Situation in Damascus much better after 2014 elections


Nov 14, 2012
The situation has improved for the people in Damascus during the the last 12 months.

"RT: What's the situation like in Damascus these days? How's the war being felt there?

Alaa Ibrahim: The situation now in comparison with previous years since the beginning of the war - it is much better here in Damascus now since the presidential elections in 2014. The Syrian government is making an effort to show that it is more relaxed and more confident of its abilities to secure the Syrian capital, has lifted many security check points inside the capital Damascus, opened many roads. There are blackouts and long hours of no electricity here in Damascus, but the situation is much better than in other cities across the country…like Aleppo or Homs for example. But in general the situation now is very steady. People know how many hours of electricity they are getting; they know that there are sustainable supplies of heating, fuel, car petrol, of bread and other basic needs that the government subsidizes here in Syria. These supplies are steady. As the result the situation in Damascus in general is very steady and calm in comparison to previous years. Even the rate of mortar shells that the rebels used to attack Damascus with has dropped in the past few months… Obviously if you compare the situation [to the situation] before 2011 the situation has deteriorated dramatically. But relatively speaking it is better now in the context of the war in general."

Situation in Damascus much better after 2014 elections RT Op-Edge
A couple of days ago in Damascus.


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