Shooting at Wisconsin Mall now Breaking ******************

Not every shooting is terrorism, racially or politically motivated.

You're right about that.
Most of them are related to inner city shit heads dealing drugs and fighting for turf or some imagined slight.

True. Backed by Sinaloa and El Chapo. The Mexican drug cartel is deeply embedded in the U.S. and the cause for more murders and gun crimes than radical far. If the people dying were white kids from La Jolla or the Upper East Side, there would be an end to this:

How escaped drug lord Guzman has poisoned the streets of Chicago
By Ashley Fantz, CNN
Updated 11:06 AM ET, Thu July 16, 2015

(CNN)Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman may be far from the streets of Chicago, but he has run them for a long time.

As much as 80% of the illegal narcotics in America's third-largest city come from Guzman's Sinaloa cartel, said Art Bilek, a retired Chicago detective who spent 60 years in law enforcement.

"Guzman is the reason you've got kids fighting over just one corner, and shooting each other," he said.

Much of the gun violence in the city can be traced to drugs that come from Sinaloa, the region of Mexico where "El Chapo" was born to a poor rural family and rose to lead a global network of smugglers, dealers, assassins, corrupt politicians and paid-off police.

"Guzman has hurt everyone -- the users in the city and the suburbs, the innocent bystanders, the kids who get wrapped up in gangs," said Bilek, who ran the nonprofit Chicago Crime Commission, one of nation's oldest civic anti-crime organizations.

Sinaloa's Chicago-based loyalists, led by eccentric twin brothers who were Guzman's best traffickers, helped the cartel make billions of dollars by pumping multiple tons of their product -- heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana -- into the city.

The kingpin's imprisonment over the years -- including his time in a Mexican prison from February 2014 until his escape Saturday -- did not abate the flow of drugs into the city, Bilek said.

"At this point [drug trafficking is] so well-established, it's part of the culture," said Bilek, who spent his career in the police department's organized crime unit, a division that increasingly, over the years, involved narcotics.

"The DEA and the FBI are working at their maximum and judges are giving strong sentences," he said. "It's very complex."

He doesn't have a solution. He's not sure there is one.

It isn't for lack of trying over the years. In 2009, Chicago's Department of Justice prosecutors indicted Guzman in absentia, charging him with conspiring to transport narcotics across international borders.

This week, Chicago Crime Commission members stressed that they wanted him extradited to the United States if he's caught.

He is public enemy No. 1 in Chicago, they said. The label has been given only once before, to Prohibition-era gangster Al Capone.
Jack Riley led Chicago's Drug Enforcement Administration office for years. Now the deputy administrator of the DEA in Washington, Riley told CNN that Guzman had an "ability to enter in partnerships, businesses, with nearly 150,000 street gang members who make their living putting heroin and cocaine and meth on the street."

Eighty-three percent of men arrested for crimes in Chicago in 2013 tested positive for drug use, according to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

How 'El Chapo' Guzman has poisoned Chicago's streets -
Well, the fellow that sold those crazies in San Bernadino the guns is now in jail. If the people that sold the weapons used by the gangsta element also were getting jail time, maybe we would see a lot less guns on the street.


enforce the laws we now have on the books

instead of trying to punish the law abiding
Good idea but they were designed by the gun/criminal lobby to be unenforceable. I can buy 12 guns today and sell them on the street. All I need to do is say that they were stolen. Only 9 states and D.C. require gun owners to report when their guns are lost or stolen. The other 41 states are cool with straw purchases.
Lying about where your guns went is against the law. So you are wanting to make illegal acts illegal? Where's your evidence that straw purchases are legal in 41 states?
Straw purchases are not legal in any state but 41states have no interest in finding out what happened to the guns that the buyer claimed were "stolen". State legislatures aren`t very hard to buy and/or intimidate.
So you were talking out of your ass when you said they were cool with straw purchases. That's what I thought.
Well, I am glad this is NOT an act of terrorism. Making Americans feel less safe in their own country is ridiculous.

And yet, somehow, as with every other time something like this has happened, Obama is going to come out and make a speech. What is he going to say?

I know, you know, we all know, and it goes something like this......

Liberals and gun control :
" Put simply, today’s liberalism cannot deal with the reality of evil. So liberals inveigh against the instruments the evil use rather than the evil that motivates them." The Liberal Theology of Gun Control

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people"...with guns at a ratio of 8:1 to the next favorite weapon, knives.

FBI data from 2011 shows a total of 12,664 murder victims. The breakdown:
Guns: 8,583
Knives: 1,694
Blunt objects: 496
Personal weapons (hands, fists, etc.): 726
Everything else (narcotics, fire, explosives, drowning, etc.): 1165

Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
"Guns don't kill people, people kill people"...with guns at a ratio of 8:1 to the next favorite weapon, knives.

FBI data from 2011 shows a total of 12,664 murder victims. The breakdown:
Guns: 8,583
Knives: 1,694
Blunt objects: 496
Personal weapons (hands, fists, etc.): 726
Everything else (narcotics, fire, explosives, drowning, etc.): 1165

Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
I think you missed the point.
"Guns don't kill people, people kill people"...with guns at a ratio of 8:1 to the next favorite weapon, knives.

FBI data from 2011 shows a total of 12,664 murder victims. The breakdown:
Guns: 8,583
Knives: 1,694
Blunt objects: 496
Personal weapons (hands, fists, etc.): 726
Everything else (narcotics, fire, explosives, drowning, etc.): 1165

Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
I think you missed the point.

I hit the nail on the head....with a hammer, which falls into the "Blunt object" category of the FBI findings.
"Guns don't kill people, people kill people"...with guns at a ratio of 8:1 to the next favorite weapon, knives.

FBI data from 2011 shows a total of 12,664 murder victims. The breakdown:
Guns: 8,583
Knives: 1,694
Blunt objects: 496
Personal weapons (hands, fists, etc.): 726
Everything else (narcotics, fire, explosives, drowning, etc.): 1165

Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
I think you missed the point.

I hit the nail on the head....with a hammer, which falls into the "Blunt object" category of the FBI findings.
Sounds like hammer violence then. Oh wait, hammers just do as they're told.
"Guns don't kill people, people kill people"...with guns at a ratio of 8:1 to the next favorite weapon, knives.

FBI data from 2011 shows a total of 12,664 murder victims. The breakdown:
Guns: 8,583
Knives: 1,694
Blunt objects: 496
Personal weapons (hands, fists, etc.): 726
Everything else (narcotics, fire, explosives, drowning, etc.): 1165

Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
I think you missed the point.

I hit the nail on the head....with a hammer, which falls into the "Blunt object" category of the FBI findings.
Sounds like hammer violence then. Oh wait, hammers just do as they're told.

Jesus, you're lame. But that's what idiots do when faced with cold, hard data that doesn't follow the narrative you carry around in your otherwise empty heads.
A three month wait period for the purchase of a gun, private or commercial sell. If you have an assault weapon off your own property, you must have the same license for it as for a .45 Thompson. If you are caught with said weapon and no license, it is a felony, and you will do jail time. And all your guns will be confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be able to legally own a firearm again. If you sell a gun without doing the paperwork and wait time, then you have committed an equivelent felony, with equivelent penelaties. Plus, you are responsible for any crime committed with that illegally sold weapon.

Laws like that, enforced, would cut the gun crime rate considerably.

Wow. What happened to "shall not be infringed?"

You sure give that a whole new meaning.
Why wait for all the facts to come forth when you can just speculate widely?
yet, republicans don't think we should regulate and demand background checks on people wanting AR-15's.

Anyone who buys an AR-15 has to go through a background check......already....and it didn't stop the San Bernadino shooters, the Sandy Hook shooter or the Colorado shooter, the two shooters got their gun legally and the other murdered his mother to get his.....

The mantra...."Background checks....Background Checks..." is meaningless......they do not stop actual criminals from getting any guns....
A three month wait period for the purchase of a gun, private or commercial sell. If you have an assault weapon off your own property, you must have the same license for it as for a .45 Thompson. If you are caught with said weapon and no license, it is a felony, and you will do jail time. And all your guns will be confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be able to legally own a firearm again. If you sell a gun without doing the paperwork and wait time, then you have committed an equivelent felony, with equivelent penelaties. Plus, you are responsible for any crime committed with that illegally sold weapon.

Laws like that, enforced, would cut the gun crime rate considerably.

And not one of those things will effect criminals...thank you for making law abiding, normal gun owners into felons over lapsed paperwork and clerical errors, in the mean time criminals and mass shooters will laugh at your ideas and get the gun anyway....

Do you think a criminal waits 3 months for any illegal gun.....

Do you think a mass shooter, who on average will plan his attack 6 months to 2 years in advance will care about a 3 month wait period...

Do you think a criminal will get a license for his illegal gun?

Do you think a mass shooter will hesitate to get a license for his guns....before he goes out and murders people?

Since a felon cannot legally own any you think they will worry about telling them they can't own guns anymore....?

Do you think a mass shooter, who commits suicide or faces jail after a mass shooting cares about never owning a gun again?

If you sell a gun without doing the paperwork and wait time, then you have committed an equivelent felony, with equivelent penelaties. Plus, you are responsible for any crime committed with that illegally sold weapon.

As I pointed out......failing to do paperwork makes you a felon...the same as someone who commits murder.....good job.....

And selling a legal item, to a legal customer, who later goes out and uses that legal item purchased legally to commit an illegal act.....gets the legal seller who sold the legal product in a legal transaction punished....good idea...

Do you guys actually care about stopping criminals and mass shooters? Obviously not, since all of your effort attacks normal gun owners and does nothing to effect criminals and mass shooters...the ones actually using guns to commit crimes and murder.....

While all of your energy is directed at normal gun owners who will never commit an actual crime...but God help them if they screw up their paperwork....then you really F**K them over but good..................

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we think you can't be dealt with have no integrity and you simply want to punish normal people for the sin of owning a gun.
yet, republicans don't think we should regulate and demand background checks on people wanting AR-15's.

Anyone who buys an AR-15 has to go through a background check......already....and it didn't stop the San Bernadino shooters, the Sandy Hook shooter or the Colorado shooter, the two shooters got their gun legally and the other murdered his mother to get his.....

The mantra...."Background checks....Background Checks..." is meaningless......they do not stop actual criminals from getting any guns....
A three month wait period for the purchase of a gun, private or commercial sell. If you have an assault weapon off your own property, you must have the same license for it as for a .45 Thompson. If you are caught with said weapon and no license, it is a felony, and you will do jail time. And all your guns will be confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be able to legally own a firearm again. If you sell a gun without doing the paperwork and wait time, then you have committed an equivelent felony, with equivelent penelaties. Plus, you are responsible for any crime committed with that illegally sold weapon.

Laws like that, enforced, would cut the gun crime rate considerably.

Laws like that, enforced, would cut the gun crime rate considerably.

No...they wouldn't do a thing to actual criminals or mass shooters......
Well, the fellow that sold those crazies in San Bernadino the guns is now in jail. If the people that sold the weapons used by the gangsta element also were getting jail time, maybe we would see a lot less guns on the street.

No...he isn't jammed up because of the weapons.....he bought them legally. He is jammed up for being part of the terrorist group....

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