CDZ should the government step in against parents using hormone blockers for children?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If people support the government stepping in when religious sects don't want to allow their children to have medical procedures, does the same concept apply to parents who want to use hormone blockers on children to stop them from going through puberty...on the premise the child should be the opposite sex?

I heard this discussion on the Joe Rogan show, a different one with Stephen Crowder and "Not Gay" Jerrod, but they also discussed parents using hormone blockers on underage children...

This is Joe Rogan and Owen Benjamin discussing the issue...

You think Joe Rogan is an authority on anything. That tells me all I need to know.
You think Joe Rogan is an authority on anything. That tells me all I need to know.

An authority, no....... he discussed the issue on his show....about actual people who are using hormone blockers to keep their children from going through puberty on the belief the child wants to be the opposite sex.....and the child Own Benjamin brings up is 3 years old.......
As far as I know this isn't a thing.

If it is, I disagree with it, but I'm pretty sure it's just another "homosexuals are taking over" thing.
You think Joe Rogan is an authority on anything. That tells me all I need to know.

An authority, no....... he discussed the issue on his show....about actual people who are using hormone blockers to keep their children from going through puberty on the belief the child wants to be the opposite sex.....and the child Own Benjamin brings up is 3 years old.......

Since he's making it all up, I guess the kid can be any age he wants.
You think Joe Rogan is an authority on anything. That tells me all I need to know.

An authority, no....... he discussed the issue on his show....about actual people who are using hormone blockers to keep their children from going through puberty on the belief the child wants to be the opposite sex.....and the child Own Benjamin brings up is 3 years old.......

Since he's making it all up, I guess the kid can be any age he wants.

The medical Journal "Pediatrics" is making it up then?

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

CHICAGO - A small but growing number of teens and even younger children who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and from doctors who give them sex-changing treatments, according to reports in the medical journal Pediatrics.

It's an issue that raises ethical questions, and some experts urge caution in treating children with puberty-blocking drugs and hormones.

An 8-year-old second-grader in Los Angeles is a typical patient. Born a girl, the child announced at 18 months, "I a boy" and has stuck with that belief. The family was shocked but now refers to the child as a boy and is watching for the first signs of puberty to begin treatment, his mother told The Associated Press.

Pediatricians need to know these kids exist and deserve treatment, said Dr. Norman Spack, author of one of three reports published Monday and director of one of the nation's first gender identity medical clinics, at Children's Hospital Boston.

"If you open the doors, these are the kids who come. They're out there. They're in your practices," Spack said in an interview.

Switching gender roles and occasionally pretending to be the opposite sex is common in young children. But these kids are different. They feel certain they were born with the wrong bodies.

Some are labeled with "gender identity disorder," a psychiatric diagnosis. But Spack is among doctors who think that's a misnomer. Emerging research suggests they may have brain differences more similar to the opposite sex.
Interesting..I was unaware of this process:

Puberty blocker - Wikipedia

I consulted with some medical folk I know...they stated that when these are prescribed..and it's not that is more for young teens...I'm uncomfortable with the practice and its unknowns. It may be the right thing to do..for some severely conflicted people--but I wonder at the parent's roles in this? Are they supportive ..or are they encouraging?

There is a difference.

I think...that such matters should wait until a person is at the age of majority...then they can decide.
You think Joe Rogan is an authority on anything. That tells me all I need to know.

An authority, no....... he discussed the issue on his show....about actual people who are using hormone blockers to keep their children from going through puberty on the belief the child wants to be the opposite sex.....and the child Own Benjamin brings up is 3 years old.......

Since he's making it all up, I guess the kid can be any age he wants.

The medical Journal "Pediatrics" is making it up then?

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

CHICAGO - A small but growing number of teens and even younger children who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and from doctors who give them sex-changing treatments, according to reports in the medical journal Pediatrics.

It's an issue that raises ethical questions, and some experts urge caution in treating children with puberty-blocking drugs and hormones.

An 8-year-old second-grader in Los Angeles is a typical patient. Born a girl, the child announced at 18 months, "I a boy" and has stuck with that belief. The family was shocked but now refers to the child as a boy and is watching for the first signs of puberty to begin treatment, his mother told The Associated Press.

Pediatricians need to know these kids exist and deserve treatment, said Dr. Norman Spack, author of one of three reports published Monday and director of one of the nation's first gender identity medical clinics, at Children's Hospital Boston.

"If you open the doors, these are the kids who come. They're out there. They're in your practices," Spack said in an interview.

Switching gender roles and occasionally pretending to be the opposite sex is common in young children. But these kids are different. They feel certain they were born with the wrong bodies.

Some are labeled with "gender identity disorder," a psychiatric diagnosis. But Spack is among doctors who think that's a misnomer. Emerging research suggests they may have brain differences more similar to the opposite sex.

The medical journal said nothing about hormone blockers for 3 year olds. That was a lie from the link you gave.
Interesting..I was unaware of this process:

Puberty blocker - Wikipedia

I consulted with some medical folk I know...they stated that when these are prescribed..and it's not that is more for young teens...I'm uncomfortable with the practice and its unknowns. It may be the right thing to do..for some severely conflicted people--but I wonder at the parent's roles in this? Are they supportive ..or are they encouraging?

There is a difference.

I think...that such matters should wait until a person is at the age of majority...then they can decide.

I consulted with medical folk I know as well. They are used for what is known as precocious puberty. A child beginning puberty at an extremely young age (sometimes as early as 5) is not healthy, and these treatments delay the onset until the child is better equipped to deal with it. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
Interesting..I was unaware of this process:

Puberty blocker - Wikipedia

I consulted with some medical folk I know...they stated that when these are prescribed..and it's not that is more for young teens...I'm uncomfortable with the practice and its unknowns. It may be the right thing to do..for some severely conflicted people--but I wonder at the parent's roles in this? Are they supportive ..or are they encouraging?

There is a difference.

I think...that such matters should wait until a person is at the age of majority...then they can decide.

I consulted with medical folk I know as well. They are used for what is known as precocious puberty. A child beginning puberty at an extremely young age (sometimes as early as 5) is not healthy, and these treatments delay the onset until the child is better equipped to deal with it. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. ignore that fact that this a dual use hormone...Yes, its traditional use is delaying the onset of early puberty..but it is clearly being prescribed and used to treat what some allege is 'Gender Identity Disorder.' Yes, some, like the op are sensationalizing the whole issue to absurdity..but this is a real thing. More for teens...and many of the interviews cited are parents saying that they will use this option...not parents actually in the course of treatment.

I'd not be surprised if some of the more crazy 3 year-old being prescribed..may well be the more traditional use of the hormone..and couple that with some unscrupulous parents...trying to get wait...that NEVER happens, right?
If people support the government stepping in when religious sects don't want to allow their children to have medical procedures, does the same concept apply to parents who want to use hormone blockers on children to stop them from going through puberty...on the premise the child should be the opposite sex?

I heard this discussion on the Joe Rogan show, a different one with Stephen Crowder and "Not Gay" Jerrod, but they also discussed parents using hormone blockers on underage children...

This is Joe Rogan and Owen Benjamin discussing the issue...

Minors are a little different deal than adults.

I'm not dead set what I think about Christian Scientists who want to pray for their kids to survive this or that disease. I feel if mom or dad went to the doctor to get a wound stitched shut anytime in their lives then the courts should be able to force treatment on his kid. However if these folks are TRUE BELIEVERS then who am I to disagree. Turn it to vaccinations though and yup, give the kid the shot while mom and dad protest.

Hormone treatments....some kids have problems. If a real doctor decides the kid needs something then sure. If parents just want to use this or that medicine to turn their kid's hair blue or make them stop growing teeth or whatever then nope. Here comes my big government. Now once the kid is 18 they get get their boobs done, have their pecs enlarged, get hair transplants, have their lips poofed up, whatever. Some of it is further than I would go but hey, to each their own.

Far as kids and sex changes as that's where I think we're headed, if there are real, certified, psychiatric and or medical professionals saying this is the right thing to do then go do it. If we have a problem with who is a certified professional then we need to attend to that. At some point we just need to train people to be professional psychiatrists or doctors of whatever and do the best we can.

Adults, if you can pay for it and it doesn't involve exposed sex organs where I have to see them go for it.
Sex change treatments that are otherwise medically unnecessary are life-changing (and often irreversible) decisions that should not be made by others (including parents) before the child reaches the age of majority or is otherwise emancipated by a court order.

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