Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

Frankly, I've never talked about grabbing a woman by the pussy

Right. You've never thought it or said it. And if you were rich and owner of a beauty contest and the women weren't throwing themselves at you letting you pet them or at least offering in order to win, you wouldn't think about taking a few of them up on their offer or at least bragging to a friend that they will let you grab them? ANY RED BLOODED MALE would do exactly the same and if you can't admit that, then you are a lying sack of shit. All you've done is try to change the conversation from the real topic.

First, pulling the missile shield out of Europe was done because the technology is shit and it just provokes people.

You mean the technology we just proved yesterday, jackass? And it provokes? More like keeps them in their place. WE won the cold war with Star Wars (SDI) and that was just a BLUFF!

Second, everyone understands that politicians can't make big deals in election years.
The Russians don't have 20% of our uranium
The Ukrainians brought that mess on themselves.
I think Obama did too much to help the Ukraine

Well, you can't have an intelligent conversation with someone who is either totally devoid of information or so badly misinformed, they talk out of their ass.
You can say that all day, but the fact is, the people said no.

In Los Angeles, liberal brainwashing central. In THIRTY out of fifty states, they said YES, to Trump. Hillary only won 20. Too bad for her. She lost by a MILE.

That we still have this archaic system that doesn't function from the 18th century really doesn't get you much.

That "archaic system " is called a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, asshole. THAT IS AMERICA. If you don't like it, ain't nothing keeping you here. It preserves our freedom from little commie shitholes like Hillary and idiots like you. Go back to your 4th grade education. You know, the last three democrats who lost, Hillary, Clinton and Gore, all whined they had the election "stolen" from them! Must really suck that none of you guys can win WITHIN THE SYSTEM you operate in, and even Obama, there is good reason to think he never would have won the first time without voter fraud and the second time without suppression of Benghazi and help from the IRS suppressing organizations that opposed him.

When you lose, you lose, and Hillary LOST, you are a loser, and I can't wait until the next time a democrat wins the presidency without also getting the popular vote, I will remember this and look you up to see how fervently you are fighting to denounce your candidate as the LOSER!
Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?
She was fired.

From what? A one night gig on CNN? You are a funny guy.
She also lost endorsements. Other than being fired and shunned by most people, what punishment do you think is appropriate?
Frankly, I've never talked about grabbing a woman by the pussy

Right. You've never thought it or said it. And if you were rich and owner of a beauty contest and the women weren't throwing themselves at you letting you pet them or at least offering in order to win, you wouldn't think about taking a few of them up on their offer or at least bragging to a friend that they will let you grab them? ANY RED BLOODED MALE would do exactly the same and if you can't admit that, then you are a lying sack of shit.

First, pulling the missile shield out of Europe was done because the technology is shit and it just provokes people.

You mean the technology we just proved yesterday, jackass? And it provokes? More like keeps them in their place.

{QUOTE]Second, everyone understands that politicians can't make big deals in election years.
The Russians don't have 20% of our uranium
The Ukrainians brought that mess on themselves.
I think Obama did too much to help the Ukraine

Well, you can't have an intelligent conversation with someone who is either totally devoid of information or so badly misinformed, they talk out of their ass.[/QUOTE]
Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?
She was fired.

From what? A one night gig on CNN? You are a funny guy.
She also lost endorsements. Other than being fired and shunned by most people, what punishment do you think is appropriate?

What endorsements?
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Arrested? Absolutely not. She still has freedom of speech. Kicked off TV and shunned and ridiculed by the public, absolutely.

Freedom of speech stopped when she was holding the head of American President,

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The LIB bitch is in for some VERY hard times.
Anyone who thinks President Trump and his supporters are just going to let this go is delusional.
Watch what happens the next time she is standing on a stage........anywhere!
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Arrested? Absolutely not. She still has freedom of speech. Kicked off TV and shunned and ridiculed by the public, absolutely.

Freedom of speech stopped when she was holding the head of American President,

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<It was not really his head>
The LIB bitch is in for some VERY hard times.
Anyone who thinks President Trump and his supporters are just going to let this go is delusional.
Watch what happens the next time she is standing on a stage........anywhere!

I think her career is essentially over

If she was a Conservative, they would be inviting her to the White House

As a Liberal...she will be shunned
Yeah, whatever, I thought liberals didn't view money as that important. I guess that is another lie the left likes to float out there.

So she is out a couple hundred bucks, its not like anyone would actually tune in to watch her. A washed up has been on the same level as Sir Hillary, now they can blame others for their failures.

But she's still more successful than you, that must burn.
Right. You've never thought it or said it. And if you were rich and owner of a beauty contest and the women weren't throwing themselves at you letting you pet them or at least offering in order to win, you wouldn't think about taking a few of them up on their offer or at least bragging to a friend that they will let you grab them? ANY RED BLOODED MALE would do exactly the same and if you can't admit that, then you are a lying sack of shit. All you've done is try to change the conversation from the real topic.

No, you see, I respect women. And again, that isn't what Trump was talking about.

That "archaic system " is called a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, asshole. THAT IS AMERICA. If you don't like it, ain't nothing keeping you here. It preserves our freedom from little commie shitholes like Hillary and idiots like you.

it does nothing of the sort.

The only thing the Electoral College does is make it possible for boobs the PEOPLE rejected to win. And the only four times it's picked the president over the will of the people, it's been a fucking disaster. Hayes, Harrison, Bush and Trump- The worst presidents in our history.

I trust the people. I'm not sure why you don't.

When you lose, you lose, and Hillary LOST, you are a loser, and I can't wait until the next time a democrat wins the presidency without also getting the popular vote, I will remember this and look you up to see how fervently you are fighting to denounce your candidate as the LOSER!

Well, that's the thing. The Democrat has won the popular vote in every Presidential election since 1992 save one. You guys are in the minority. Probably a dumb idea to piss off everyone who wasn't a white male.

But Trump will be such a fucking disaster that they'll be falling all over themselves to fix the electoral college.
The White House’s Ted Nugent problem – ThinkProgress

During an off-camera news conference on Wednesday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about discrepancy.

“Obviously [Griffin’s] conduct has been widely condemned, and it’s not a partisan thing to say joking about violence toward the president is unacceptable,” a reporter said. “But on that note, I wanted to ask about Ted Nugent, who joked multiple times about assassinating President Barack Obama, who said Hillary Clinton should be hanged. He was invited to the White House for dinner by President Trump. Do you believe that was appropriate? And if Trump is offended by this incident, why was he not bothered by all of Mr. Nugent’s comments?”

Spicer had no answers.
Imagine if any conservative had Obama's bloody head mask in their hand......OMG liberals would NEVER shut up about that.

Um, actually, we had stuff like that all the time with Obama...




And were any of those people famous celebrities posting their pics on websites on purpose? I don't even see anyone in two of those pics. Surely nobody is holding Obama's bloody head in their hands.

Kathy Griffon is not a mindless no-name moron. She's a mindless liberal moron with her face plastered all over liberal news networks.
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