Should democrats learn from the Mayoral Chicago election?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The white supremacist media is somehow trying to spin the defeat of the Chicago mayor as there being warning to all other future democrat politicians, and that message is, there is WAY too much crime in your cities.

This is simply ludicrous and a result of white supremacists that Biden and the FBI warned us all about who have taken over the world!

So in 4 years, how did Chicago go from a city of diversity, that elected a black lesbian Swamp creature, to one of bigotry and racism in such a short span of time

We should have realized this change was occurring after Jesse Smollett got assaulted by MAGA white supremacists in Chicago.

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I'm not sure how going after a mentally ill man for a prank gone wrong is exactly a major issue.

Crime is a problem. We just don't think the right wing solution of locking them up and giving every fool a gun is a real answer.

The white supremacist media is somehow trying to spin the defeat of the Chicago mayor as there being warning to all other future democrat politicians, and that message is, there is WAY too much crime in your cities.

This is simply ludicrous and a result of white supremacists that Biden and the FBI warned us all about who have taken over the world!

So in 4 years, how did Chicago go from a city of diversity, that elected a black lesbian Swamp creature, to one of bigotry and racism in such a short span of time

We should have realized this change was occurring after Jesse Smollett got assaulted by MAGA white supremacists in Chicago.


It depends on who wins the actual election. If they elect the far left twit, then they will get what they voted for, good and hard, and will wonder why it's happening.
I'm not sure how going after a mentally ill man for a prank gone wrong is exactly a major issue.

Crime is a problem. We just don't think the right wing solution of locking them up and giving every fool a gun is a real answer.

So coddling them and letting them off the hook over and over and over and over is the answer?

Your side doesn't have an answer, it has a theory that the system is the real criminal, and of course only socialism is the answer.
So coddling them and letting them off the hook over and over and over and over is the answer?

Your side doesn't have an answer, it has a theory that the system is the real criminal, and of course only socialism is the answer.
So what's the right's solution? Keep throwing them into jails until the jails are full and you have to let them out and hope they learned their lesson?

Or better, use them as slave labor for big corporations, and throw people into prison on petty charges.
They should, but they won't.

The slaughter will most likely continue, because addressing it fully and honestly would be politically inexpedient.

Actually, there's a more than good chance that Johnson will win, and he's far more progressive than Lightfoot.

So let's get practical, Lightfoot paid the price for Covid.

But the next Mayor of Chicago will be a liberal progressive, we just don't know what flavor yet.
So what's the right's solution? Keep throwing them into jails until the jails are full and you have to let them out and hope they learned their lesson?

Or better, use them as slave labor for big corporations, and throw people into prison on petty charges.

Prosecute crimes the way they are supposed to be.

Go back to housing the truly mentally ill in institutions until they can be let go.

Some people are just assholes, and you just encourage them when you try to be fair with them.
Prosecute crimes the way they are supposed to be.

Go back to housing the truly mentally ill in institutions until they can be let go.

Some people are just assholes, and you just encourage them when you try to be fair with them.
Ah, spoken like another white dude who is going to go to bed tonight in a warm bed with a full belly.

We lock up 2 million people. The rest of the industrialized world locks up much, much less than that. Even communist CHINA locks up less people than we do.
Ah, spoken like another white dude who is going to go to bed tonight in a warm bed with a full belly.

We lock up 2 million people. The rest of the industrialized world locks up much, much less than that. Even communist CHINA locks up less people than we do.

Spoken like someone watching the Soros method not working, and watching the ones being harmed the most be the minorities you feel sorry for with your noblesse oblige and patronizing guilt.

Communist China lies about how many people they lock up, they don't count political prisoners in even the fake numbers they put out.

Europe will be catching up with us per capita as their immigrant populations start flexing.
I'm not sure how going after a mentally ill man for a prank gone wrong is exactly a major issue.

Crime is a problem. We just don't think the right wing solution of locking them up and giving every fool a gun is a real answer.
A prank? more like a staged hate crime where Smollett demonstrated how much of a dumbass he was.

Ah, spoken like another white dude who is going to go to bed tonight in a warm bed with a full belly.

We lock up 2 million people. The rest of the industrialized world locks up much, much less than that. Even communist CHINA locks up less people than we do.
China also executes 1000+ individuals every year .. roughly the same amount the United States has executed in the last 50 years.
Spoken like someone watching the Soros method not working, and watching the ones being harmed the most be the minorities you feel sorry for with your noblesse oblige and patronizing guilt.

Oh, please. We could solve the crime problem simply by having sensible gun laws and a strong social safety net. We refuse to do so.
Look who gets rich off the current system, and you'll understand why it doesn't change.

Communist China lies about how many people they lock up, they don't count political prisoners in even the fake numbers they put out.
Not sure what the purpose of lying would be. If anything, they'd probably want to exaggerate that number to keep people in line.

Europe will be catching up with us per capita as their immigrant populations start flexing.

I've heard you guys say that for 40 years, and it hasn't happened yet.

A prank? more like a staged hate crime where Smollett demonstrated how much of a dumbass he was.

Oh, I'll agree he was a dumbass. I think he also has mental problems. Kind of typical for actors, they spend all day pretending to be someone else, they sometimes forget who they actually are.

China also executes 1000+ individuals every year .. roughly the same amount the United States has executed in the last 50 years.
And your point?
I'm not sure how going after a mentally ill man for a prank gone wrong is exactly a major issue.

Crime is a problem. We just don't think the right wing solution of locking them up and giving every fool a gun is a real answer.
as prank? haha

so what’s the solution with criminals?
as prank? haha

so what’s the solution with criminals?

My short version

1) Extensive drug rehabilitation programs, treating addiction as a medical problem and not a criminal one.
2) Mental health services. It should be easy to get mental health treatment.
3) Sensible gun laws - It should be HARD to get a gun. We make it hard to get mental health treatment and easy to get guns and wonder why we have shootings.
4) Poverty relief and job programs.
My short version

1) Extensive drug rehabilitation programs, treating addiction as a medical problem and not a criminal one.
2) Mental health services. It should be easy to get mental health treatment.
3) Sensible gun laws - It should be HARD to get a gun. We make it hard to get mental health treatment and easy to get guns and wonder why we have shootings.
4) Poverty relief and job programs.
I can’t speak for Chicago…but in state it’s very easy to get mental health. treatment and free to those that qualify

we have jobs programs as well.

it’s not that easy to get a gun legally, there are steps one has to go through as well…we also enforce gun laws and lock up people that get guns illegally…chicago might have some major differences but maybe that’s why the people fired this dembot mayor
I can’t speak for Chicago…but in state it’s very easy to get mental health. treatment and free to those that qualify

it’s not that easy to get a gun legally, there are steps one has to go through as well…we also enforce gun laws and lock up people that get guns illegally…chicago might have some major differences but maybe that’s why the people fired this dembot mayor
Every time we have a mass shooter, we find out he had no problem getting a gun

Every time we have a mass shooter, we find out he had no problem getting a gun
1) those barriers might exist in Chicago, not in my town.
2) we tend to see that in places like Chicago that don’t enforce gun laws and are easy on criminals

again this is why this dembot mayor lost

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