Should I Just Change This Forum to Christian Bashing?

Should I just change this forum title to Christian Bashing?

  • yes

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • no

    Votes: 21 75.0%

  • Total voters
Sure, why not make a bunch of bash forums? We could have one for each religion, one for men bashing, one for women bashing, one for white bashing, one for black bashing, one for Republican bashing, one for Democrat bashing, etc.

We could totally give up on trying to learn anything from each other and everyone could have a chip on their shoulder.

We could?

I thought that's what we've been doing all along.
Sure, why not make a bunch of bash forums? We could have one for each religion, one for men bashing, one for women bashing, one for white bashing, one for black bashing, one for Republican bashing, one for Democrat bashing, etc.

We could totally give up on trying to learn anything from each other and everyone could have a chip on their shoulder.

There basically is one for white bashing, and the whole board lately is for Republican/conservative bashing.

Point is, this forum is for Religion and Ethics discussion. There's no discussion, and who's learning anything. No matter how benign the topic and bland the post, the haters swoop in here like vultures and shout anyone who disagrees with their beliefs down, and oddly enough, for all the accusations the left loves to make, it AIN'T the Christians doing it.

That anit-religious, hating zealots are the most intolerant and vociferous. As if affirmation is achieved only by stamping out any and all things religious.

You see a thread in this forum that hasn't devolved rapidly into nothing but intolerance, personal attacks and hate? I don't.
There basically is one for white bashing, and the whole board lately is for Republican/conservative bashing.

actually i've been bashing the spineless Dems since they blew every pre-'06 landslide promise Gunny

and i promise to bash any administration in office, croos my black little heart and hope to die....
There basically is one for white bashing, and the whole board lately is for Republican/conservative bashing.

Point is, this forum is for Religion and Ethics discussion. There's no discussion, and who's learning anything. No matter how benign the topic and bland the post, the haters swoop in here like vultures and shout anyone who disagrees with their beliefs down, and oddly enough, for all the accusations the left loves to make, it AIN'T the Christians doing it.

That anit-religious, hating zealots are the most intolerant and vociferous. As if affirmation is achieved only by stamping out any and all things religious.

You see a thread in this forum that hasn't devolved rapidly into nothing but intolerance, personal attacks and hate? I don't.

And do you really think that all the folks who hate believers are lefties?

Seems to me that the majority of people obsessed with bashing Christians are mostly libertarians.

Are they lefties?
I can not believe this.All that talk about how tough you are at enforcing rules and here you are eliminating forums on the whim of the people that vote.

Why not just make all forums gone and have one big flame forum? Solves all your problems. No more need to be bothered by people complaining about others breaking the rules.
But what would you do with all the jew-bashing threads?

Good question.

Surely somebody on this board must have a final solution to that vexing problem.

In fact, my guess is that four or five somebodies here must have what they imagine is that solution.

Their boots are jack
Their shirts are brown
There's broken glass
When they're in town​

Sound off
ein zwei
Sound off
drei veir
Sound off
ein, zwei, drei, vier
ein zwei..drie VIER!

They hadda good land but they left
You're right!
Thought everyone else was a pest
Not White!
Their thousand year order was best
Not quite!

Sound off
ein zwei
Sound off
drei veir
Sound off
ein, zwei, drei, vier
ein zwei..drie VIER!

Their heads are skinned
Their hearts are cold
They only do
What they are told​

Sound off
ein zwei
Sound off
drei veir
Sound off
ein, zwei, drei, vier
ein zwei..drie VIER!

I really missed my calling as a propagandist, folks.

But for this pesky ethical code, I coulda been a contender!
Ohh there is some occasionally when I post. Since I am one. Several posters hate when I point out that Mormons are Christians.

Yeah I've heard people say that other religions don't believe Mormons are Christian. I don't know much about what other Christians think. One time a few years back I had a vivid dream about the "character' in the bible named Esther, and some girl at my work invited me to a bible study group to learn about Esther. The guy running it was really nice, he had a laptop and mapped out where Esther would be on todays map and the group read about Esther and talked about what all her story meant. I was married to a Mormon for 7 years and I went to the mormon church sometimes, relief society was my favorite (it was like a group therapy for women) but I never joined any church. My kids have gone to young womens, but they haven't been baptized. Have you ever been to utah? I've heard a lot of mormons from other states knock utah because of how snooty the church is here.
Yeah I've heard people say that other religions don't believe Mormons are Christian. I don't know much about what other Christians think. One time a few years back I had a vivid dream about the "character' in the bible named Esther, and some girl at my work invited me to a bible study group to learn about Esther. The guy running it was really nice, he had a laptop and mapped out where Esther would be on todays map and the group read about Esther and talked about what all her story meant. I was married to a Mormon for 7 years and I went to the mormon church sometimes, relief society was my favorite (it was like a group therapy for women) but I never joined any church. My kids have gone to young womens, but they haven't been baptized. Have you ever been to utah? I've heard a lot of mormons from other states knock utah because of how snooty the church is here.

I was once a guest of BYU and got to sit in the good pews.

Classist is the word, methinks.
I was once a guest of BYU and got to sit in the good pews.

Classist is the word, methinks.

My Ex Husband Graduated from BYU Law School. Wow Classism thats a good word, I think that seems right.
Where would we go to bash Muslims, Mormons and Witches? (Oh, my!) :eek:


why bash anyone for their personal beliefs? I mean why? I dont attack anyone until attacked. I dont venture onto christian threads..since I am not one of them...I have zero reason to go to the threads. I do not think an invitiation or avenue to bash any one group is good....i voted no.
There basically is one for white bashing, and the whole board lately is for Republican/conservative bashing.

Point is, this forum is for Religion and Ethics discussion. There's no discussion, and who's learning anything. No matter how benign the topic and bland the post, the haters swoop in here like vultures and shout anyone who disagrees with their beliefs down, and oddly enough, for all the accusations the left loves to make, it AIN'T the Christians doing it.

That anit-religious, hating zealots are the most intolerant and vociferous. As if affirmation is achieved only by stamping out any and all things religious.

You see a thread in this forum that hasn't devolved rapidly into nothing but intolerance, personal attacks and hate? I don't.

I think the thread has been a pretty good discussion... educational for the most part too, except for a hard-headed PubliDude...

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why bash anyone for their personal beliefs? I mean why? I dont attack anyone until attacked. I dont venture onto christian threads..since I am not one of them...I have zero reason to go to the threads. I do not think an invitiation or avenue to bash any one group is good....i voted no.

'Twas a joke, Bones - I'll argue with anyone and everyone, but if anyone here ever busts me for bashing anyone for anything other than stupidity, spelling or poor grammar, I'll apologize and admit I fucked up. I too, voted 'no'.

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Christian bashing is done mostly by those on the far left, which makes lberals look like hypocrites. Anyways, this Christian bashing is done all out of jealousy and envy.

Maybe the forum reflects the current feelings and attitudes of the posters, which it would still if those feelings change. So making a narrower focused name for the forum won't really help.

Plus, if people critique something that may not actually be the same as 'bashing' which implies blunt simplicity, as opposed to reasoned logic.

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