Shocking Video! Contraceptives Obtained Without Federal Mandate!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
SHOCKING!!! Forget everything you may have seen and heard over the last few weeks. This video dares to show that contraceptives can actually be purchased near Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C........ OMFG!!!!!

[ame=]Shocking Video! Contraceptives Obtained Without Federal Mandate! - YouTube[/ame]

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let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

Following now?

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.
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let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

I understand it perfectly Jillian. Ms. Fluke, the Abortion rights activist, made testimony to Congress. She claimed that contraception is unavailable and unaffordable. Turns out she is a liar. That is the point. Planned Parenthood is 1.5 miles from the Georgetown Campus- free condoms, free pills, free exams.
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That's great, he bought condoms. Now, if he could only find an epipen when someone goes into anaphalaxis.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

Following now?

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

Let us know when you leftwingloons understand that if a Insurance Company is Forced to Provide something it won't be for free. We the people will pay through the nose for it..

Following now?

and if it's about tax dollars big deal, my precious tax dollars are pissed away graduating morons from high school.
if a Insurance Company is Forced to Provide something it won't be for free. We the people will pay through the nose for it.

The people who are buying the coverage will pay for it. Get it now?

Stay up with the news my friend.

Did you fail to listen to Mr. Obama when he announced his "compromise"? in the heck do you feel qualified to debate something you know very little about?

I mean...dam...that was front page news for several days...and you dont know about it?
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

and the connection between the 2 is what? exactly? lost me there...

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

irony alert-Defcon3

This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

no, actually its not.

Following now?

irony alert- Defcon 4..

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

:lol: so even after all of your inane and ill-informed spore spreading above , at the end of day if that doesn't work? its basically 'fuck you, sit down and stfu'.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

and the connection between the 2 is what? exactly? lost me there...

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

irony alert-Defcon3

no, actually its not.

Following now?

irony alert- Defcon 4..

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

:lol: so even after all of your inane and ill-informed spore spreading above , at the end of day if that doesn't work? its basically 'fuck you and just stfu'.

go prove where i'm wrong, hack.

until then, stick to responding to your fellow rightwingnuts. i've yet to see you make a contribution.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

Following now?

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

That's okay, jillian. My tax dollars are paying for endless wars, entitlements, social programs, legalized ponzi schemes ie SS, and whatever other waste the next R or D can come up with.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

Following now?

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

I do think the Viagara coverage by insurance is bullshit...

But I also do not think that any company or entity offering benefits should be forced to purchase a plan that includes things that it does not support... I think people should be free to shop whatever plans they wish for themselves,... but I do not think they should force an employer or anyone else to offer any specifics in a plan with the help of government.... if you want it, get it yourself thru whatever other plan you choose or *gasp* buy the product yourself with your own earnings...

Nobody was stopping anyone from buying Kaiser insurance or whatever other company without going thru whatever university or employer

Oh.. and BTW... national defense and the military are charges of the federal government.. giving you products for your recreation (whether it be birth control for recreational sex, a boat, video games, or whatever else) is not
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

I understand it perfectly Jillian. Ms. Fluke, the Abortion rights activist, made testimony to Congress. She claimed that contraception is unavailable and unaffordable. Turns out she is a liar. That is the point. Planned Parenthood is 1.5 miles from the Georgetown Campus- free condoms, free pills, free exams.

I have a hunch Mrs/Ms/Mr.(in waiting?) FlUke has never seen the inside of a Wal-Mart.....thats for peeps in fly over country.....(I suspect Jillian would not be caught dead in one either)...anyway, if she had....

if a Insurance Company is Forced to Provide something it won't be for free. We the people will pay through the nose for it.

The people who are buying the coverage will pay for it. Get it now?

I like to help the Dems on this topic. So I ask thi8s question.

Who is buying the plan? The Employer or the Employee?

If it is the Employer, the Dems need to change the situation so that it is the Employee that is in charge of choosing the insurance plan.

If it is the Employee, then this talk about Religious Freedom is baseless. The Employee chooses the plan, not the Church.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?

This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

Following now?

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

That's okay, jillian. My tax dollars are paying for endless wars, entitlements, social programs, legalized ponzi schemes ie SS, and whatever other waste the next R or D can come up with.

Social Security isn't a ponzi scheme, hon.

But you know, I'm sick to death of rightwingnuts (not addressing you, you're fairly consistent in all of these things and i disagree with you, but you haven't shown signs of insanity, nor do i see you lie).

I also don't see infrastructure and maintaining a safety net for people or education or agency oversight or government as wastes of money. i understand that you do. But I think when discussing an issue of people wanting to be allowed to use their religious beliefs to force insurance companies not to cover things they disapprove of is insane. The rightwingnuts' refusal to understand that contraception is prescription medication, along with their having zero objection to coverage of viagra because it's men who use it, makes them hypocrites.
if a Insurance Company is Forced to Provide something it won't be for free. We the people will pay through the nose for it.

The people who are buying the coverage will pay for it. Get it now?

Stay up with the news my friend.

Did you fail to listen to Mr. Obama when he announced his "compromise"? in the heck do you feel qualified to debate something you know very little about?

I mean...dam...that was front page news for several days...and you dont know about it?

Obama's "Compromise" is straight BullShit by Obama.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

you don't really understand this issue very well, do you?This is about INSURANCE companies paying for prescription medication and not allowing some religious zealot to take away that ability by deciding they don't like women using contraception.

Following now?

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

lol...uh.....I think it is YOU who doesnt understand the issue.

The issue has to do with a government mandate that will say that a company MUST offer a service...something that has never been mandated before.

Sure...folks like you want to make it about the religious right, and a womans body and all of the other diversions you can come up with.

But the bottom line...

Government, for the first time, will have the power to dictate that a company, regardless of size, profitibility of the service, preferences of the business owner or demand for the service...MUST offer the service....and in some cases, for free.

I suggest you stop listening to the diversions and understand the real issue before you critiioze others for not knowing the real issue.
if a Insurance Company is Forced to Provide something it won't be for free. We the people will pay through the nose for it.

The people who are buying the coverage will pay for it. Get it now?

I like to help the Dems on this topic. So I ask thi8s question.

Who is buying the plan? The Employer or the Employee?

If it is the Employer, the Dems need to change the situation so that it is the Employee that is in charge of choosing the insurance plan.

If it is the Employee, then this talk about Religious Freedom is baseless. The Employee chooses the plan, not the Church.

in many cases, both pay......but that doesnt matter...the employee chooses to accept the job based on the salary, opportunity, benefits, geogrphic location, etc.

They dont like the benefits plan, they can opt to turn down the job. The e3mployer is in control of the benefits they should be.

But that is not the issue anyway.

Government should not have the right to DEMAND a company offer a service...and saying an insurance company MUST offer birth control is not appropriate.

Most do anyway...but if one doesnt want to, it should be their choice.
let me know when the rightwingnuts start demanding insurance companies stop covering viagra.

and the connection between the 2 is what? exactly? lost me there...

irony alert-Defcon3

no, actually its not.

irony alert- Defcon 4..

And just to emphasize, even if it was about your precious tax dollars, big deal. My tax dollars helped pay for two unnnecessary wars of choice for the neo-cons.

Get over it.

:lol: so even after all of your inane and ill-informed spore spreading above , at the end of day if that doesn't work? its basically 'fuck you and just stfu'.

go prove where i'm wrong, hack.

until then, stick to responding to your fellow rightwingnuts. i've yet to see you make a contribution.

:lol: Contributions? :eusa_eh:If brains were energy you'd be the slowest tree sloth in the forest.

my remarks above equals; one question, ( yea that thingy with the question mark on the end) a no, a few off hand 'whatever' comments and a can parse that right?

so, answer the Q....then I will answer one of yours.

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