CDZ Should Homosexual People Be Allowed To Legally Adopt Children?

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.

I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

How do you believe lesbians turn their daughters into lesbians?

I am just curious- because apparently the lesbians I know didn't get the memo- their daughters and sons are both completely straight.
I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

How do you believe lesbians turn their daughters into lesbians?

I am just curious- because apparently the lesbians I know didn't get the memo- their daughters and sons are both completely straight.
Goose is merely being a goober. Of course LGBT should be allowed to adopt.
The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

Repeating horseshit will not make it true
Your ignorance won't make my real life observationd invalid.

Your anonymous claim on a message board doesn't make your 'observation' necessarily factual,
I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.

I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

Excuse me- you keep referencing two different transgender children- I presumed you were speaking of the one you keep mentioning in regards to 'sleep overs'.

Ah this case- as I recall- just from memory- the article being cited is about 4 years old- we have no current information on this child.
However, at least I have actually read up on this situation so I don't just have to pull crap out of my ass like you are doing.

This couple have adopted 3 children- 2 boys and 1 girl. This is the youngest of the three- the other two as I recall appear to be growing up like any other kids- and are probably teens now.

The only actual evidence we have is the words from the article- which says that their youngest child expressed being a girl from the time he was old enough to do so. His mothers struggled to find some way to help this kid who was physically a male but desperately wanted to be a girl- again this is the evidence from the article- not your speculations.

They consulted doctors who specialize in gender confusion. This course of action is intended to delay puberty so that the child can mature enough to make his or her own decision.

Once again- this is a decision reached by the childs parents- and his doctors. You think you should be the one making the decision- that you know more about the situation than the people raising him- or his medical doctors.

Based upon what? Based purely upon your desire to impose your morality on others.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.[/QUOTE]

According to you- not according to his doctors. Hmmm who should know more about this child.

And denying his parents marriage does not help this child at all- all it does is prevent him from having married parents.

Which is real legal harm- which you are all in favor of- for this child- and every child of every homosexual in America.
The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

Repeating horseshit will not make it true
Your ignorance won't make my real life observationd invalid.
Your 'real life observations' are invalid because they're subjective, anecdotal, and devoid of objective, documented evidence.

Indeed, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that children with gay parents are somehow 'disadvantaged.'
There MUST be a biological balance and harmony. If homosexuals can produce a child then it is considered natural. As harsh as it may sound this is the reality. Man + Woman = child. Mother and father provide different and unique love and are naturally able to produce a child by their natural harmony with the bio system in place.
I have to admit that I am at least a little bit bigoted towards gays when it comes to adopting children. If there's a straight couple they should be chosen first. Same as a black child should go to a black couple first if ones available.

What about two secret nambla members who want to adopt a child who's too old for ANYONE normal to want? They can pick their sex slave.

I'm not saying gays are pedophiles I'm saying pedophiles can pose as gays.

Listen to yourself?

Really- think on this- the vast majority of child molesters are men- who molest girls.

Pedophiles don't have to pose as gays- they can pose as heterosexuals and adopt just fine. Girls or boys.

Hopefully good screening prevents child molesters from adopting children- but regardless a girl being adopted by a man is in far more danger than a boy being adopted by a man- statistically.

Again statistically- the safest home from sexual abuse would be that of a lesbian couple. A household without a man present is- statistically again- far far safer for any child.
There MUST be a biological balance and harmony. If homosexuals can produce a child then it is considered natural. As harsh as it may sound this is the reality. Man + Woman = child. Mother and father provide different and unique love and are naturally able to produce a child by their natural harmony with the bio system in place.
I have to admit that I am at least a little bit bigoted towards gays when it comes to adopting children. If there's a straight couple they should be chosen first. Same as a black child should go to a black couple first if ones available.

What about two secret nambla members who want to adopt a child who's too old for ANYONE normal to want? They can pick their sex slave.

I'm not saying gays are pedophiles I'm saying pedophiles can pose as gays.
At least you admit it. I could think of a few other adjectives as well but this is the CDZ
Explain please. I'm just thinking out loud and want to know where I'm wrong. You know the Christian right thinks these things.

How would you stop nambla men from marrying each other so they can adopt? Think nambla men havent thought of it? Think it might not already be happening?

First of all- why are you focusing on Nambla?

Once again- the vast majority- 68% to 95% of child molestation is by men to girls.

Second- in almost every state a single person can adopt children- nothing prevents any child molester from adopting children except good screening.

And finally- most states have allowed unmarried couples to adopt- or foster children. Lots of unmarried couples run foster homes.

Why do you focus on Nambla rather than the likely molesters of girls?
These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

Repeating horseshit will not make it true
Your ignorance won't make my real life observationd invalid.

Your anonymous claim on a message board doesn't make your 'observation' necessarily factual,
ive given my opinion and why I have it.
Syriusly2413236 said:
I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

How do you believe lesbians turn their daughters into lesbians?

I am just curious- because apparently the lesbians I know didn't get the memo- their daughters and sons are both completely straight.
How old were they when their mothers turned?
These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

Repeating horseshit will not make it true
Your ignorance won't make my real life observationd invalid.
Your 'real life observations' are invalid because they're subjective, anecdotal, and devoid of objective, documented evidence.

Indeed, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that children with gay parents are somehow 'disadvantaged.'
These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

Repeating horseshit will not make it true
Your ignorance won't make my real life observationd invalid.
Your 'real life observations' are invalid because they're subjective, anecdotal, and devoid of objective, documented evidence.

Indeed, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that children with gay parents are somehow 'disadvantaged.'
My observations aren't invalid to me. I'll tell you that for real.

Many who know me know my observations to be sound.
Absolutely not! I've read no findings that gay couples' kids grow up well adjusted. Just the opposite. These kids are not isolated from the ration they ultimately get from peers once they learn their background. Nor do these kids have traditional (in the sense) home environment with parents who parent differently because of what they are, homosexuals. The parents' influence is so powerful and kids are undoubtedly affected.
Here, go to town: Same-sex marriage and children's well-being: Research roundup - Journalist's Resource

Some highlights: "We conclude that there is a clear consensus in the social science literature indicating that American children living within same-sex parent households fare just as well as those children residing within different-sex parent households over a wide array of well-being measures: academic performance, cognitive development, social development, psychological health, early sexual activity, and substance abuse. Our assessment of the literature is based on credible and methodologically sound studies that compare well-being outcomes of children residing within same-sex and different-sex parent families. Differences that exist in child well-being are largely due to socioeconomic circumstances and family stability.” -

"Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. "

“The 17-year-old daughters and sons of lesbian mothers were rated significantly higher in social, school/academic, and total competence and significantly lower in social problems, rule-breaking, aggressive, and externalizing problem behavior than their age-matched counterparts… Within the lesbian family sample, no Child Behavior Checklist differences were found among adolescent offspring who were conceived by known, as-yet-unknown, and permanently unknown donors or between offspring whose mothers were still together and offspring whose mothers had separated… Adolescents who have been reared in lesbian-mother families since birth demonstrate healthy psychological adjustment.”

“Children of same-sex couples are as likely to make normal progress through school as the children of most other family structures… the advantage of heterosexual married couples is mostly due to their higher socioeconomic status. Children of all family types (including children of same-sex couples) are far more likely to make normal progress through school than are children living in group quarters (such as orphanages and shelters).”

Now you have read such studies.

Complete and utter bullshit! Love the way with the Internet one can dig up "studies" to validate whatever hogwash suits them. Valid research is something entirely different. Liars can figure and figures can lie. If you want to believe these lies, knock yourself out. As for me, I prefer to rely on scientifically based research rather than random case studies involving tiny ill-chosen samples.
How many gay couples with children do you know?
Here, go to town: Same-sex marriage and children's well-being: Research roundup - Journalist's Resource

Some highlights: "We conclude that there is a clear consensus in the social science literature indicating that American children living within same-sex parent households fare just as well as those children residing within different-sex parent households over a wide array of well-being measures: academic performance, cognitive development, social development, psychological health, early sexual activity, and substance abuse. Our assessment of the literature is based on credible and methodologically sound studies that compare well-being outcomes of children residing within same-sex and different-sex parent families. Differences that exist in child well-being are largely due to socioeconomic circumstances and family stability.” -

"Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. "

“The 17-year-old daughters and sons of lesbian mothers were rated significantly higher in social, school/academic, and total competence and significantly lower in social problems, rule-breaking, aggressive, and externalizing problem behavior than their age-matched counterparts… Within the lesbian family sample, no Child Behavior Checklist differences were found among adolescent offspring who were conceived by known, as-yet-unknown, and permanently unknown donors or between offspring whose mothers were still together and offspring whose mothers had separated… Adolescents who have been reared in lesbian-mother families since birth demonstrate healthy psychological adjustment.”

“Children of same-sex couples are as likely to make normal progress through school as the children of most other family structures… the advantage of heterosexual married couples is mostly due to their higher socioeconomic status. Children of all family types (including children of same-sex couples) are far more likely to make normal progress through school than are children living in group quarters (such as orphanages and shelters).”

Now you have read such studies.

Complete and utter bullshit! Love the way with the Internet one can dig up "studies" to validate whatever hogwash suits them. Valid research is something entirely different. Liars can figure and figures can lie. If you want to believe these lies, knock yourself out. As for me, I prefer to rely on scientifically based research rather than random case studies involving tiny ill-chosen samples.
You don't understand.

It's incumbent upon you to justify denying gay Americans their rights.
regardless of my personal opinion on this matter, where is there a right written in the constitution that covers adoption.
The equal protection clause and the due process clause.
we could use the same clause to prove that taxing someone at a higher percentage based on income is not equal.
basically, anything we can imagine can be made constitutionally acceptable if we really put our mind to it.
Except for the Income Tax Amendment. Nice try.
The equal protection clause and the due process clause.
we could use the same clause to prove that taxing someone at a higher percentage based on income is not equal.
basically, anything we can imagine can be made constitutionally acceptable if we really put our mind to it.

Nothing to say about my left handed driver analogy? ( post #41)I know, it's a tough one to get your head around. Take your time. Maybe you will actually come to understand how things work. Then again, maybe not. You don't seem to really want to, because if you did, you could no longer justify discrimination
I know this is going to be really tough for you to get your head around too.
1, I am not in the least against same sex marriage.
2, the majority of my good friends are gay.
3. driving with the left foot does not affect or have a chance of affecting a child in a negative way, and so far there is not sufficient data on gay parenting to prove either way how it could affect a child.
and as far as that goes, I am a firm believer that there are many same sex couples that should not be allowed anywhere near a child let alone breed on their own.

Once determined that there is no more chance of harm to a child development with a set of gay parents verses straight parents, then I will have no reservations about gay adoption.

"Gay" parents have been around raising their children for ions. You just didn't "know" they were gay.
and either did their opposite sex spouse. or their kids, or their neighbors.
See what happens when people had to hide.
Who told you a set of parents means a father and a mother vs two fathers or two mothers?

  1. 1.
    a father or mother.

We can start with basic biology.

A human child does not even come into existence without both a father and a mother having been involved.
Egg and sperm...someone who walks away after the sex act is NOT a parent.
Complete and utter bullshit! Love the way with the Internet one can dig up "studies" to validate whatever hogwash suits them. Valid research is something entirely different. Liars can figure and figures can lie. If you want to believe these lies, knock yourself out. As for me, I prefer to rely on scientifically based research rather than random case studies involving tiny ill-chosen samples.
You don't understand.

It's incumbent upon you to justify denying gay Americans their rights.
regardless of my personal opinion on this matter, where is there a right written in the constitution that covers adoption.
The equal protection clause and the due process clause.
we could use the same clause to prove that taxing someone at a higher percentage based on income is not equal.
basically, anything we can imagine can be made constitutionally acceptable if we really put our mind to it.
Except for the Income Tax Amendment. Nice try.
If the constitution was always the last word and always right, blacks would still be slaves and not able to vote, women would still not be able to vote, gays would not be getting married, abortion would still be constitutionally illegal.
these things above (except for abortion) I the reason that even though I firmly believe in keeping the constitution original, I do see where at times it must be amended to correct wrongs.
The income tax amendment is wrong if it is not applied equally to everyone.
Syriusly2413236 said:
The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

How do you believe lesbians turn their daughters into lesbians?

I am just curious- because apparently the lesbians I know didn't get the memo- their daughters and sons are both completely straight.
How old were they when their mothers turned?

I would imagine their mothers turned every day- so probably their mothers were turning on the day their were born.
Who told you a set of parents means a father and a mother vs two fathers or two mothers?

  1. 1.
    a father or mother.

We can start with basic biology.

A human child does not even come into existence without both a father and a mother having been involved.
Egg and sperm...someone who walks away after the sex act is NOT a parent.
aint no woman "walks" away after Im done sexing her up.
not to brag mind you.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
Unlike most people, i don't let convention control my thoughts. Having a mother was and is a wonderful experience but life has made me observe that lesbiane are too twisted to be trusted. Gay men produce very confident children actually. They have no seedy political agenda.

Repeating horseshit will not make it true
Your ignorance won't make my real life observationd invalid.

Your anonymous claim on a message board doesn't make your 'observation' necessarily factual,
ive given my opinion and why I have it.

Yep- and i have seen people make similar opinions about other minorities to explain their bigotry. Sorry you have had such a bad experience with a couple people- if you indeed ever had.

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