is that it's a limited number, I don't doubt that isn't accurate and that it will increase as more and more illegals demand the "right" to get amnesty through military or any means possible.

I don't trust Obama one iota when it comes to dealing with any Muslim terrorists.
Actually, the screwing began with the cuts to benefits.

Yanno, I love the way this country loves it's vets or military when it's convenient as a political football.
This has been going on for quite awhile. Why is this suddenly news now?

This is from 2008
Immigrants in the U.S. Armed Forces

Absolutely agree. President Obama allowing illegal immigrants to serve in the military is no different than Bush allowing foreign-born U.S. residents and naturalized pyrsyns to serve in the military during his presidency.

Anyone asserting otherwise is clearly doing so out of racism.
Sheet man they were pushing out career NCO's when I was in during Reagan, my Dad hit 25 years in 1985 and wanted to stay 30...
The military has always reduced standing forces after a war my good fellow...
It continues to get worse. The deep cuts in our military are underway now and many good citizens will have their military careers ended because of those cuts. And he intends to replace them with non-citizens. I will remain outraged at this because it's wrong on all levels. Military just had the first round of cuts and it's only the beginning. Obama is kicking Americans out and putting illegals in. Once again he shows that he doesn't work for America.
bull crud Clementine....

immigrants won't be replacing any generals or any officers or any non commissioned officers.....

to twist and turn this, in to your faux outrage and concern for officers and NCO's being replaced by them is just plain stupid, and your ODS is being worn on your coat sleeve.

Some 18 or 20 year old ain't gonna replace those people anytime soon dear one!

you do know the criteria for the illegal immigrants to be eligible don't you?
Sheet man they were pushing out career NCO's when I was in during Reagan, my Dad hit 25 years in 1985 and wanted to stay 30...
The military has always reduced standing forces after a war my good fellow...

Now they are reducing it at a time when we might need a strong military to fight ISIS and other threats. And he will allow illegals, some from Muslim countries, to protect us. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture?

If it were a matter of cutting back, fine. But they are still actively recruiting people and allowing illegals to join. That means it's not about cutting numbers, but swapping troops.
While many fine American citizens are getting the boot from the military because of downsizing, illegal aliens from all over the world will be allowed to join. Never mind the terrorist threat is high. If I didn't know better, I'd think Obama wanted to get rid of generals and other officers who love their country and replace them with those who don't. It makes no sense that we would force out citizens who have served honorably while replacing them with illegal aliens, some who don't have allegiance to America. He promised to wait till after the election to grant amnesty, but the truth is that he has already been doing it through executive order.

And just who has been granted DACA status?

As of June 2014, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 1,423 citizens from Pakistan have been granted executive amnesty through DACA. Furthermore, the administration has approved 449,921 Mexican citizens and tens of thousands of others from at least 18 different countries.

This news comes the same week the Justice Department convicted Sohiel Kabir of terrorism. An Afghan-born, naturalized U.S. citizen who served in the U.S. Air Force, Kabir was charged with providing material support to terrorists by making arrangements to join al-Qaeda and other related charges. He faces life in prison when sentenced.

All of this is happening at a time when the threat of international terrorism is on the rise, and the military is downsizing. In fact, according to American Enterprise Institute defense expert Mackenzie Eaglen, the active-duty Army has declined 21 percent from a post-9/11 wartime high of 570,000 down to 450,000 soldiers, and could go as low as 420,000 if current funding levels continue.

It's a very small number of people with special qualifications. Get your facts straight. Besides, the nature of defense, and the skills needed, have changed.
This has been going on for quite awhile. Why is this suddenly news now?

This is from 2008
Immigrants in the U.S. Armed Forces

What's your point. It was wrong then too.
Immigration Policy & Recent Legislation

  • Military services and USCIS have worked together to streamline the citizenship application process for service members.
  • In July 2002, the President issued an executive order that made noncitizen members of the armed forces eligible for expedited US citizenship.
  • Revisions in the US citizenship law in 2004 have allowed USCIS to conduct naturalization interviews and ceremonies for foreign-born US armed forces members serving at military bases abroad. According to USCIS data from April 2008, more than 5,050 foreign-born service members have become citizens during overseas military naturalization ceremonies while on active duty in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Kenya, as well as in the Pacific aboard the USS Kitty Hawk.
  • Since September 2001, USCIS has naturalized more than 37,250 foreign-born members of the armed forces and granted posthumous citizenship to 111 service members
  • Immigrants in the Military - Fact Sheet OneAmerica
Immigrants an Non Citizens in the US Armed Forces

Exactly what I said. Having difficulty with the concept of day late and dollar short?
This has been going on for quite awhile. Why is this suddenly news now?

This is from 2008
Immigrants in the U.S. Armed Forces

What's your point. It was wrong then too.
Immigration Policy & Recent Legislation

  • Military services and USCIS have worked together to streamline the citizenship application process for service members.
  • In July 2002, the President issued an executive order that made noncitizen members of the armed forces eligible for expedited US citizenship.
  • Revisions in the US citizenship law in 2004 have allowed USCIS to conduct naturalization interviews and ceremonies for foreign-born US armed forces members serving at military bases abroad. According to USCIS data from April 2008, more than 5,050 foreign-born service members have become citizens during overseas military naturalization ceremonies while on active duty in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Kenya, as well as in the Pacific aboard the USS Kitty Hawk.
  • Since September 2001, USCIS has naturalized more than 37,250 foreign-born members of the armed forces and granted posthumous citizenship to 111 service members
  • Immigrants in the Military - Fact Sheet OneAmerica
Immigrants an Non Citizens in the US Armed Forces

Exactly what I said. Having difficulty with the concept of day late and dollar short?

I'm having difficulty with you thinking that listing a history on the matter is somehow an argument for it.

"In July 2002, the President issued an executive order that made noncitizen members of the armed forces eligible for expedited US citizenship." --- That is subversive. The president is not a king, and he should not be handing out citizenship as if it is his to give away. He is not above the law; and that is an abuse of the executive order power.
Why wouldn't you want illegal immigrants in our military?

If they are willing to die for our country, they will make good citizens
This has been going on for quite awhile. Why is this suddenly news now?

This is from 2008
Immigrants in the U.S. Armed Forces

What's your point. It was wrong then too.
Immigration Policy & Recent Legislation

  • Military services and USCIS have worked together to streamline the citizenship application process for service members.
  • In July 2002, the President issued an executive order that made noncitizen members of the armed forces eligible for expedited US citizenship.
  • Revisions in the US citizenship law in 2004 have allowed USCIS to conduct naturalization interviews and ceremonies for foreign-born US armed forces members serving at military bases abroad. According to USCIS data from April 2008, more than 5,050 foreign-born service members have become citizens during overseas military naturalization ceremonies while on active duty in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Kenya, as well as in the Pacific aboard the USS Kitty Hawk.
  • Since September 2001, USCIS has naturalized more than 37,250 foreign-born members of the armed forces and granted posthumous citizenship to 111 service members
  • Immigrants in the Military - Fact Sheet OneAmerica
Immigrants an Non Citizens in the US Armed Forces

Exactly what I said. Having difficulty with the concept of day late and dollar short?

I'm having difficulty with you thinking that listing a history on the matter is somehow an argument for it.

"In July 2002, the President issued an executive order that made noncitizen members of the armed forces eligible for expedited US citizenship." --- That is subversive. The president is not a king, and he should not be handing out citizenship as if it is his to give away. He is not above the law; and that is an abuse of the executive order power.

Here let me help you out with that. The reason that you are having this difficulty is that nowhere in the above did I say that I support it. It has nothing to do with supporting it.
This has been going on for quite awhile. Why is this suddenly news now?

This is from 2008
Immigrants in the U.S. Armed Forces

We are now routinely dismissing well trained soldiers and valuable Officers from war zones, this is news because it is our pig fucking President circumventing laws he has sworn to "faithfully execute".

Were you not a flaming, unabashed partisan you could see that...but just another Bammy jizz drinker.

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