CDZ Should Men Have “Abortion Rights”?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Since women have the legal right to dodge the responsibility of an unwanted pregnancy; shouldn’t men be given that same legal consideration? Whereby if a woman claims to have been impregnated by a man; that man should have the right to file a claim in court absolving him of responsibility for that mass of tissue, from that moment forward.

If yes; hit agree. If not; but the woman should still have the right to an abortion; explain why...

the female willingly decides to surrender her body for 9 months to bring a pregnancy to term, & has decided to parent for 18 years at a minimum. & the majority of that responsibility will be the female's as it is.
Since women have the legal right to dodge the responsibility of an unwanted pregnancy; shouldn’t men be given that same legal consideration? Whereby if a woman claims to have been impregnated by a man; that man should have the right to file a claim in court absolving him of responsibility for that mass of tissue, from that moment forward.

If yes; hit agree. If not; but the woman should still have the right to an abortion; explain why...


Depends on how drunk he got and what she looks like?
My advice to men who don't want to get stuck with paying for a kid they don't want is to not get a woman pregnant in the first place. That means no man should ever trust any woman to be in charge of birth control.
Since women have the legal right to dodge the responsibility of an unwanted pregnancy; shouldn’t men be given that same legal consideration? Whereby if a woman claims to have been impregnated by a man; that man should have the right to file a claim in court absolving him of responsibility for that mass of tissue, from that moment forward.

If yes; hit agree. If not; but the woman should still have the right to an abortion; explain why...

I am split on this one. Being split I'd have all kinds of sliding scales of responsibility I suppose.
Should Men Have “Abortion Rights”?

Of course! To do any less is pure sexism against the male. It is just as much the guy's baby as hers, and when she consents to getting pregnant, she agrees to share the baby equally. If the guy doesn't want that baby, he has as much right to the abortion as she has; when she agreed to have a baby through copulation, she gave up all claims to sole ownership of the fetus.
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My advice to men who don't want to get stuck with paying for a kid they don't want is to not get a woman pregnant in the first place. That means no man should ever trust any woman to be in charge of birth control.
Very sage advice.
Should Men Have “Abortion Rights”?

Of course! To do any less is pure sexism against the male. It is just as much the guy's baby as hers, and when she consents to getting pregnant, she agrees to share the baby equally. If the guy doesn't want that baby, he has as much right to the abortion as she has; when she agreed to have a baby through copulation, she gave up all claims to sole ownership of the fetus.
I agree. This would also address the other half of the unwanted pregnancy issue that gets ignored.
I support the right of pregnant men to abort their pregnancy
While funny; the point of the thread; is to question whether men also should have a right, to absolve themselves of responsibility regarding a pregnancy.
I support the right of pregnant men to abort their pregnancy
While funny; the point of the thread; is to question whether men also should have a right, to absolve themselves of responsibility regarding a pregnancy.
I've had this discussion before with other's. I find it ironic that many of the same people that strongly defend a woman's right to abort for any reason will say that men need to keep their pants on if they don't want to be responsible for raising a child. In other words, the many of same arguments that pro-lifers use against a woman's "right" to abortion, they use against the men.
I support the right of pregnant men to abort their pregnancy

How do you define the man? Because he has hair on his face? A deep voice? A penis? What if he is a transgender or a hermaphrodite? Considering that NYC now legally recognizes 20 different sexual orientations, I'm not so sure anymore if we can even tell who is the man or woman, much less who is actually pregnant!
Since women have the legal right to dodge the responsibility of an unwanted pregnancy; shouldn’t men be given that same legal consideration? Whereby if a woman claims to have been impregnated by a man; that man should have the right to file a claim in court absolving him of responsibility for that mass of tissue, from that moment forward.

If yes; hit agree. If not; but the woman should still have the right to an abortion; explain why...

This is a very good point!
So many of our social ills stem from fatherless children. So much so one could almost make a case that men who do not intend to be a father to the children they sire, should be permitted to request an abortion and if the answer is no, absolved from any responsibility.

That of course, is the incorrect answer.

If you have character and honor even if it is with no one else but yourself, you will be a man and step up and take care of the children you sire. This is a character issue that is beyond what the woman wants or decides. It starts with you first.

Skull Pilot is correct. If you do not want to be saddled with a child, then you must take control of the birth control issue. Personal responsibility means that you don't get to say, "oops".
Since women have the legal right to dodge the responsibility of an unwanted pregnancy; shouldn’t men be given that same legal consideration? Whereby if a woman claims to have been impregnated by a man; that man should have the right to file a claim in court absolving him of responsibility for that mass of tissue, from that moment forward.

If yes; hit agree. If not; but the woman should still have the right to an abortion; explain why...

Such legislation also offers men a legal recourse in the event of “sperm jacking”, or a failure of birth control.
So many of our social ills stem from fatherless children. So much so one could almost make a case that men who do not intend to be a father to the children they sire, should be permitted to request an abortion and if the answer is no, absolved from any responsibility.

That of course, is the incorrect answer.

If you have character and honor even if it is with no one else but yourself, you will be a man and step up and take care of the children you sire. This is a character issue that is beyond what the woman wants or decides. It starts with you first.

Skull Pilot is correct. If you do not want to be saddled with a child, then you must take control of the birth control issue. Personal responsibility means that you don't get to say, "oops".
I don’t disagree with you. However this is an issue of equality before the law.
Case 1 & 2 ~ Both either want to keep the pregnancy or both want to abort. I would assume these are the most by far.

Case 3) ~ The woman wants to abort. It doesn't matter what the male wants, he loses. She decides.

Of course there is a possibility here that the man wants to buy the baby. She agrees carries and gives it to him. She no longer has responsibility. Lots of legal papers filed. Lawyers get rich.

This case also has another exception. If mother agrees to carry to term for father and give it to him, she reserves the right to change her mind during pregnancy and keep the child.

Case 4) ~ The woman wants to keep, the male does not. This is the case of the OP.

Does the male have a right to demand an abortion? I think so! If woman sez no and keeps, the man is no longer responsible. Same exceptions if woman wants to buy the baby.
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I support the right of pregnant men to abort their pregnancy
While funny; the point of the thread; is to question whether men also should have a right, to absolve themselves of responsibility regarding a pregnancy.

oh----I missed the point. My answer is no. Abortion is a serious attack on a woman's body and psyche. ------it does not
END with the termination of the pregnancy------all that being
true ----I am still "pro-choice" ----for the pregnant person

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