Should republicans "Man up" and reject Sarah Palin?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

Republicans have a problem. The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected. And yet the same leaders who fret that Sarah Palin could devastate their party in 2012 are too scared to say in public what they all complain about in private.

Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.

Everybody knows that Palin is a busy woman. The former half-term governor of Alaska stays so busy these days that one wonders how this mother of five manages to juggle her new reality show, follow her eldest daughter’s dancing career and launch her latest frenetic book tour while still finding the time to insult a slew of revered presidents and first ladies.

You’ve got to admit hers is a breathtaking high-wire act.

What man or mouse with a fully functioning human brain and a résumé as thin as Palin’s would flirt with a presidential run? It makes the political biography of Barack Obama look more like Winston Churchill’s, despite the fact that the 44th president breezed into the Oval Office as little more than a glorified state senator.

Adding audacity to this dopey dream is that Palin can’t stop herself from taking swings at Republican giants. In the past month alone, she has mocked Ronald Reagan’s credentials, dismissed George H.W. and Barbara Bush as arrogant “blue bloods” and blamed George W. Bush for wrecking the economy.

Or how about this? Maybe Palin could show up on Fox News and build her weak résumé by tearing down Reagan’s.

Oh, wait. Been there, done that.

When Sean Hannity asked Palin whether being in a reality show diminished her standing to be president, the former half-term governor mocked Reagan’s biography, dismissing him as “an actor.”

Sounding like every left-wing politician and media elitist who ridiculed Reagan for decades, Palin sneered that she could be president if the actor from “Bedtime for Bonzo” managed to do so.

Reagan biographer Peggy Noonan dismissed the remark as “ignorant, even for Sarah Palin.” Noonan reported that Reagan loyalists were outraged that Palin would stoop to using the old left-wing jab. The Gipper's former speechwriter then used her Wall Street Journal column to strike back.

Noonan noted that Reagan walked into the White House as far more than an actor.

The 40th president first led a major American labor union through massive upheaval, toured factories for General Electric for eight years and was California’s governor for two full terms during the Golden State’s most momentous times. Reagan then challenged an incumbent president from his own party and reinvented American conservatism without the help of the GOP establishment or the conservative movement.


After Palin mocked Reagan’s credentials, the TLC reality show star took aim at the 41st president and his wife. Borrowing again from old left-wing attacks that Democrats used against GOP presidents, Palin channeled Ann Richards by bashing Bush and his wife as “blue bloods” who had wrecked America

Palin was perturbed that a former president and his wife would dare to answer a question about whom they preferred for president in 2012. Perhaps her anger was understandable. After all, these disconnected “blue bloods” had nothing in their backgrounds that could ever make them understand “real America” like a former governor from Alaska who quit in the middle of her first term and then got rich.
Maybe Richards and Palin were right. Maybe poor George Herbert Walker Bush was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Indeed, he was so pampered growing up that on his 18th birthday, the young high school graduate enlisted in the armed forces. This spoiled teenager somehow managed to be the youngest pilot in the Navy when he received his wings, flying 58 combat missions over the Pacific during World War II. On Sept. 2, 1944, “Blue Blood” Bush almost lost his life after being shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire.

With his engine shattered and his plane on fire, Bush still refused to turn back, completing his mission by scoring several damaging hits on enemy targets. His plane crashed in the Pacific, where he waited for four hours in enemy waters until he was finally rescued. For his bravery and service to this country, Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, three air medals and the Presidential Unit Citation for bravery while in combat.

What a spoiled brat.

HAHAHAHAHAH, I'll tell ya what, when you lefties REJECT Obama and his Comrades in Arms administration, we'll think about REJECTING Sarah Palin.

for all I care, Joe Scarborough can go take a flying leap.:lol:
Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

Republicans have a problem. The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected. And yet the same leaders who fret that Sarah Palin could devastate their party in 2012 are too scared to say in public what they all complain about in private.

Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.

Everybody knows that Palin is a busy woman. The former half-term governor of Alaska stays so busy these days that one wonders how this mother of five manages to juggle her new reality show, follow her eldest daughter’s dancing career and launch her latest frenetic book tour while still finding the time to insult a slew of revered presidents and first ladies.

You’ve got to admit hers is a breathtaking high-wire act.

What man or mouse with a fully functioning human brain and a résumé as thin as Palin’s would flirt with a presidential run? It makes the political biography of Barack Obama look more like Winston Churchill’s, despite the fact that the 44th president breezed into the Oval Office as little more than a glorified state senator.

Obama taught Constitutional Law for 10 years as the University level. He probably knows more about the constitution than any right winger living. But that's NOTHING compared to Sarah.

Sarah Palin is PERFECT for the Republican Party. She is probably one of their smartest "intellectual elites". She has no sense of danger, no sense of fear, no sense.

She was such an incredibly smart governor, she was able to pay the people of Alaska to live there. She's one of the few who built a bridge to Fiscal Responsibility. What state can make that claim?

She wrote a best selling book all by herself, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent", without any help.

Her list of "Policy" is extensive:

Take America back.

Cut spending.

Do good things.


You see? You can't get a better qualified candidate out of the Republican Party. I believe Sarah Palin is the best the right has to offer this country. I really hopes she runs.
Another Sarah Palin Thread.. Really?


btw. she makes scads and scads and scads of money for Republicans. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
HAHAHAHAHAH, I'll tell ya what, when you lefties REJECT Obama and his Comrades in Arms administration, we'll think about REJECTING Sarah Palin.

for all I care, Joe Scarborough can go take a flying leap.:lol:

K then Get started Stephie, because I have said on here many time how dissapointed i am in Obama and see this as a third Bush term.
the average age of viewers of palins show is 50+.

Ireland has enough finiancial with declining Viagra sales impacting their economy.
Palin is happily going to just distroy the R party.

LOL, you've been saying the Republican party will be DESTROYED, for how many years now.?
Did you sleep through this LAST ELECTION?
So one little lady is now going to destroy them.:lol:

How did Palins hand picked candidates do in the last election? She cost the GOP the US Senate.

Problem is, you can win at the Congressional level with Palin Republicans. Districts are small and wildly conservative. Once you try to win at the Governor or Senate level you can't run on an extremist agenda.

Run for President? forget it

Republicans need to man-up and send her packing
HAHAHAHAHAH, I'll tell ya what, when you lefties REJECT Obama and his Comrades in Arms administration, we'll think about REJECTING Sarah Palin.

for all I care, Joe Scarborough can go take a flying leap.:lol:

K then Get started Stephie, because I have said on here many time how dissapointed i am in Obama and see this as a third Bush term.

naaa, the only thing you and the "extreme lefties" are disappointed in, is the FACT the Obama hasn't pushed us more left faster than he already has.
. so I'll pass.
Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

Republicans have a problem. The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected. And yet the same leaders who fret that Sarah Palin could devastate their party in 2012 are too scared to say in public what they all complain about in private.

Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.

Everybody knows that Palin is a busy woman. The former half-term governor of Alaska stays so busy these days that one wonders how this mother of five manages to juggle her new reality show, follow her eldest daughter’s dancing career and launch her latest frenetic book tour while still finding the time to insult a slew of revered presidents and first ladies.

You’ve got to admit hers is a breathtaking high-wire act.

What man or mouse with a fully functioning human brain and a résumé as thin as Palin’s would flirt with a presidential run? It makes the political biography of Barack Obama look more like Winston Churchill’s, despite the fact that the 44th president breezed into the Oval Office as little more than a glorified state senator.

Obama taught Constitutional Law for 10 years as the University level. He probably knows more about the constitution than any right winger living. But that's NOTHING compared to Sarah.

Sarah Palin is PERFECT for the Republican Party. She is probably one of their smartest "intellectual elites". She has no sense of danger, no sense of fear, no sense.

She was such an incredibly smart governor, she was able to pay the people of Alaska to live there. She's one of the few who built a bridge to Fiscal Responsibility. What state can make that claim?

She wrote a best selling book all by herself, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent", without any help.

Her list of "Policy" is extensive:

Take America back.

Cut spending.

Do good things.


You see? You can't get a better qualified candidate out of the Republican Party. I believe Sarah Palin is the best the right has to offer this country. I really hopes she runs.

How do we know this? It's pretty difficult to find any of his writings or work. Has all of it been locked up along with his transcripts?
Another Sarah Palin Thread.. Really?

btw. she makes scads and scads and scads of money for Republicans. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Show me any other supposed "leader" of the Republican Party and we can discuss him or her
HAHAHAHAHAH, I'll tell ya what, when you lefties REJECT Obama and his Comrades in Arms administration, we'll think about REJECTING Sarah Palin.

for all I care, Joe Scarborough can go take a flying leap.:lol:

K then Get started Stephie, because I have said on here many time how dissapointed i am in Obama and see this as a third Bush term.

naaa, the only thing you and the "extreme lefties" are disappointed in, is the FACT the Obama hasn't pushed us more left faster than he already has.
. so I'll pass.

You thinking Citizen and Obama are far left, proves what a moron you are.
LOL, so now Palin is the "supposed leader" of the Republican party.

wasn't it Rush Limbaugh before that? I'm sure Rush will be disappointed he has been dethroned.:lol:

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