Should the Tea Party be for Whites only?

should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

I've been to numerous TP events and every one of them included people of color. This begs the question, what the fuck are you talking about?
Because you aren't smart enough to know what is bull shit and what is fact.

You are reading what the democrats tell you about the TP, you are not interested in facts.

You really have no room to talk pal.

Perhaps since you are a "Young Republican" you are too young and naive. As you get older and wiser, you will notice the errors in your thinking. You will see how you've been manipulated into turning against those in your party that are keeping conservatism from disappearing from it entirely. You will learn to look for facts instead of talk. In short you will learn critical thinking skills.

Let me help you on your way:
There are elements of racism in every single party. The GOP, the DNC, the Tea Party (which isn't really a party), and the progressives. For the very most part there are not any more racists in the Tea Party than there are in the GOP or the DNC. It's complete garbage.

There are a lot of people who are against same sex marriage in the Tea Party, that is true, but that doesn't change for the mainstream GOP. Sorry, if the Tea Party left the GOP they would still be against gay marriage. Don't believe me? Do a search for the defense of marriage act, the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy of the military, and the fight to prevent gays from adopting. Compare that to the Tea Party and see where the dates fall. You will find that all of those things preceeded the Tea Party.

Critical thinking my friend. In the realm of politics, be suspicious of EVERYTHING you hear.

Listen man, I'm not a child so you really don't need to treat me like I am one. We can have an adult conversation about what is going on in the GOP. My critical thinking skills have gotten me pretty far in my life so far. At least through college and my first year of Law School, which is why I have been off this site for a while, Law School is taking up all my free time and the one thing I really enjoy for leisure is politics, so please don't patronize me or my intelligence.

I have not been manipulated by anyone, in fact, I think it was the radicals who have been brainwashed by the Sean Hannity's and Rush Limbaughs of the world that spit fringe concepts to the impressionable elderly and naive. I think that conservatism isn't the same as it use to be, and if Reagan was running for office today he would have been booed off of the stage. That is really sad.

Yes, there is a lot of racism in political parties, but it seems to be especially prevalent in the words I see written on this page from those who identify with the Tea Party. As for the Same-Sex marriage issue, it is still prevalent in the GOP, but it is the uber-conservative in the party. If we could move past these people we could start to appear to be socially modern people. Maybe then we could begin to win over moderates and look at general elections as winnable. Remember when that solider was on the debate via webcam and he was expressing his appreciation for the reversal of Don't ask, Don't tell. Do you remember the people who booed him? A man who was serving his country, putting his life on the line for you and I, and he was booed for his sexual orientation. Now, do you think it was the moderate Republicans booing him, or the fringe radicals? It is things like that, that make us Republicans look bad, and will prevent us from winning another major election.

Hey I can only send you on your way, I cannot do the thinking for you. It appears you have quite a long road to go. Good luck with it. Here's one final thing for you to ponder, and yopu probably won't but here it is anyway: If we take the issues out that you want out; anything that the left ties to race, the GOP's stance on homosexuals, and abortion. Then what is the difference between the GOP and the DNC? You don't have to answer me, I already know it. This will just help you get your head straight. Again, good luck.

I'm going to answer you because this is the most poignant question you can ask and that I can answer about the future of the GOP. When we modernize and adapt our beliefs to the way society feels, it will give us the range to win elections by winning over moderates. I'm not saying we lose our conservative identities, rather we adapt and evolve. Progression like this has been happening since the early 20th century. Imagine if we didn't evolve on the segregation issue? Still protesting interracial schools.. There would be no "sort of", you would just be called a racist. It's the same way with same sex marriage. In twenty years if you still oppose it you will be called a bigot, you're a bigot today, but some in society have yet to move on the issue. It is only a matter of time though. Is that where you want our party to be? Stuck in the past, just a bunch of bigots clinging on to what the world use to be.
The Tea Party is about changing the way Washington D.C. does business.
They want a smaller more manageable government.
Their movement started in 2008 when President Bush started baling out the Banks.

The Tea Party movement is drawing people from all political stripes, social causes, and income brackets. It is drawing people who have never participated in any kind of political or grassroots movement before. What we have in common, and what holds us together, is a very deep love for the uniqueness of the United States of America, a desire for the limited government that our Founding Fathers created, a fairly "strict" interpretation of the Constitution, a belief in capitalism and free enterprise and a strong sense of personal responsibility

The issues and ideas that are at the core of the Tea Party movement:

1) All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions.

2) All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget.

3) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation. laws, and pork barrel projects.

4) ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People.

5) Excessive tax burdens kill prosperity.

6) Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

7) Neither major political party is "clean" on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, "No, you aren't above the law".

8 ) The American public at large is ignorant of the purpose of government, the founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers. As a result, they allow politicians to sell them false hope and "rights" and "entitlements" that are not guaranteed by the Constitution. By educating the American people on the foundations of our history, we hope to bring sanity to the election and legislative processes.

9) As a group, we are appalled at the audaciousness and arrogance of our government in the last few years, particularly the proposals and bills passed in the last few months, despite massive public disapproval.

They are being vilified by both parties who are Progressives and that is a threat to their power.

Our Government is about the people having the power, not our Government.

In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.

They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?
The Tea Party is about changing the way Washington D.C. does business.
They want a smaller more manageable government.
Their movement started in 2008 when President Bush started baling out the Banks.

The Tea Party movement is drawing people from all political stripes, social causes, and income brackets. It is drawing people who have never participated in any kind of political or grassroots movement before. What we have in common, and what holds us together, is a very deep love for the uniqueness of the United States of America, a desire for the limited government that our Founding Fathers created, a fairly "strict" interpretation of the Constitution, a belief in capitalism and free enterprise and a strong sense of personal responsibility

The issues and ideas that are at the core of the Tea Party movement:

1) All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions.

2) All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget.

3) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation. laws, and pork barrel projects.

4) ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People.

5) Excessive tax burdens kill prosperity.

6) Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

7) Neither major political party is "clean" on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, "No, you aren't above the law".

8 ) The American public at large is ignorant of the purpose of government, the founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers. As a result, they allow politicians to sell them false hope and "rights" and "entitlements" that are not guaranteed by the Constitution. By educating the American people on the foundations of our history, we hope to bring sanity to the election and legislative processes.

9) As a group, we are appalled at the audaciousness and arrogance of our government in the last few years, particularly the proposals and bills passed in the last few months, despite massive public disapproval.

They are being vilified by both parties who are Progressives and that is a threat to their power.

Our Government is about the people having the power, not our Government.

In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.

They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?

Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

I've been to numerous TP events and every one of them included people of color. This begs the question, what the fuck are you talking about?

they are just regurgitating DNC talking points and stirring up hate

it's what they do, race hustlers are sick people and you will find them all in the Democrat party
Listen man, I'm not a child so you really don't need to treat me like I am one. We can have an adult conversation about what is going on in the GOP. My critical thinking skills have gotten me pretty far in my life so far. At least through college and my first year of Law School, which is why I have been off this site for a while, Law School is taking up all my free time and the one thing I really enjoy for leisure is politics, so please don't patronize me or my intelligence.

I have not been manipulated by anyone, in fact, I think it was the radicals who have been brainwashed by the Sean Hannity's and Rush Limbaughs of the world that spit fringe concepts to the impressionable elderly and naive. I think that conservatism isn't the same as it use to be, and if Reagan was running for office today he would have been booed off of the stage. That is really sad.

Yes, there is a lot of racism in political parties, but it seems to be especially prevalent in the words I see written on this page from those who identify with the Tea Party. As for the Same-Sex marriage issue, it is still prevalent in the GOP, but it is the uber-conservative in the party. If we could move past these people we could start to appear to be socially modern people. Maybe then we could begin to win over moderates and look at general elections as winnable. Remember when that solider was on the debate via webcam and he was expressing his appreciation for the reversal of Don't ask, Don't tell. Do you remember the people who booed him? A man who was serving his country, putting his life on the line for you and I, and he was booed for his sexual orientation. Now, do you think it was the moderate Republicans booing him, or the fringe radicals? It is things like that, that make us Republicans look bad, and will prevent us from winning another major election.

Hey I can only send you on your way, I cannot do the thinking for you. It appears you have quite a long road to go. Good luck with it. Here's one final thing for you to ponder, and yopu probably won't but here it is anyway: If we take the issues out that you want out; anything that the left ties to race, the GOP's stance on homosexuals, and abortion. Then what is the difference between the GOP and the DNC? You don't have to answer me, I already know it. This will just help you get your head straight. Again, good luck.

I'm going to answer you because this is the most poignant question you can ask and that I can answer about the future of the GOP. When we modernize and adapt our beliefs to the way society feels, it will give us the range to win elections by winning over moderates. I'm not saying we lose our conservative identities, rather we adapt and evolve. Progression like this has been happening since the early 20th century. Imagine if we didn't evolve on the segregation issue? Still protesting interracial schools.. There would be no "sort of", you would just be called a racist. It's the same way with same sex marriage. In twenty years if you still oppose it you will be called a bigot, you're a bigot today, but some in society have yet to move on the issue. It is only a matter of time though. Is that where you want our party to be? Stuck in the past, just a bunch of bigots clinging on to what the world use to be.

Ok, let me add one more for you: You also need to study more history. The GOP wasn't protesting against segregation, the Democrats were.

In time you will gain wisdom. If you desire to get there sooner than follow my advice. Good luck.
In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.

They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?

Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy

You're a liar
you should be called the young Democrat you repeat their talking point to hate on your fellow countrymen and women..the tea are a radical group...just wow
stop pretending you're a Republican, it's dishonest
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In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.

They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?

Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy

Hmmm...time for you to admit that you are really a Democrat?
They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?

Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy

You lie, that's all
you should be called the young Democrat
stop pretending you're a Republican, it's dishonest

You were a minute ahead of me. You are just a bit quicker on the draw than I am. Kudos.
Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy

You lie, that's all
you should be called the young Democrat
stop pretending you're a Republican, it's dishonest

You were a minute ahead of me. You are just a bit quicker on the draw than I am. Kudos.

he's another fake Republican...he's another hateful progressive who spews nothing but talking points
In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.

They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?

Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy

Conservative Democrats are part of the Tea Party movement.
That's pretty funny because the Democratic Party has abandoned the Conservative Democrats. The Progressive Democrats said over 20 years ago that there was no Conservative Democrats. :lol:

It is an outright lie that the Tea Party wants to default.

Get it through your head. Romney is a Progressive, just like McCain is.
It was not the Republicans who shut down the government. The Democrats did.
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

Little boy, you're really grasping at straws. I think it should be for anyone who wants to be in it, but I don't care because I don't affiliate with ANY party.
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

Little boy, you're really grasping at straws. I think it should be for anyone who wants to be in it, but I don't care because I don't affiliate with ANY party.

you admit to keying peoples' cars for having an Obama bumper sticker, and you call ME a little boy?

bitch, you got some serious maturing to do.

and yes, the TP should be for whites only as they only care about white people.
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

Little boy, you're really grasping at straws. I think it should be for anyone who wants to be in it, but I don't care because I don't affiliate with ANY party.

you admit to keying peoples' cars for having an Obama bumper sticker, and you call ME a little boy?

bitch, you got some serious maturing to do.

and yes, the TP should be for whites only as they only care about white people.

A grown and mature man would know that you cannot speak for other people. You claim that the tea party only cares about white people and not only is that epically ignorant, it's an immature statement.

Grow up.
A grown and mature man would know that you cannot speak for other people. You claim that the tea party only cares about white people and not only is that epically ignorant, it's an immature statement.

Grow up.

i expressed an opinion.

its just as valid as yours.
A grown and mature man would know that you cannot speak for other people. You claim that the tea party only cares about white people and not only is that epically ignorant, it's an immature statement.

Grow up.

i expressed an opinion.

its just as valid as yours.

You called someone else immature, yet you make immature statements all the time. I'm simply pointing out your epic hypocrisy.
The Tea Party is about changing the way Washington D.C. does business.
They want a smaller more manageable government.
Their movement started in 2008 when President Bush started baling out the Banks.

The Tea Party movement is drawing people from all political stripes, social causes, and income brackets. It is drawing people who have never participated in any kind of political or grassroots movement before. What we have in common, and what holds us together, is a very deep love for the uniqueness of the United States of America, a desire for the limited government that our Founding Fathers created, a fairly "strict" interpretation of the Constitution, a belief in capitalism and free enterprise and a strong sense of personal responsibility

The issues and ideas that are at the core of the Tea Party movement:

1) All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions.

2) All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget.

3) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation. laws, and pork barrel projects.

4) ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People.

5) Excessive tax burdens kill prosperity.

6) Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

7) Neither major political party is "clean" on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, "No, you aren't above the law".

8 ) The American public at large is ignorant of the purpose of government, the founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers. As a result, they allow politicians to sell them false hope and "rights" and "entitlements" that are not guaranteed by the Constitution. By educating the American people on the foundations of our history, we hope to bring sanity to the election and legislative processes.

9) As a group, we are appalled at the audaciousness and arrogance of our government in the last few years, particularly the proposals and bills passed in the last few months, despite massive public disapproval.

They are being vilified by both parties who are Progressives and that is a threat to their power.

Our Government is about the people having the power, not our Government.

What a bunch of boring will never win an election with claptrap like...."we must change the way they do business"....."we want a smaller government" and the "budget must be balanced"----and so on and so forth. Keep talking that crap and you will never get the democrats out of the White House.

People like you have two really, really big do not know why the Republicans Lost the last two times and you have no clue as to what is needed to win next time.

I should have said you have 3 big problems....tack on being hard-headed. You will not listen to those who not only know why you lost but can also tell you how to want to keep on doing and saying the same stuff whilst expecting a different will not happen....doing the same thing over and expecting different results is one definition of insanity.

If you and your ilk keep up the stupidity then you deserve to lose.

If you really want to understand.....research why Romney lost....get the facts...aka who voted for whom and why...get the election statistics......quit listening to the talking heads who have misled you.

Also you desperately need to understand that White Folk will remain the largest voting bloc for the next 50 years even if current demographic trends continue.

All the answers have been presented on this will not have to work that hard to get the truth.....but of course I know you are not interested in the and your ilk are all about parroting and regurgitating something you heard on T.V. ....too often msnbc but fox news is little better.

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