Should Donald Trump drop out?

Should trump drop out?

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This Wild Picture of Obama Wearing a VR Headset Explains Everything

Those gogles are telling him. The economy is going are awesome....
What do you want to bet that at least half of the people who voted "no" in the poll here are democrats planning on voting for Hillary, and wanting GOP Congressional candidates in close races to lose? :popcorn:

Anyone up for a gentleman's wager today?
Ideal-ism or idol-ism?
What is Trump's mania for greatness about? It appears that what the US election 2016 process thus far has been centered on, is accepting whether DJT is a reforming creative mastermind-- ergo, a national benefactor in totality--or whether he merely aspires to be the Oval office's mind-master bossman, for his own self-satisfaction. His borrowed Reagan concept of "making America great again" hints at a hidden question --in whose eyes must American Greatness be idealized or idolized for Americans to feel "Great" again?

After the last few months, even if NOTHING else would change, I would want Trump to win just to see the libs be soooooo bent out of shape.
Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russian.

Lets keep it real. Those are the ideas that the Left is so upset about.
In his own mind DJT is one of the all time greatest political heroes inside the USA's business empire, and it just seems like he can't get enough of himself. Not that there's anything wrong with that....mind you....
So far board members have diagnosed seventeen Hillary health problems and they are still not finished. When they finish we should put them in some kind of order with most severe at the top of the list. The most common seems to be those that look under her dress claim to see a pouch like the old street car conductors wore.
Poll was conducted before Trump immigration speech last Wednesday.

Clinton Trounces Trump in New Poll of Latino Voters | Mother Jones

Donald Trump's strategy of embracing mass deportation of undocumented immigrants this week may be firing up his base, but it could cost him support among Latino voters. The latest poll of Latino voters shows just how much of an uphill climb Trump faces in winning even a meaningful sliver of this crucial voting population in swing states like Nevada and Florida.

Hillary Clinton leads Trump among Latino voters 70 percent to 19 percent, according to the new poll by Latino Decisions, a polling firm that specializes in surveying the Latino community. The poll, released Friday, was conducted before Trump abandoned his so-called softening on immigration and recommitted to his hardline approach in a speech in Arizona on Wednesday. It actually shows him doing better among Latinos than a poll earlier this year, but his support could erode further after his latest reiteration of his commitment to mass deportation and a border wall.

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