Show me a man and I'll will show you the crime.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Words supposedly uttered by Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous Soviet NKVD chief.

Are we at the point where our laws/statutes can be manipulated to fit a "crime" to a particular person or group of people out of simple revenge by a opposing political party and a political legal apparatus?

I believe the O-Dark-Thirty indictment of Trump/others on RICO charges (of all ironic things) means the dems have crossed the Rubicon into TDS madness.

I also believe it's the type of "woke" by the citizenry the dems were not banking on. We are not amused.

We the People are pissed off!
Words supposedly uttered by Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous Soviet NKVD chief.

Are we at the point where our laws/statutes can be manipulated to fit a "crime" to a particular person or group of people out of simple revenge by a opposing political party and a political legal apparatus?

I believe the O-Dark-Thirty indictment of Trump/others on RICO charges (of all ironic things) means the dems have crossed the Rubicon into TDS madness.

I also believe it's the type of "woke" by the citizenry the dems were not banking on. We are not amused.

We the People are pissed off!
The US government makes around 40,000 new regulations and laws every year.

You just cast the net and decide who you want to investigate, that is, those who are most troublesome to you and let the rest walk, like the Bidens.
Words supposedly uttered by Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous Soviet NKVD chief.

Are we at the point where our laws/statutes can be manipulated to fit a "crime" to a particular person or group of people out of simple revenge by a opposing political party and a political legal apparatus?

I believe the O-Dark-Thirty indictment of Trump/others on RICO charges (of all ironic things) means the dems have crossed the Rubicon into TDS madness.

I also believe it's the type of "woke" by the citizenry the dems were not banking on. We are not amused.

We the People are pissed off!
Bingo, say the Ontario police...
Enemy democrats are already looking to expand persecutions.

It was always about the arrest of all opposition.
In many countires, Trump would have suffered the same fate as Beria after Stalin's death. Sadly, many of Trump's supporters believe Trump deserves to be above the law, and that an insurrection attempt is no big deal.

Trump is deliberately testing the strength of our democracy, and believes it is too weak to prosecute him. I tend to agree with him, despite the largely theatrical attempts currently underway.
This is the new Democrat mantra.

They added "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything" some time back.
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Words supposedly uttered by Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous Soviet NKVD chief.

Are we at the point where our laws/statutes can be manipulated to fit a "crime" to a particular person or group of people out of simple revenge by a opposing political party and a political legal apparatus?

I believe the O-Dark-Thirty indictment of Trump/others on RICO charges (of all ironic things) means the dems have crossed the Rubicon into TDS madness.

I also believe it's the type of "woke" by the citizenry the dems were not banking on. We are not amused.

We the People are pissed off!
You're experiencing a demonstration of why a coup attempt on government must never be left unanswered. The courts are incapable of dealing out the appropriate punishment when the leader of the attempted coup holds popularity between 40% and ???? And may even hold the loyalty of the country's military.

Attempted coups must be answered with immediate justice before it's allowed to grow and seek the safety of the courts.

America must live with uncertainty until the election, only for the lack of a bullet at the earliest time!

Now you have a topic!

Should America's government fall and then be reborn under the leader of a successful coup?

Is America's government worth saving?
You're experiencing a demonstration of why a coup attempt on government must never be left unanswered. The courts are incapable of dealing out the appropriate punishment when the leader of the attempted coup holds popularity between 40% and ???? And may even hold the loyalty of the country's military.

Attempted coups must be answered with immediate justice before it's allowed to grow and seek the safety of the courts.

America must live with uncertainty until the election, only for the lack of a bullet at the earliest time!

Now you have a topic!

Should America's government fall and then be reborn under the leader of a successful coup?

Is America's government worth saving?
There was coup alright, and it succeeded.....Don't think folks aren't noticing either.
There was coup alright, and it succeeded.....Don't think folks aren't noticing either.
That's a fair interpretation but it's not answerable until an election verifies it. There is uncertainty until Nov 24.

Do the American people accept it as a justified and warranted coup against government that was necessary.

Or will the people continue to support their Constitution?

This has the potential to become a topic if you care enough?
Words supposedly uttered by Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous Soviet NKVD chief.

Are we at the point where our laws/statutes can be manipulated to fit a "crime" to a particular person or group of people out of simple revenge by a opposing political party and a political legal apparatus?

I believe the O-Dark-Thirty indictment of Trump/others on RICO charges (of all ironic things) means the dems have crossed the Rubicon into TDS madness.

I also believe it's the type of "woke" by the citizenry the dems were not banking on. We are not amused.

We the People are pissed off!

Don't worry this is all just about TRUMP and it will go away as long as a republicans nominate someone else the establishment approves of.
Well it really won't go away, you know that, but the people targeted will never gain the same attention as targeting TRUMP so few will care enough to be bothered.

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