Should We Jack The Debt Limit ?

What you are suggesting is the old trick of raising taxes now for promised cuts later.

Federal spending has increased over 25% in five years - and we can't afford it. Period. Roll it back to where we were in 2007. Considering how average individual incomes have declined since that period, it is perfectly reasonable for the government to "share the sacrifice" and tighten its belt.

I think I've been very clear. No tax cuts until the budget is balanced. Limited spending cuts until the economy has sufficiently recovered to absorb the loss of stimulus.

Federal spending has increased but that idiot Bush kept cutting taxes and increasing entitlements. Now the economy is dependent on the entitlements. When jobs and wages are in better balance, then you will be able to cut entitlements. NOT UNTIL.

Read Keynes and get a clue how it's done.
What do you do when the motel is full and you don't have the money to build another?
You have to turn people away. That is one way to limit entitlements.
BTW, Social Security is not an entitlement - it is paid for by every working man and woman in the country. I know I have paid more into SS than I will ever get out of it.
post #64
Duped --asks
is denying an increase an option?
Why wouldn't it stop our borrowing?

My God, your stupid!

We have a $900 deficit in our 2013 budget passed by perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s.
If we don't increase the debt ceiling the perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s will have
to decide what parts of the budget that they passed do we not pay for.
And most of them are as fucking stupid as you are.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:mad:
post #64
Duped --asks
is denying an increase an option?
Why wouldn't it stop our borrowing?

My God, your stupid!

We have a $900 deficit in our 2013 budget passed by perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s.
If we don't increase the debt ceiling the perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s will have
to decide what parts of the budget that they passed do we not pay for.
And most of them are as fucking stupid as you are.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:mad:
I'm stupid for asking questions ? I guess posing questions to a moron like you is stupid - you got me there :redface: Not one liberal has given a direct answer - it is an either or; a multible choice. Is that too complicated for you? I'm too conservative for the republican party, but I support whoever is running against a liberal! Would you like to try again - or do you just want to rant?
post #64
duped --asks
is denying an increase an option?
Why wouldn't it stop our borrowing?

my god, your stupid!

We have a $900 deficit in our 2013 budget passed by perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s.
If we don't increase the debt ceiling the perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s will have
to decide what parts of the budget that they passed do we not pay for.
And most of them are as fucking stupid as you are.

For republicans, lying is a way of life.


-------bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:mad:
i'm stupid for asking questions ? I guess posing questions to a moron like you is stupid - you got me there :redface: Not one liberal has given a direct answer - it is an either or; a multible choice. Is that too complicated for you? I'm too conservative for the republican party, but i support whoever is running against a liberal! Would you like to try again - or do you just want to rant?

How are the perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s going to pay off the $900 deficit
in our 2013 budget? --MORON

-------bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:mad:
You're an ignorant hack. In 2007, the government spent $2.7T. A permanent increase of $900B per year is not justified given the size of the economy. The obvious solution is to roll back spending, not to fund it with massive increases in our already unsustainable debt levels. The politicians don't want to cut spending, so they engage in this debt default fallacy in order to frighten a very gullible public.

Only morally corrupt people think that continuing our present spending binge and shoving the debt onto future generations is a proper course of action.

No one has suggested that this level of spending is wise or sustainable. What IS being argued as to what to cut and when. Any move to cut entitlement RIGHT NOW, will kill the recovery. The first step is to raise taxes, and continue with stimulus spending. Government is already reducing spending and cutting payroll. Any further cuts will increase the rate of unemployment.

Exterme cuts in defense spending will thrown defence contractors out of work. Better to let the war spending expire FOR THE TIME BEING - LIKE THIS YEAR.

Cutting the deficit begins AFTER employment stabilizes. Spending is needed, both government and consumer spending, to get the economy moving.


Jobs and continued economic recovery should be our priority.

Once more Americans are on payrolls – and paying payroll taxes – deficit reduction will become more feasible.

This obsession with ‘the deficit’ is driven by rightist dogma, not facts.

Alrighty then. Please describe how jobs are created and economies recover.
post #64
Duped --asks
is denying an increase an option?
Why wouldn't it stop our borrowing?

My God, your stupid!

We have a $900 deficit in our 2013 budget passed by perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s.
If we don't increase the debt ceiling the perverted nut-sucking republican baggy s will have
to decide what parts of the budget that they passed do we not pay for.
And most of them are as fucking stupid as you are.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:mad:

No matter how many of us explain it to him he just keeps asking as if he wants the reality to change.

to much Rush and Beck in his head
No one has suggested that this level of spending is wise or sustainable. What IS being argued as to what to cut and when. Any move to cut entitlement RIGHT NOW, will kill the recovery. The first step is to raise taxes, and continue with stimulus spending. Government is already reducing spending and cutting payroll. Any further cuts will increase the rate of unemployment.

Exterme cuts in defense spending will thrown defence contractors out of work. Better to let the war spending expire FOR THE TIME BEING - LIKE THIS YEAR.

Cutting the deficit begins AFTER employment stabilizes. Spending is needed, both government and consumer spending, to get the economy moving.


Jobs and continued economic recovery should be our priority.

Once more Americans are on payrolls – and paying payroll taxes – deficit reduction will become more feasible.

This obsession with ‘the deficit’ is driven by rightist dogma, not facts.

Alrighty then. Please describe how jobs are created and economies recover.

consumer demand
Alrighty then. Please describe how jobs are created and economies recover.

Jobs are created when demand for products and services exceeds the supply, or when a new product or invention is brought to market and received well by the public. If you come up with THE hot new toy for Christmas and you sell out the first day it's released, you're going to look for some investors and increase production and fast.

You have this notion that the investors come first. No - they're the last people in and they only get involved once the inventor/company has done the heavy work - R&D, obtained patent/trade marks on the proprietary information, set up manufacturing, and they have a product either ready to go to market, or already in the marketplace. Manufacturing may be in-house or contracted out, but it needs to be in place.

Economies recover when people have income to spend on goods and services. The loss of buying power for the working poor and lower middle class, has eroded that sector's ability to purchase. People who have to use food stamps to feed their families are not buying cars, furniture, applicances or electronics and those are the kinds of purchases the economy needs to stimulate spending. Buying cheap good manufactured offshore won't do it. Americans need to be buying American made goods otherwise you're just creating more jobs in China.

At present people are so fearful for their jobs they're paying down their debt and not spending. While this may be a good thing on an individual basis, collectively, this lack of spending is a drag on the economy. Consumers need to have sufficient confidence that their jobs won't be lost, that they start spending again, and they need the income to spend.

Jobs and continued economic recovery should be our priority.

Once more Americans are on payrolls – and paying payroll taxes – deficit reduction will become more feasible.

This obsession with ‘the deficit’ is driven by rightist dogma, not facts.

Alrighty then. Please describe how jobs are created and economies recover.

consumer demand

And how does that work with declining wages and high unemployment?
It recharges the dead battery so the engine can run and the car can recharge while it runs.

works like a well oiled machine
Alrighty then. Please describe how jobs are created and economies recover.

Jobs are created when demand for products and services exceeds the supply, or when a new product or invention is brought to market and received well by the public. If you come up with THE hot new toy for Christmas and you sell out the first day it's released, you're going to look for some investors and increase production and fast.

You have this notion that the investors come first. No - they're the last people in and they only get involved once the inventor/company has done the heavy work - R&D, obtained patent/trade marks on the proprietary information, set up manufacturing, and they have a product either ready to go to market, or already in the marketplace. Manufacturing may be in-house or contracted out, but it needs to be in place.

Economies recover when people have income to spend on goods and services. The loss of buying power for the working poor and lower middle class, has eroded that sector's ability to purchase. People who have to use food stamps to feed their families are not buying cars, furniture, applicances or electronics and those are the kinds of purchases the economy needs to stimulate spending. Buying cheap good manufactured offshore won't do it. Americans need to be buying American made goods otherwise you're just creating more jobs in China.

At present people are so fearful for their jobs they're paying down their debt and not spending. While this may be a good thing on an individual basis, collectively, this lack of spending is a drag on the economy. Consumers need to have sufficient confidence that their jobs won't be lost, that they start spending again, and they need the income to spend.

You are sorely misguided. Demand without counterbalancing supply only results in inflation (which our government is very happily supplying via massive increases in the money supply).

If you really want the economy to recover and for jobs to be created (real private sector jobs - not government transfer payment ones), then the solution is multifold:

- Low, fair flat and simplified tax rates (eliminate deductions and loopholes that politicians use to pay off political cronies).
- Simple, understandable regulations (again lacking the exceptions and loopholes that politicians use to pay off political cronies).
- Rollback of the government to essential services. The government intrudes far too deeply and broadly into the private sector, for which the costs far exceed any discernible benefits.

Small business create 80-85% of jobs - and these jobs creators are on strike. They do not have the wealth to lobby politicians for favors, and they are being bled dry. No about of artificially (inflationary) demand will cause a small business person to expand in the face of uncertainty regarding future tax increases and expanding regulations.
no they are fearful of the future because the right keeps sabotoging the recovery with things like debt ceiling debacles and holding out for wealthy peoples benifit
You liberals are pathetic as a whole : you won't acknowledge that there is a debt problem. You won't acknowledge that there is a spending problem.You won't acknowledge that there is an event horizon. You can't answer simple questions. Your minds are so poluted with socialism that you will just ride your ideology to destruction. You don't want to share in the pain - you would rather act like the the assholes in Greece before accepting any responsibility. The party is over; everything has a price - it is time to pay! The successful can't carry your teet sucking constiuency anymore. The debt ceiling will not be jacked without cuts to your beloved entitlements - deal with it. Happy New Year!
You liberals are pathetic as a whole : you won't acknowledge that there is a debt problem. You won't acknowledge that there is a spending problem.You won't acknowledge that there is an event horizon. You can't answer simple questions. Your minds are so poluted with socialism that you will just ride your ideology to destruction. You don't want to share in the pain - you would rather act like the the assholes in Greece before accepting any responsibility. The party is over; everything has a price - it is time to pay! The successful can't carry your teet sucking constiuency anymore. The debt ceiling will not be jacked without cuts to your beloved entitlements - deal with it. Happy New Year!

dude it was deregulation, wars built on lies to the American people combined with Tax cuts that caused this mess.

You did this to us.

this is the second time in one lifetime the republican party crashed the world economy.

why should we listen to you losers

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