Sheriff's Office offers Baptism to Inmates

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
With the news reports slandering our police officers repeatedly, carrying on about how bad police are, it is good to hear about the stories that rarely make the news. This story is about a Sheriff's office that has been offering their inmates water baptism - full submersion and provided a pool for them to be baptized in. I love this story! God bless this Sheriff's department! Truly most of our law enforcement are wonderful people and we should not be focusing on the 1% that misuse their authority. It's time to get things into perspective people!


Bradley Co. Sheriff's Office offers inmates chance to be baptized

Bradley Co. Sheriff's Office offers inmates chance to be baptized
Posted: Aug 15, 2015 7:31 PM EDTUpdated: Aug 15, 2015 7:31 PM EDT

Inmates at the Bradley County jail were baptized Saturday at their requests. 25 female inmates and 65 males were baptized in a small rubber pool filled with water in an activity room inside the jail. Sheriff Eric Watson said recently that the BCSO and jail supervisors would always make a way for inmate baptisms when requested. Rev. Gloria Murphy baptized the female participants and Rev. Cy Harris baptized the men.
According to the report there were 28 men who were baptized last year - 2014 - and this year there were 65 men and 28 women! Sounds like God is on the move! Praise the LORD! Some of the finest Christians are behind bars today. Never forget that.

I know some very godly police officers who love the LORD with their whole heart and when they go home at night? They are praying for these guys! We have some wonderful law enforcement in our country and we need to be down on our knees and thanking God for them! That's the truth!
I am glad to see the PD permit the private expressions and ordinances of faith.

The officers and staff are not prosyltizing is their public roles but only as private servants of God.
I remember a letter I received from a very distraught prisoner years ago. I was doing prison ministry correspondence and bible study for the prisoners in prisons across the United States at the time. This particular prisoner was afraid he wouldn't go to heaven because he could not be baptized in the prison he was in. They only had showers. One of the prison officials involved with the prison church services (I believe it was the Chaplain but I may be wrong) told him he would not go to heaven because he was not water baptized - so there was no hope for those who had been saved in prison. Satan always has his own people where born again children of God are seeking to make their first steps. They are like the sharks that gather anytime you see fish jumping. Or the gulls that fly over head in the presence of fish gathering, the devil is always lurking about, you know.

Well, I wrote back to that prisoner and told him the devil is a liar and he is as saved as saved could be - that the thief on the cross never got down off the cross to be baptized and Jesus said unto him, Verily, verily this day you shall be with me in Paradise.

This story just reminded me of that incident. The prisoners that I ministered to - many of them went into ministry after they were released. They were truly sold out for God and it was a blessing to minister to such a great company of believers - both men and women. They are jewels in the King's Crown and they glorified him mightily.

They truly blessed me.
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Remember the story of the Philippian jailer?

Acts 16:25-31 King James Version (KJV)

25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.

26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

27 And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.

28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.

29 Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,

30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

King James Version (KJV)
by Public Domain
It is good to consider that the jailer must have heard Paul and Silas praising God,singing hymns unto God, speaking Scripture to one another and encouraging one another in the LORD.

It is good to consider that the jailer saw the honesty, compassion and mercy of the Lord's servants in staying on and telling the jailer not to harm himself. He would have taken his own life had they fled! But to God be the glory! They were about the Father's business and led that lost man to Christ by witness of their own lives before him.

It is good to consider that our lives are not our own. That our lives are a witness before others and that the Scripture the world hears, the hymns they listen to, the conversation of the godly they listen to, can lead them to Jesus Christ.
Baptism by water is only half a baptism
When you look at a glass of water is it half full or half empty to you? I see it as half full and I can tell you that this Sheriff's department is not trying to keep anything from these prisoners. They are offering them full submersion baptism, there is no question in my mind they would tell them by all means to be baptized in Christ, baptized in the Holy Spirit. The truth is there are far too many people criticizing our police departments and sheriff's departments and it is high time we began to praise them for the things they are doing right. The police and sheriffs of America do many good things. They would not have signed up to put their own lives on the line if they didn't love this country and love the American people. There are bad apples in every barrel (churches barrels too!) and the answer is always the same. Just remove the bad one out and move on.

I thank God for the police and Sheriff's that protect us here in the United States and I pray God blesses their socks off today!! My 2 cents.
Baptism by water is only half a baptism
Mormons seem to think so. If I remember right, you believe in a singular priesthood having the only power to operate in the Name of God.

You miss the point. Without the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost a baptism is only half complete. Baptism is performed to prepare the recipient for that precious gift. Without it the baptism is meaningless.
Baptism by water is only half a baptism
Mormons seem to think so. If I remember right, you believe in a singular priesthood having the only power to operate in the Name of God.

You miss the point. Without the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost a baptism is only half complete. Baptism is performed to prepare the recipient for that precious gift. Without it the baptism is meaningless.

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and prayed in tongues the same day I went to the altar publicly to receive Christ as my Savior. I was baptized with water quite a bit later. I know people who are born again Christians and still do not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Avatar. According to my faith they are just as saved as I am.
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Baptism by water is only half a baptism
Mormons seem to think so. If I remember right, you believe in a singular priesthood having the only power to operate in the Name of God.

You miss the point. Without the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost a baptism is only half complete. Baptism is performed to prepare the recipient for that precious gift. Without it the baptism is meaningless.
According to Mormons. OK.
I know some very godly police officers who love the LORD with their whole heart and when they go home at night? They are praying for these guys! We have some wonderful law enforcement in our country and we need to be down on our knees and thanking God for them! That's the truth!

Having people in law enforcement who profess irrational, paranoid and delusional beliefs as fucked up as yours running around with guns and badges baptizing prisoners and believing that those who do not swallow your born again trinity worshipping bullshit is the spawn of satan and destined for hell is extremely bad news.

Its like giving people in an insane asylum guns, telling them they are heroes, and then letting them out to run amok, to clean up the streets in the name of the Lord of course.
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I know some very godly police officers who love the LORD with their whole heart and when they go home at night? They are praying for these guys! We have some wonderful law enforcement in our country and we need to be down on our knees and thanking God for them! That's the truth!

Having people in law enforcement who profess irrational, paranoid and delusional beliefs as fucked up as yours running around with guns and badges baptizing prisoners and believing that those who do not swallow your born again trinity worshipping bullshit is the spawn of satan and destined for hell is extremely bad news.

Its like giving people in an insane asylum guns, telling them they are heroes, and then letting out to run amok, to clean up the streets in the name of the Lord of course.
Yet you irrationally believe in nothing. How about that. Jere and you are the flip sides of the same irrational coin: theists and atheists.
I know some very godly police officers who love the LORD with their whole heart and when they go home at night? They are praying for these guys! We have some wonderful law enforcement in our country and we need to be down on our knees and thanking God for them! That's the truth!

Having people in law enforcement who profess irrational, paranoid and delusional beliefs as fucked up as yours running around with guns and badges baptizing prisoners and believing that those who do not swallow your born again trinity worshipping bullshit is the spawn of satan and destined for hell is extremely bad news.

Its like giving people in an insane asylum guns, telling them they are heroes, and then letting out to run amok, to clean up the streets in the name of the Lord of course.
Yet you irrationally believe in nothing. How about that. Jere and you are the flip sides of the same irrational coin: theists and atheists.

Not exactly. I read the bible. The consequences for idolatry is death. I look around and see with my own eyes people who openly defy the laws of God die in the very day that they do it. The fact that the police do not even have an inkling that baptizing prisoners in the name of a trinity that became a man amounts to murder in the eyes of God clearly shows that they have their reward already..

I'm a believer.
I know some very godly police officers who love the LORD with their whole heart and when they go home at night? They are praying for these guys! We have some wonderful law enforcement in our country and we need to be down on our knees and thanking God for them! That's the truth!

Having people in law enforcement who profess irrational, paranoid and delusional beliefs as fucked up as yours running around with guns and badges baptizing prisoners and believing that those who do not swallow your born again trinity worshipping bullshit is the spawn of satan and destined for hell is extremely bad news.

Its like giving people in an insane asylum guns, telling them they are heroes, and then letting out to run amok, to clean up the streets in the name of the Lord of course.
Yet you irrationally believe in nothing. How about that. Jere and you are the flip sides of the same irrational coin: theists and atheists.

Not exactly. I read the bible. The consequences for idolatry is death. I look around and see with my own eyes people who openly defy the laws of God die in the very day that they do it. The fact that the police do not even have an inkling that baptizing prisoners in the name of a trinity that became a man amounts to murder in the eyes of God clearly shows that they have their reward already. I'm a believer.
So you believe in God every bit irrationally as Jere, because you cannot objectively prove what you believe. OK.
I know some very godly police officers who love the LORD with their whole heart and when they go home at night? They are praying for these guys! We have some wonderful law enforcement in our country and we need to be down on our knees and thanking God for them! That's the truth!

Having people in law enforcement who profess irrational, paranoid and delusional beliefs as fucked up as yours running around with guns and badges baptizing prisoners and believing that those who do not swallow your born again trinity worshipping bullshit is the spawn of satan and destined for hell is extremely bad news.

Its like giving people in an insane asylum guns, telling them they are heroes, and then letting out to run amok, to clean up the streets in the name of the Lord of course.
Yet you irrationally believe in nothing. How about that. Jere and you are the flip sides of the same irrational coin: theists and atheists.

Not exactly. I read the bible. The consequences for idolatry is death. I look around and see with my own eyes people who openly defy the laws of God die in the very day that they do it. The fact that the police do not even have an inkling that baptizing prisoners in the name of a trinity that became a man amounts to murder in the eyes of God clearly shows that they have their reward already. I'm a believer.
So you believe in God every bit irrationally as Jere, because you cannot objectively prove what you believe. OK.

No, I see what I believe conform to reality and confirmed by reality every day.

What you 'believers' say and what you do and your collective inability to acknowledge even the smallest truth proves my every word..
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Baptism by water is only half a baptism
Mormons seem to think so. If I remember right, you believe in a singular priesthood having the only power to operate in the Name of God.

You miss the point. Without the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost a baptism is only half complete. Baptism is performed to prepare the recipient for that precious gift. Without it the baptism is meaningless.

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and prayed in tongues the same day I went to the altar publicly to receive Christ as my Savior. I was baptized with water quite a bit later. I know people who are born again Christians and still do not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Avatar. According to my faith they are just as saved as I am.
What were you being saved from? Is it a jailable offense?

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