Shouldn't Comey be Indicted?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Rod Rosenstein wrote a letter recommending that he be fired. But, it seems that his offenses go beyond that remedy, and at least to the point of Indictment.

Here are his accumulated offenses:

1) Intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation

This is what got him fired. While the "intentionally" is my word, he didn't follow the law. He originally found "gross negligence" and allowed knaves in the FBI to change that to "extremely careless". but everyone knows she was grossly negligent, at least---intentionally felonious is actually correct. Take into consideration that he decided to NOT charge her even though he found illegal conduct...decided not to charge her before interviewing her and about 15 other seems his misconduct was intentional.

The IG will rule on this on in the next month or so.

2) Filing Bogus Fisa Applications to spy on an American citizen because he was part of the Trump Campaign.

Subject of the Nunes Memo. Comey signed off on an FISA application which was supposed to show that an American citizen who worked for the Trump Campaign was actually a Russian Agent---relying on a Clinton Bought Unverified (Comey's word), Discredited Dossier, prepared by a man who said he hated Trump and couldn't stand the thought of him being President---without advising the Court of these facts.

3) Leaking classified memos to the New York Times.

All memos of communications between the President and the head of the F.B. I. are automatically classified. In fact, a Federal Judge in a suit has just ordered that they be sealed, and Comey admitted to this under oath and he did it for his own malicious reason as an act of retaliation for being fired.

4) Perjury before Congress.

He said unequivocally under oath that he did not decide about indicting Hillary Clinton until after her interview, but he wrote the Exoneration Memo months before, and the Lovebird Turds Strzok/Page said Loretta Lynch knew Clinton would be exonerated before the interview. They worked for Comey. How else would they know that?

Conclusion: This man should not be let off the hook because he is famous...rather infamous.
Rod Rosenstein wrote a letter recommending that he be fired. But, it seems that his offenses go beyond that remedy, and at least to the point of Indictment.

Here are his accumulated offenses:

1) Intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation

This is what got him fired. While the "intentionally" is my word, he didn't follow the law. He originally found "gross negligence" and allowed knaves in the FBI to change that to "extremely careless". but everyone knows she was grossly negligent, at least---intentionally felonious is actually correct. Take into consideration that he decided to NOT charge her even though he found illegal conduct...decided not to charge her before interviewing her and about 15 other seems his misconduct was intentional.

The IG will rule on this on in the next month or so.

2) Filing Bogus Fisa Applications to spy on an American citizen because he was part of the Trump Campaign.

Subject of the Nunes Memo. Comey signed off on an FISA application which was supposed to show that an American citizen who worked for the Trump Campaign was actually a Russian Agent---relying on a Clinton Bought Unverified (Comey's word), Discredited Dossier, prepared by a man who said he hated Trump and couldn't stand the thought of him being President---without advising the Court of these facts.

3) Leaking classified memos to the New York Times.

All memos of communications between the President and the head of the F.B. I. are automatically classified. In fact, a Federal Judge in a suit has just ordered that they be sealed, and Comey admitted to this under oath and he did it for his own malicious reason as an act of retaliation for being fired.

4) Perjury before Congress.

He said unequivocally under oath that he did not decide about indicting Hillary Clinton until after her interview, but he wrote the Exoneration Memo months before, and the Lovebird Turds Strzok/Page said Loretta Lynch knew Clinton would be exonerated before the interview. They worked for Comey. How else would they know that?

Conclusion: This man should not be let off the hook because he is famous...rather infamous.
Shouldn't Comey be Indicted?

NOT JUST YES, BUT FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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