Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sil only cares about children if she can use them to harm gay people. They are nothing more than pawns in her anti-gay game of Chess and this thread only demonstrates that point further. The instant she can't she use them to advance her narrative she discards them like days old leftovers. Sil has attempted to minimize these assaults by calling them "sexual experimentations" instead.
I'll have to see a name attached to anonymous tips to the Oprah show and the letter that supposedly admits the Duggar boy's crimes. An anonymous tip about an invisible letter isn't legally impressive.

Duggar has confessed to his crimes.

You get more and more bizarre with each post.

Duggar has confessed. Oprah has nothing to do with it, other than forwarding information to the Police- something which YOU- and all of us should applaud Oprah for doing- reporting possible child molestation.

Your anti-homosexual crusade just gets more and more bizarre and delusional with every post.
Why did Oprah's show wait 9 years to inform the public?

Oprah's show didn't inform the public- they informed the police.

Like they should have.

And you should be applauding that- instead you are whining about Oprah.
Actually, they look very nice in dresses.




Whoever said they didn't look nice? Did you know that apparently they even wear skirts/dresses when working out and doing everything? That's retarded.

what should they wear, burkas? full body bathing suits like some Muslim women has to?
good grief

Yoga pants? Pants? They aren't allowed to wear pants!

I don't know, because I have never watched the show or cared about what they do. I find this so petty, but leave it to the left to make some big stink over it. I guess it takes the HEAT off the important stuff happening under this administration and how they plan to hose/hurt us citizens for this week.

And if it was YOUR 4-5yo daughter who was molested and is now being told she's a cup full of spit?

What about his own children?

I'm sorry you can't think about more than one thing at a time but that's true of people of normal intelligence.

Dumb twit.
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.

The one the poster is making a big deal out of involves two OLD men. That is pedophilia, according to this Silhouette poster, but a brother who actually DID molest little children . . . no biggie according to this nutty poster.
Sil only cares about children if she can use them to harm gay people. They are nothing more than pawns in her anti-gay game of Chess and this thread only demonstrates that point further. The instant she can't she use them to advance her narrative she discards them like days old leftovers. Sil has attempted to minimize these assaults by calling them "sexual experimentations" instead.

...says the guy with a book of Harvey Milk stamps stuffed in his wallet... (engaging in a little projection are you?)

I'm all for the world keeping an eye on the Duggar guy and if allegations about the disparity in ages of girls he molested (who therefore could not have been dually-instigating) are true, making him wear the scarlet letter. If he was fooling around only with girls his age as a young teen, we'd have to put a lot of people in jail if this is the gold standard for media-persecution. I'll have to see a name attached to anonymous tips to the Oprah show and the letter that supposedly admits the Duggar boy's crimes. An anonymous tip about an invisible letter isn't legally impressive. Nor is "some minor girl" coming forward today, never to be identified, claiming she too was molested by Duggar and then everything goes silent.. In any event, I won't be petitioning the USPS for example, to make a stamp in his honor as "representative of heterosexual values" like you did with the unabashedly-admitted and documented child-sodomizer Harvey Milk (written about at length in his biography).

We'll let the readers determine which camp truly is disgusted with child molestors and which camp truly isn't...

You are a hypocrite. That much is quite obvious.
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.

The one the poster is making a big deal out of involves two OLD men. That is pedophilia, according to this Silhouette poster, but a brother who actually DID molest little children . . . no biggie according to this nutty poster.

this happened HOW MANY years ago? Now tell us why it is so important now and it should be broadcast to the country. ? the guy resigned....Just like a few politicians did like the perv. Democrat Andy the Weenie Weiner and a few more..... what more do these people want from them?
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.

The one the poster is making a big deal out of involves two OLD men. That is pedophilia, according to this Silhouette poster, but a brother who actually DID molest little children . . . no biggie according to this nutty poster.

this happened HOW MANY years ago? Now tell us why it is so important now and it should be broadcast to country. ? the guy resigned what more do these people want from them?

Oh, so if it was a long time ago, it's okay?
How strange is it that the one poster is obsessing about two OLD MEN where one adopted the other (because they could NOT be married and wanted legal rights to one another's medical decisions, etc.) and then dissolved that adoption and got married? Now, according to this poster THAT is what we should be concerned with, but not a young man who actually DID molest CHILDREN??? How fucked up is this?
Josh wasn't experimenting sexually with girls his own age, he was molesting his sisters, some of whom were under the age of 5 at the time of these assaults, and other girls.

Sexual experimentation implies that the acts were consensual. These were assaults. The victims were not willing. He forced himself on these girls. Learn the difference.

His father didn't take him to the police, at least not until Oprah alerted the authorities. The family covered it up, and then proceeded to use their TV pulpit to attack gays and gay marriage as a danger to children. The "danger to children" was the guy making these attacks.

And......Daddy Duggar called for execution for incest. Though oddly his son is still alive. Either he didn't actually mean it. Or he didn't mean it when it effected him directly.
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.

The one the poster is making a big deal out of involves two OLD men. That is pedophilia, according to this Silhouette poster, but a brother who actually DID molest little children . . . no biggie according to this nutty poster.

this happened HOW MANY years ago? Now tell us why it is so important now and it should be broadcast to country. ? the guy resigned what more do these people want from them?

Oh, so if it was a long time ago, it's okay?

don't play games. that isn't anything like I said.
How strange is it that the one poster is obsessing about two OLD MEN where one adopted the other (because they could NOT be married and wanted legal rights to one another's medical decisions, etc.) and then dissolved that adoption and got married? Now, according to this poster THAT is what we should be concerned with, but not a young man who actually DID molest CHILDREN??? How fucked up is this?

That's Sil for you. There's no such thing as perspective. He goes from 0 to drama queen in 2.2 seconds.

If you want a giggle, I'll show you a thread where he called for the impeachment of the Supreme Court when they wouldn't grant a stay to Alabama. He lamented about how their denial of stay was 'simple tyranny' and 'treason'.

If you have a lack of panty shitting hysterics in your just found them.
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.

The one the poster is making a big deal out of involves two OLD men. That is pedophilia, according to this Silhouette poster, but a brother who actually DID molest little children . . . no biggie according to this nutty poster.

this happened HOW MANY years ago? Now tell us why it is so important now and it should be broadcast to country. ? the guy resigned what more do these people want from them?

Oh, so if it was a long time ago, it's okay?

don't play games. that isn't anything like I said.

Read your post . . .
How strange is it that the one poster is obsessing about two OLD MEN where one adopted the other (because they could NOT be married and wanted legal rights to one another's medical decisions, etc.) and then dissolved that adoption and got married? Now, according to this poster THAT is what we should be concerned with, but not a young man who actually DID molest CHILDREN??? How fucked up is this?

That's Sil for you. There's no such thing as perspective. He goes from 0 to drama queen in 2.2 seconds.

If you want a giggle, I'll show you a thread where he called for the impeachment of the Supreme Court when they wouldn't grant a stay to Alabama. He lamented about how their denial of stay was 'simple tyranny' and 'treason'.

If you have a lack of panty shitting hysterics in your just found them.

I really wonder if these people have ANYTHING going on that they have to obsess about gay people like some do. I also cannot believe that some people can be SUCH partisans that they would be like "move along, nothing to see here" when it comes to actual child molestation. It's totally unbelievable. I used to think such people were a myth until I started posting on these forums. Weirdos abound!
Sil's severely narrowed focus on same-sex pedophilia instead of all pedophilia is what guts her whole argument.

The one the poster is making a big deal out of involves two OLD men. That is pedophilia, according to this Silhouette poster, but a brother who actually DID molest little children . . . no biggie according to this nutty poster.

this happened HOW MANY years ago? Now tell us why it is so important now and it should be broadcast to the country. ? the guy resigned....Just like a few politicians did like the perv. Democrat Andy the Weenie Weiner and a few more..... what more do these people want from them?


You're a vile, nasty little hypocrite.

You bitch about consensual sex (that never even happened) between adults but think the rape of a 4 year old isn't important.
How strange is it that the one poster is obsessing about two OLD MEN where one adopted the other (because they could NOT be married and wanted legal rights to one another's medical decisions, etc.) and then dissolved that adoption and got married? Now, according to this poster THAT is what we should be concerned with, but not a young man who actually DID molest CHILDREN??? How fucked up is this?

That's Sil for you. There's no such thing as perspective. He goes from 0 to drama queen in 2.2 seconds.

If you want a giggle, I'll show you a thread where he called for the impeachment of the Supreme Court when they wouldn't grant a stay to Alabama. He lamented about how their denial of stay was 'simple tyranny' and 'treason'.

If you have a lack of panty shitting hysterics in your just found them.

I really wonder if these people have ANYTHING going on that they have to obsess about gay people like some do. I also cannot believe that some people can be SUCH partisans that they would be like "move along, nothing to see here" when it comes to actual child molestation. It's totally unbelievable. I used to think such people were a myth until I started posting on these forums. Weirdos abound!

Its pretty stunning. 5 year olds....and still nothing.
How strange is it that the one poster is obsessing about two OLD MEN where one adopted the other (because they could NOT be married and wanted legal rights to one another's medical decisions, etc.) and then dissolved that adoption and got married? Now, according to this poster THAT is what we should be concerned with, but not a young man who actually DID molest CHILDREN??? How fucked up is this?

That's Sil for you. There's no such thing as perspective. He goes from 0 to drama queen in 2.2 seconds.

If you want a giggle, I'll show you a thread where he called for the impeachment of the Supreme Court when they wouldn't grant a stay to Alabama. He lamented about how their denial of stay was 'simple tyranny' and 'treason'.

If you have a lack of panty shitting hysterics in your just found them.

I really wonder if these people have ANYTHING going on that they have to obsess about gay people like some do. I also cannot believe that some people can be SUCH partisans that they would be like "move along, nothing to see here" when it comes to actual child molestation. It's totally unbelievable. I used to think such people were a myth until I started posting on these forums. Weirdos abound!

Me too.

It never occurred to me that I should obsess about what other consensual adults were doing in their bedrooms and I would certainly never think I should have some control over it.

Its just disgusting to me that these scummy hypocrites rant about that while saying a serial child molester should get a pass.

They said the same about Ted Niugent, Warren Jeffs and Phil Robertson. RWs embrace and excuse child predators but want to punish adults.

WTF is WRONG with them?

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