Should People Be Required To Obtain A Parenting License In Order To Have A Child?


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
What's the harm? If you have even the slightest clue about how to maintain a fellow human's life, it shouldn't be a hard thing to prove. A lot of thought and hard work ought to go into having a baby, and adding a permit/license doesn't seem like much to ask. I understand that cases of abuse or neglect are in the minority, but it's not really an inconvenience for the rest of us, so I don't see what the harm is.
Education would be better. Have everyone receive a decent education at school which includes things like how to be a good parent.
We need more government intrusion, because after all it works so well.
What's the harm? If you have even the slightest clue about how to maintain a fellow human's life, it shouldn't be a hard thing to prove. A lot of thought and hard work ought to go into having a baby, and adding a permit/license doesn't seem like much to ask. I understand that cases of abuse or neglect are in the minority, but it's not really an inconvenience for the rest of us, so I don't see what the harm is.
This post is Margret Sanger approved.
Yes it's always a good idea to engage government supervision of breeding. What could go wrong??? Ask a Jew. Or a Pole.
Test out your theory by having someone else make an important decision in your life and see how you like it.
What's the harm? If you have even the slightest clue about how to maintain a fellow human's life, it shouldn't be a hard thing to prove. A lot of thought and hard work ought to go into having a baby, and adding a permit/license doesn't seem like much to ask. I understand that cases of abuse or neglect are in the minority, but it's not really an inconvenience for the rest of us, so I don't see what the harm is.

Not realistic, but, it is a shame so many people are so irresponsible about the seriousness of creating and having a child.
Maybe take a classes before the birth, and even have access to classes for situations later on as they grow.
I am more concerned with the sex part of making a child, I need to watch to tell them if they are doing it wrong...
What's the harm? If you have even the slightest clue about how to maintain a fellow human's life, it shouldn't be a hard thing to prove. A lot of thought and hard work ought to go into having a baby, and adding a permit/license doesn't seem like much to ask. I understand that cases of abuse or neglect are in the minority, but it's not really an inconvenience for the rest of us, so I don't see what the harm is.

It makes sense. After all, they require a marriage license and that seems to be working well, doesn't it?

It's made countless lawyers across the country rich beyond their wildest dreams.
We need more government intrusion, because after all it works so well.
When children are involved, a bare minimum would be guarding against them going into a structure of "parenting" that is physically incapable of providing the bare minimum of the things they need. People can rise above poverty, so it doesn't count. But there are some things in a "parenting" situation that are detrimental to children which can never ever be overcome just from a physical structure. Read my signature for details.
We need more government intrusion, because after all it works so well.
When children are involved, a bare minimum would be guarding against them going into a structure of "parenting" that is physically incapable of providing the bare minimum of the things they need. People can rise above poverty, so it doesn't count. But there are some things in a "parenting" situation that are detrimental to children which can never ever be overcome just from a physical structure. Read my signature for details.

Yes, yes, we need more government but only to ensure fags don't have or raise children. Get bent, fascist.
We need more government intrusion, because after all it works so well.
When children are involved, a bare minimum would be guarding against them going into a structure of "parenting" that is physically incapable of providing the bare minimum of the things they need. People can rise above poverty, so it doesn't count. But there are some things in a "parenting" situation that are detrimental to children which can never ever be overcome just from a physical structure. Read my signature for details.
Expecting government to do anything right, is terribly naive. History surely tells us this.

Allowing government the power to determine who can have children and who can't, is tyrannical.

When any woman can destroy her offspring with an abortion, without any restrictions or objections from the father and others, grants her the power of life or death. So to think government should permit parenting or not, is absurd.

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