Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Actually, they look very nice in dresses.




Whoever said they didn't look nice? Did you know that apparently they even wear skirts/dresses when working out and doing everything? That's retarded.
OP is anti-gay but pro child molestation.
That's odd the op didn't seem to pro Hollywood
Strawman...but keep defending what happened.
Listen angry fat lesbian I am not defending anything. You are just using someone else's misfortune to push your own hate agenda. Like all fucking heartless progressives

Just like they do when a black person gets killed, people lost their lives in a train accident, how they used the deaths of our military men and women to "protest" how they are ANTI war, etc. they don't give a crap about any of it. as if this guy from some television show has any BEARING in their pathetic lives

warped and sickly twisted is what I call them

No Stephanie

"warped and sickly twisted" is a serial child molester being defended by sickos like you.

Oh wait, you're the disgusting human garbage who wants children to starve in the streets while you collect welfare, food stamps, free medical care and your damn govt cheese.

Never mind.
You folks are getting way off topic. Please go back to discussing how all of this is the fault of Oprah and gays. lol.
You folks are getting way off topic. Please go back to discussing how all of this is the fault of Oprah and gays. lol.

The cult also says its the fault of his 4-5yo victims.

Poor Josh is the real victim.

I am sure Sil will be around soon to talk about the other real victim in this story...The Family Research Council.
"warped and sickly twisted" is a serial child molester being defended by sickos like you.

...He says...with a pack of Harvey Milk US postage stamps stuffed in his wallet...

Love the faux-outrage LGBTers! This is truly quite amusing from a camp who (knowingly) enshrined a man who they know sodomized a minor boy (he was telling people was his adopted ward) among many other youngsters, as he aged into his 40s. Keep it coming. You guys are typically great at drama and theater... :popcorn:

Hey ChrisL vv our camp collared the kid and put him into hard labor and counseling (they didn't know the guy was a creep until later who counseled him) when he was still a teen. Your camp knew something for 9 years and waited until precisely this month and year to smear it in a media blitz; using a minor's record no less . 9 years. Were you just hoping the kids you're professing faux-concern for during that 9 years would not be touched by the hand of the Duggar boy?
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"warped and sickly twisted" is a serial child molester being defended by sickos like you.

...He says...with a pack of Harvey Milk US postage stamps stuffed in his wallet...

Love the faux-rage LGBTers! This is truly quite amusing from a camp who (knowingly) enshrined a man who they know sodomized a minor boy (he was telling people was his adopted ward) among many other youngsters, as he aged into his 40s. Keep it coming. You guys are typically great at drama and theater... :popcorn:

So, on the one thread you are all for protecting children, and on this one . . . not so much. :biggrin: Priceless.
  • Thanks
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Actually, they look very nice in dresses.




Whoever said they didn't look nice? Did you know that apparently they even wear skirts/dresses when working out and doing everything? That's retarded.

what should they wear, burkas? full body bathing suits like some Muslim women has to?
good grief

Yoga pants? Pants? They aren't allowed to wear pants!

I don't know, because I have never watched the show or cared about what they do. I find this so petty, but leave it to the left to make some big stink over it. I guess it takes the HEAT off the important stuff happening under this administration and how they plan to hose/hurt us citizens for this week.
"warped and sickly twisted" is a serial child molester being defended by sickos like you.

...He says...with a pack of Harvey Milk US postage stamps stuffed in his wallet...

Love the faux-rage LGBTers! This is truly quite amusing from a camp who (knowingly) enshrined a man who they know sodomized a minor boy (he was telling people was his adopted ward) among many other youngsters, as he aged into his 40s. Keep it coming. You guys are typically great at drama and theater... :popcorn:

So, on the one thread you are all for protecting children, and on this one . . . not so much. :biggrin: Priceless.

Sil only cares about children if she can use them to harm gay people. They are nothing more than pawns in her anti-gay game of Chess and this thread only demonstrates that point further. The instant she can't she use them to advance her narrative she discards them like days old leftovers. Sil has attempted to minimize these assaults by calling them "sexual experimentations" instead.
Sil only cares about children if she can use them to harm gay people. They are nothing more than pawns in her anti-gay game of Chess and this thread only demonstrates that point further. The instant she can't she use them to advance her narrative she discards them like days old leftovers. Sil has attempted to minimize these assaults by calling them "sexual experimentations" instead.

...says the guy with a book of Harvey Milk stamps stuffed in his wallet... (engaging in a little projection are you?)

I'm all for the world keeping an eye on the Duggar guy and if allegations about the disparity in ages of girls he molested (who therefore could not have been dually-instigating) are true, making him wear the scarlet letter. If he was fooling around only with girls his age as a young teen, we'd have to put a lot of people in jail if this is the gold standard for media-persecution. I'll have to see a name attached to anonymous tips to the Oprah show and the letter that supposedly admits the Duggar boy's crimes. An anonymous tip about an invisible letter isn't legally impressive. Nor is "some minor girl" coming forward today, never to be identified, claiming she too was molested by Duggar and then everything goes silent.. In any event, I won't be petitioning the USPS for example, to make a stamp in his honor as "representative of heterosexual values" like you did with the unabashedly-admitted and documented child-sodomizer Harvey Milk (written about at length in his biography).

We'll let the readers determine which camp truly is disgusted with child molestors and which camp truly isn't...
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Sil only cares about children if she can use them to harm gay people. They are nothing more than pawns in her anti-gay game of Chess and this thread only demonstrates that point further. The instant she can't she use them to advance her narrative she discards them like days old leftovers. Sil has attempted to minimize these assaults by calling them "sexual experimentations" instead.

...says the guy with a book of Harvey Milk stamps stuffed in his wallet... (engaging in a little projection are you?)

I'm all for the world keeping an eye on the Duggar guy and if allegations about the disparity in ages of girls he molested (who therefore could not have been dually-instigating) are true, making him wear the scarlet letter. If he was fooling around only with girls his age as a young teen, we'd have to put a lot of people in jail if this is the gold standard for media-persecution. I'll have to see a name attached to anonymous tips to the Oprah show and the letter that supposedly admits the Duggar boy's crimes. An anonymous tip about an invisible letter isn't legally impressive. Nor is "some minor girl" coming forward today, never to be identified, claiming she too was molested by Duggar and then everything goes silent.. In any event, I won't be petitioning the USPS for example, to make a stamp in his honor as "representative of heterosexual values" like you did with the unabashedly-admitted and documented child-sodomizer Harvey Milk (written about at length in his biography).

We'll let the readers determine which camp truly is disgusted with child molestors and which camp truly isn't...

The readers are well aware that you only care about children if you can use them to bash gay people. Most of us have been aware of that fact for ages now, this thread is just another fine example. You have spent the vast and overwhelming majority of this thread more worried about gay marriage and Oprah than the actual victims of his actions. You're in damage control mode so you feel the need to minimize his acts by deflecting to gay marriage, the Supreme Court, Oprah, Milk, and the FRC.
Right wingers have gone after Obama's dead mother, grandparent and little girls. And they never molested anyone.
....on the marriage equality issue, yes.

Which has nothing to do with Duggar sexual behavior.
...except that the Oprah franchise waited 9 years to bring all this up...and Josh Duggar headed up the traditional family outfit in DC...and at this precise moment in time is exactly when the SCOTUS is deliberating the gay marriage vs traditional marriage question..

...except for all that..

You conspiracy delusions really are not our problem.
No, I am sure there are handful other crackpots in the US of A that believes as you do but they are just as nutty. This story has literally has nothing to do with the SCOTUS and the upcoming ruling on gay marriage in June. This story is just another convoluted avenue for you attack gay marriage. I'll admit, it is rather funny watching you try to connect this story to gay marriage though. lol
Why did the Oprah folks wait 9 years until exactly this moment to blitz the story? Do you have an answer for that? You folks are complaining that the Duggar parents waited months before turning their son in and getting him help. But 9 years doesn't seem to bother you. Just wondering if you have an explanation for that?

They waited nine years b/c their crystal ball told them that the courts were going to take up a gay marriage. Those people sure are diabolical. What doesn't seem to bother you is that these assaults occurred. You categorized them as "sexual experimentation" in a cheap way to minimize his actions. You're only interested in whining about gay marriage considering you have failed miserable trying to link Josh Duggars' actions to gay marriage. They have nothing in common but that won't stop from using this as excuse if the courts do not rule in the way you wish.
The assaults bother me. What should bother you is that Oprah's people waited 9 years to shove this out into the MSM. .

Yeah- they bother you sooooo much you can barely mention it.

But Oprah- now that you mention over and over and over.

If this Duggar was a homosexual, you would be all over him like butter on toast- but since he is straight- you just don't care.
It is quite telling...the posters using all their energy on this thread attacking those who condemn what Josh did and how it was covered up.
You are as perverted as he was

Yes- here we have it- thanatos thinks any homosexual is the same as a child molester.

Just another fringe Conservative who is unable to understand what 'consent' is.

thanatos is a danger to women- anyone who does not understand what consent is is a sexual threat to others.

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