Shut the F up Hillary

Shut the F up Hillary. I absolutely hate Trump. We would not have Trump as President without an inept Hillary. Now she is opening her big fat mouth about Trump. SHUT UP!

HMM--you state you HATE Trump, but you want Hillary Clinton to shut up about Trump. You make about as much sense as Trump--which is usually as clear as mud.:auiqs.jpg:

Would you care to elaborate on your statement regarding an "inept Hillary"?

If you can't, I would strongly suggest to take your crayons and coloring books and move back to whereever you came from--because you'll get your ass kicked on this board using platitude speak.

So says the fraud who used to pretend he was a conservative.

Get bent

I am country first, not political partisan bull shit first.

You're right I was a life long Republican until this Ass Clown became the poster boy of it. I then changed my party status to Unafiliated and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. There is no place for moderate Republicans. it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.


And I will be voting BLUE all the way down the ballot this November, just to get this ASS CLOWN out of office. Because I vote COUNTRY FIRST.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what these two will do with TREASON & OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE when one or both are sworn in as majority leaders in January 2019. If Republicans don't have the backbone to remove the Ass Clown from office under the 25th amendment--you can bet these two will have the disposition to do it.


Ahh I see you have formulated a new cover story since last we spoke.

Congrats on winning the STILL FULL OF SHIT award

Anyone that voted for Trump is the ultimate moron--and you're one of them. You've been on this board long enough to realise that Trump has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of U.S policy.

For the last 2 years you have seen credible, verifiable links, video tapes, etc. etc. of Trump's and his teams connections with Vladimir Putin, and you've ignored every single one of them. You're just trying to defend your own ignorance at this time, while you're Ass Clown is undermining the very foundation of this democracy--while you stand by and do nothing. You exemplify the typical horse shit that comes from partisan politics. YOU are what's wrong with this country.

No one could have watched any of those debates, either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton, and walked away believing he won a single one of them, or was competent and qualified to be POTUS. If they say differently they're lying through their teeth. So you voted for this.


Now you own it, and I don't feel a dam bit sorry for you.


Blue wave coming this November 2018
Shut the F up Hillary. I absolutely hate Trump. We would not have Trump as President without an inept Hillary. Now she is opening her big fat mouth about Trump. SHUT UP!

HMM--you state you HATE Trump, but you want Hillary Clinton to shut up about Trump. You make about as much sense as Trump--which is usually as clear as mud.:auiqs.jpg:

Would you care to elaborate on your statement regarding an "inept Hillary"?

If you can't, I would strongly suggest to take your crayons and coloring books and move back to whereever you came from--because you'll get your ass kicked on this board using platitude speak.

So says the fraud who used to pretend he was a conservative.

Get bent

I am country first, not political partisan bull shit first.

You're right I was a life long Republican until this Ass Clown became the poster boy of it. I then changed my party status to Unafiliated and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. There is no place for moderate Republicans. it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.


And I will be voting BLUE all the way down the ballot this November, just to get this ASS CLOWN out of office. Because I vote COUNTRY FIRST.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what these two will do with TREASON & OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE when one or both are sworn in as majority leaders in January 2019. If Republicans don't have the backbone to remove the Ass Clown from office under the 25th amendment--you can bet these two will have the disposition to do it.


So you vote against your best interest, what else is new libtard.

Shut the F up Hillary. I absolutely hate Trump. We would not have Trump as President without an inept Hillary. Now she is opening her big fat mouth about Trump. SHUT UP!

HMM--you state you HATE Trump, but you want Hillary Clinton to shut up about Trump. You make about as much sense as Trump--which is usually as clear as mud.:auiqs.jpg:

Would you care to elaborate on your statement regarding an "inept Hillary"?

If you can't, I would strongly suggest to take your crayons and coloring books and move back to whereever you came from--because you'll get your ass kicked on this board using platitude speak.

So says the fraud who used to pretend he was a conservative.

Get bent

I am country first, not political partisan bull shit first.

You're right I was a life long Republican until this Ass Clown became the poster boy of it. I then changed my party status to Unafiliated and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. There is no place for moderate Republicans. it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.


And I will be voting BLUE all the way down the ballot this November, just to get this ASS CLOWN out of office. Because I vote COUNTRY FIRST.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what these two will do with TREASON & OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE when one or both are sworn in as majority leaders in January 2019. If Republicans don't have the backbone to remove the Ass Clown from office under the 25th amendment--you can bet these two will have the disposition to do it.


Ahh I see you have formulated a new cover story since last we spoke.

Congrats on winning the STILL FULL OF SHIT award

Anyone that voted for Trump is the ultimate moron--and you're one of them. You've been on this board long enough to realise that Trump has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of U.S policy.

For the last 2 years you have seen credible, verifiable links, video tapes, etc. etc. of Trump's and his teams connections with Vladimir Putin, and you've ignored every single one of them. You're just trying to defend your own ignorance at this time, while you're Ass Clown is undermining the very foundation of this democracy--while you stand by and do nothing. You exemplify the typical horse shit that comes from partisan politics. YOU are what's wrong with this country.

No one could have watched any of those debates, either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton, and walked away believing he won a single one of them, or was competent and qualified to be POTUS. If they say differently they're lying through their teeth. So you voted for this.


Now you own it, and I don't feel a dam bit sorry for you.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

Shut the F up Hillary. I absolutely hate Trump. We would not have Trump as President without an inept Hillary. Now she is opening her big fat mouth about Trump. SHUT UP!

HMM--you state you HATE Trump, but you want Hillary Clinton to shut up about Trump. You make about as much sense as Trump--which is usually as clear as mud.:auiqs.jpg:

Would you care to elaborate on your statement regarding an "inept Hillary"?

If you can't, I would strongly suggest to take your crayons and coloring books and move back to whereever you came from--because you'll get your ass kicked on this board using platitude speak.

So says the fraud who used to pretend he was a conservative.

Get bent

I am country first, not political partisan bull shit first.

You're right I was a life long Republican until this Ass Clown became the poster boy of it. I then changed my party status to Unafiliated and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. There is no place for moderate Republicans. it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.


And I will be voting BLUE all the way down the ballot this November, just to get this ASS CLOWN out of office. Because I vote COUNTRY FIRST.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what these two will do with TREASON & OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE when one or both are sworn in as majority leaders in January 2019. If Republicans don't have the backbone to remove the Ass Clown from office under the 25th amendment--you can bet these two will have the disposition to do it.


So you vote against your best interest, what else is new libtard.


My interest is my country--not your bullshit partisan politics.

I am not a liberal. In fact I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the Poster boy of the Republican party. I have been on this board since 2008 and have over 17K posts to prove that.

I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.


This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, anger & fear. It's certainly no longer represents me.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency, and the only loyality he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

Shut the F up Hillary. I absolutely hate Trump. We would not have Trump as President without an inept Hillary. Now she is opening her big fat mouth about Trump. SHUT UP!

OH NO, we need her out there every day representing her commiecrat party. One of the best things republicans have going, the countries despise for the bitch. LMAO

i wonder if Hillary is aware that it wasnt Trump who allowed those 4 men to suffer an agonizing death in Benghazi

Actually it was The Congress, too cheap to fund defensive measures at our distant Missions and Consulates - I suppose because they do not believe diplomacy is worthy, they'd much rather fund War Planes and ships and now are considering Space Force.

Charline Lamb, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi, completely contradicts your lie in her congressional testimony. She said the budget had no bearing on the security decisions at Benghazi. Of course you knew that, but it just wouldn't fit your commie propaganda, would it?

I am not a liberal. In fact I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the Poster boy of the Republican party.

No wonder you love Hillary - she was a "Republican" too, and now she lies for the LEFT just like you do....
How much did you care about the 200+ Marines in Beirut?

If you are a Zionist Traitor, all you care about is that Israel doesn't get outed for doing it,. so "Islamic Jihad" must be real.... even though we only saw "2" of them, and they never did anything else...
Gaddafi was a scumbag terrorist dictator who was about to kill a lot of freedom Fighters.


Gaddafi had always been a scumbag terrorist dictator. It took a coward like your hero who leads form behind to decide to kill him and leave a US consulate in a country without a government so US citizens could die in the anarchy he left behind.



There was no
such conspiracy. The Ambassador was too Brave, he should not have gone there. Even so just a tragedy. Thanks for the video!


No official consulate or embassy should have been in Libya at that time until such a time as a legitimate government that had control of the country and could negotiate and supply security for said embassy existed.



Hindsight is 20-20; the attack on HRC & Obama as culpable for the Benghazi attack is a foolish dream of racists, misogynists, neo fascists and the biddable.

Really 8 separate Bengazi investigations couldn't be better stated than this.

Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.
There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

240 U.S. marines were killed in an embassy in Lebanon under Reagan, which resulted in 1 investigation.
1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia

I don't remember any investigations over G.W.'s Bengazi's?

So it became very political for this reason.


These people couldn't stop talking about it for 5 long years.

Donald Trump broke the conservative media
A great article that everyone should spend the next 20 minutes reading.

And of course the state run cable news network--aka the Trump media network.


Which all put together gave us this.


Now--for what to expect this November click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018


And for the investigations, & the reason that this administration has a turnover rate that beats Der Weinersnitzel just redirect to this post on this thread, by clicking this link.
Shut the F up Hillary

G. W. Bush's Benghazi was 9/11 & no one wanted that investigated.
Everyone gave Bush a pass.
Hillary lost, that's all that matters, that was our goal. That we crushed her even winning some of her blue states was icing on the cake. :eusa_dance:

The Trumpublicans lost seats in both the House and Senate in 2016. Votes in the EC can be narrowed down to about 75,000 votes. A defeat, but not quite a crushing defeat. Democrats have dropped the ball on the local level for at least the last generation. While enjoying freedom and liberty, they got fat and lazy while the forces of fascism/authoritarianism gathered and have been actively working hard to subvert all our gains in the last 100 years.

Our two party system has no place in the dynamic world of instantaneous worldwide communication. The people should wrestle control of that system from the forces that direct it.

Easier said than done!

I would rather see a full blown civil war.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

We are way past over due for some manure & seeing the heads of tyrants roll down hill into the gutters.

Why? You ever fought in a war?

No; I have not. The draft ended before I was 18 & I never volunteered.
Conservatives are always bitching about people living off the government so, I never did that.
But, then, that is not the point; is it? No, it isn't.
America requires some 'pruning' just as a tree requires pruning for continued good health.
The tree is way over due; comprende'?

Resorting to a Civil War would be akin to pruning a tree with hand grenades. We've had exactly one in our history for a reason.

Yep; because Lincoln hated the concept of 'states right'

But that's OK; ole Abe got his.
I am not a liberal. In fact I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the Poster boy of the Republican party.

No wonder you love Hillary - she was a "Republican" too, and now she lies for the LEFT just like you do....

No wonder you stated that. You're a Bernie Sanders supporter--and don't realise what you've done. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders ass worse than she did Trump. She wallopped him by 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes. In comparison, Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton in 2008, by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular primary votes. And you'll note that she wasn't running around campaigning on a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

When the Trump campaign got Vladimir Putin to release Debbie Wasserman's emails, we had Sanders supporters all over this board threatening to vote for Donald Trump,, if Sanders didn't win the nomination.. I imagine many of his supporters didn't vote, ,or cast a third party vote for Sanders of course, or actually did vote for Trump. You took the Russian bait and swallowed it hook, line & sinker.


Sanders supporters bought into the Russian hack, and swallowed it hook, line & sinker.

Sanders is also responsible for Hillary Clinton's loss. After getting his ass handed to him in New York, he refused to drop out. At that time he might as well been campaigning for the Trump campaign.

Sanders supporters are just as stupid as the Trump tards. A free college education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Both Sanders & Trump campaigned on a rigged election. I guess this is what men do when they're getting their ass's kicked by a woman. Sanders campaigning on breaking up the "big banks" when he knew full well that the Federal Government and Federal Reserve banks, operate separately and independently from one another, and that he nor the Federal Government has any authority over that. Hillary Clinton called him out on that during one debate, and he almost had a heart attack right there-:auiqs.jpg: It didn't stop him from campaigning on it though. Even after the final vote was counted he had to get booed by Democrats to officially step out of the race and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks
Sanders booed by House Democrats

Click this link and you can see some of the Russian adds that were inundated on social media outlets and then shared by millions.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Hillary Clinton's only mistake was underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.
Last edited:
I am not a liberal. In fact I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the Poster boy of the Republican party.

No wonder you love Hillary - she was a "Republican" too, and now she lies for the LEFT just like you do....

No wonder you stated that. You're a Bernie Sanders supporter--and don't realise what you've done. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders ass worse than she did Trump. She wallopped him by 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes. In comparison, Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton in 2008, by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular primary votes. And you'll note that she wasn't running around campaigning on a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

When the Trump campaign got Vladimir Putin to release Debbie Wasserman's emails, we had Sanders supporters all over this board threatening to vote for Donald Trump,, if Sanders didn't win the nomination.. I imagine many of his supporters didn't vote, ,or cast a third party vote for Sanders of course, or actually did vote for Trump. You took the Russian bait and swallowed it hook, line & sinker.


Sanders is also responsible for Hillary Clinton's loss. After getting his ass handed to him in New York, he refused to drop out. At that time he might as well been campaigning for the Trump campaign.

Sanders supporters are just as stupid as the Trump tards. A free college education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Both Sanders & Trump campaigned on a rigged election. I guess this is what men do when they're getting their ass's kicked by a woman. Sanders campaigning on breaking up the "big banks" when he knew full well that the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Government operate separately and independently from one another. He almost had a heart attack when Clinton called him out on that during a debate, but it didn't stop him from campaigning on it anyway. Then he had to get booed by House Democrats when even after the last vote was counted he wouldn't concede nor endorse Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is just as responsible for Clinton's loss as James Comey is. He will be the very last candidate to suddenly change their party status to run on a major DNC or RNC platform.
Sanders booed by House Democrats
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

Here's some of the RUSSIAN adds that were inundated on social media outlets and then shared by millions.


Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Hillary Clinton's only mistake was underestimating the ASTOUNDING IGNORANCE in this country.
Last edited:
The Trumpublicans lost seats in both the House and Senate in 2016. Votes in the EC can be narrowed down to about 75,000 votes. A defeat, but not quite a crushing defeat. Democrats have dropped the ball on the local level for at least the last generation. While enjoying freedom and liberty, they got fat and lazy while the forces of fascism/authoritarianism gathered and have been actively working hard to subvert all our gains in the last 100 years.

Our two party system has no place in the dynamic world of instantaneous worldwide communication. The people should wrestle control of that system from the forces that direct it.

Easier said than done!

I would rather see a full blown civil war.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

We are way past over due for some manure & seeing the heads of tyrants roll down hill into the gutters.

Why? You ever fought in a war?

No; I have not. The draft ended before I was 18 & I never volunteered.
Conservatives are always bitching about people living off the government so, I never did that.
But, then, that is not the point; is it? No, it isn't.
America requires some 'pruning' just as a tree requires pruning for continued good health.
The tree is way over due; comprende'?

Resorting to a Civil War would be akin to pruning a tree with hand grenades. We've had exactly one in our history for a reason.

Yep; because Lincoln hated the concept of 'states right'

But that's OK; ole Abe got his.

Nah, I think it was all the death and the horrific ways they died. My opinion.

War Is Kind

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind,
Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky
And the affrighted steed ran on alone,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment,
Little souls who thirst for fight,
These men were born to drill and die.
The unexplained glory flies above them.
Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom—
A field where a thousand corpses lie.

Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbles in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Swift blazing flag of the regiment,
Eagle with crest of red and gold,
These men were born to drill and die.
Point for them the virtue of slaughter,
Make plain to them the excellence of killing
And a field where a thousand corpses lie.

Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
Do not weep.
War is kind!

S. Crane
I would rather see a full blown civil war.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

We are way past over due for some manure & seeing the heads of tyrants roll down hill into the gutters.

Why? You ever fought in a war?

No; I have not. The draft ended before I was 18 & I never volunteered.
Conservatives are always bitching about people living off the government so, I never did that.
But, then, that is not the point; is it? No, it isn't.
America requires some 'pruning' just as a tree requires pruning for continued good health.
The tree is way over due; comprende'?

Resorting to a Civil War would be akin to pruning a tree with hand grenades. We've had exactly one in our history for a reason.

Yep; because Lincoln hated the concept of 'states right'

But that's OK; ole Abe got his.

Nah, I think it was all the death and the horrific ways they died. My opinion.

War Is Kind

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind,
Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky
And the affrighted steed ran on alone,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment,
Little souls who thirst for fight,
These men were born to drill and die.
The unexplained glory flies above them.
Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom—
A field where a thousand corpses lie.

Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbles in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Swift blazing flag of the regiment,
Eagle with crest of red and gold,
These men were born to drill and die.
Point for them the virtue of slaughter,
Make plain to them the excellence of killing
And a field where a thousand corpses lie.

Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
Do not weep.
War is kind!

S. Crane

Great now we have some idiot quoting poetry on a political board.

Why? You ever fought in a war?

No; I have not. The draft ended before I was 18 & I never volunteered.
Conservatives are always bitching about people living off the government so, I never did that.
But, then, that is not the point; is it? No, it isn't.
America requires some 'pruning' just as a tree requires pruning for continued good health.
The tree is way over due; comprende'?

Resorting to a Civil War would be akin to pruning a tree with hand grenades. We've had exactly one in our history for a reason.

Yep; because Lincoln hated the concept of 'states right'

But that's OK; ole Abe got his.

Nah, I think it was all the death and the horrific ways they died. My opinion.

War Is Kind

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind,
Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky
And the affrighted steed ran on alone,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment,
Little souls who thirst for fight,
These men were born to drill and die.
The unexplained glory flies above them.
Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom—
A field where a thousand corpses lie.

Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbles in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Swift blazing flag of the regiment,
Eagle with crest of red and gold,
These men were born to drill and die.
Point for them the virtue of slaughter,
Make plain to them the excellence of killing
And a field where a thousand corpses lie.

Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
Do not weep.
War is kind!

S. Crane

Great now we have some idiot quoting poetry on a political board.


No one is forcing you to read **Gasp** poetry! In following the conversion about why I don't think a Civil War is a good answer, I posted one of the greatest poems about war ever written.

You don't like it? Awwwww, poor booboo.

Why don't you post some funny gif or something?
G. W. Bush's Benghazi was 9/11 & no one wanted that investigated.
Everyone gave Bush a pass.

Indeed, W couldn't have gotten away with helping a foreign country murder 4k Americans and then sell out our troops for two wars over 100% lies without total cooperation from

1. the Israeli owned "US" media, all of it
2. DEEP STATE ZIONISM in control of CIA and DOJ
3. Dem leadership (Feinstein, Schumer) either 100% committed to Israel or 100% sold out to Zionist $$$ and media coverage - QUEER-O, Hillary, Bill, Biden etc.
4. GOP leadership - once Newt was "couped" in 1998, the GOP has been a bigger spending party than the Dems, and always finds a way not to cut any spending and always sells out to whatever Netanyahu wants
G. W. Bush's Benghazi was 9/11 & no one wanted that investigated.
Everyone gave Bush a pass.

Indeed, W couldn't have gotten away with helping a foreign country murder 4k Americans and then sell out our troops for two wars over 100% lies without total cooperation from

1. the Israeli owned "US" media, all of it
2. DEEP STATE ZIONISM in control of CIA and DOJ
3. Dem leadership (Feinstein, Schumer) either 100% committed to Israel or 100% sold out to Zionist $$$ and media coverage - QUEER-O, Hillary, Bill, Biden etc.
4. GOP leadership - once Newt was "couped" in 1998, the GOP has been a bigger spending party than the Dems, and always finds a way not to cut any spending and always sells out to whatever Netanyahu wants

I smell antisemitism ^^^, and it stinks.

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