Sharia Law Hits Dunkin Doughnuts

First, then he would be violating the ADA, and his blind customers could sue him. Those fucking liberal judges and their concern for the blind!!!!!

Second, your post made such little sense that I regret the 7 seconds of my life that have been wasted in reading it.

Mulsim cabbies are refusing to do just that at airports
When have Muslims ever cared about the law?

Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol, and Dogs
Minnesota Officials Ponder Suspensions, cab Drivers say it Goes Against Their Belliefs

Jan. 26, 2007

Commissioners at one of the country's biggest airports are considering punishing Muslim cab drivers who refuse service to passengers possessing alcohol or guide dogs.

The cabbies claim transporting those items violates Islamic law.

"It is against our faith and the airport is discriminating against Muslim drivers," says a cab driver who would only give his first name, Hashim.

Three-quarters of the 900 cabbies licensed to operate at the airport are Muslim, most from Somalia. It is unclear how many are adhering to this letter of Islamic law which considers the purchase, drinking and transport of alcoholic beverages a sin.

Islam also regards the saliva from dogs to be unclean.

Nearly 40 million people travel through Minneapolis-St Paul airport annually.

Over the past 5 years, airport officials say 5,400 passengers have been turned away.

Some had guide dogs or pets, others were carrying cases of wine from California, or liquor from duty-free shops.

"There are times where cab after cab will refuse service, and passengers can be waiting for 20 minutes," says Patrick Hogan, spokesman for the Metropolitan Airports Commission. "We've had complaints of people being asked if they had any alcoholic beverages in their luggage."
When have Muslims ever cared about the law?

Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol, and Dogs
Minnesota Officials Ponder Suspensions, cab Drivers say it Goes Against Their Belliefs

Jan. 26, 2007

Commissioners at one of the country's biggest airports are considering punishing Muslim cab drivers who refuse service to passengers possessing alcohol or guide dogs.

The cabbies claim transporting those items violates Islamic law.

"It is against our faith and the airport is discriminating against Muslim drivers," says a cab driver who would only give his first name, Hashim.

Three-quarters of the 900 cabbies licensed to operate at the airport are Muslim, most from Somalia. It is unclear how many are adhering to this letter of Islamic law which considers the purchase, drinking and transport of alcoholic beverages a sin.

Islam also regards the saliva from dogs to be unclean.

Nearly 40 million people travel through Minneapolis-St Paul airport annually.

Over the past 5 years, airport officials say 5,400 passengers have been turned away.

Some had guide dogs or pets, others were carrying cases of wine from California, or liquor from duty-free shops.

"There are times where cab after cab will refuse service, and passengers can be waiting for 20 minutes," says Patrick Hogan, spokesman for the Metropolitan Airports Commission. "We've had complaints of people being asked if they had any alcoholic beverages in their luggage."

Then someone should sue them.
I would have fired these clerks

Target shifts Muslims who won’t ring up pork
Department stores in Minn. reassign some cashiers over religious conflict

MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.
I would have fired these clerks

Target shifts Muslims who won’t ring up pork
Department stores in Minn. reassign some cashiers over religious conflict

MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.

I haven't researched this, but I think that the standard is something like that an employer must make reasonable accomodations to accomodate religious belief. In this case, since the employer could easily make those accomodations for Muslims (as they would have too for Jews as well, I believe), problem solved.
I haven't researched this, but I think that the standard is something like that an employer must make reasonable accomodations to accomodate religious belief. In this case, since the employer could easily make those accomodations for Muslims (as they would have too for Jews as well, I believe), problem solved.

Gee, they apply for the job of cashier - and they whine about what they might have to touch? :cuckoo:
Gee, they apply for the job of cashier - and they whine about what they might have to touch? :cuckoo:

Well, people who apply to be cashiers at supermarkets are not generally picking this job instead of the executive position at Google that they were offered. Generally, I would think, they are happy to have found a job at all. So they wear gloves when handling pork products - not a big deal. Once again, problem solved.
Well, people who apply to be cashiers at supermarkets are not generally picking this job instead of the executive position at Google that they were offered. Generally, I would think, they are happy to have found a job at all. So they wear gloves when handling pork products - not a big deal. Once again, problem solved.

So people do not know what jobs they are applying for?

Problem is solved when Muslims stop whining for special treatment
So people do not know what jobs they are applying for?

No, they probably know what job they are applying for, but many people just want to find any job that pays decently and allows them to support their families. Not everyone can be choosy about which job they take, and probably take the first decent job that they can get.

Problem is solved when Muslims stop whining for special treatment

You keep saying that as if it really means anything. Lots of people need special accomodations in the workplace, the majority because they suffer from a physical disability. Do you have a problem with wheelchair ramps, or restrooms that accomodate the disabled? If not, then why do you care about small accomodations for persons because of religions (and we are not just taking about Muslims, which are not the only religious group to require some accomodation)?
No, they probably know what job they are applying for, but many people just want to find any job that pays decently and allows them to support their families. Not everyone can be choosy about which job they take, and probably take the first decent job that they can get.

You keep saying that as if it really means anything. Lots of people need special accomodations in the workplace, the majority because they suffer from a physical disability. Do you have a problem with wheelchair ramps, or restrooms that accomodate the disabled? If not, then why do you care about small accomodations for persons because of religions (and we are not just taking about Muslims, which are not the only religious group to require some accomodation)?

When you accept a job - you do not tell the boss what your duties are

Maybe you want to coddle the Muslims - they are demanding we bend over backwards to them - I say we stop the coddeling
When you accept a job - you do not tell the boss what your duties are

Maybe you want to coddle the Muslims - they are demanding we bend over backwards to them - I say we stop the coddeling

Okay, you won me over. But while we are at it, lets stop all the coddling. Blind people.... to damn bad. No more beeping at the crosswalks for you. You can just hope that traffic dodges you!You've had it too good for too long.

Can't walk? Well that's not my fucking problem. You can crawl up those stairs, can't you?

Jewish? Sabbath Smabbath! I expect you at sunrise on Saturday morning.
Okay, you won me over. But while we are at it, lets stop all the coddling. Blind people.... to damn bad. No more beeping at the crosswalks for you. You can just hope that traffic dodges you!You've had it too good for too long.

Can't walk? Well that's not my fucking problem. You can crawl up those stairs, can't you?

Jewish? Sabbath Smabbath! I expect you at sunrise on Saturday morning.

When losing, libs will go over the top. What I am saying, if you accept a job - you can't tell the bos what you will and will not do

If Muslims do not wnat to handle pork items - let them get another job. They are not handicapped - they are arrogant and expect all of us to give in to their lame demands
When losing, libs will go over the top. What I am saying, if you accept a job - you can't tell the bos what you will and will not do

If Muslims do not wnat to handle pork items - let them get another job. They are not handicapped - they are arrogant and expect all of us to give in to their lame demands

Well, I still don't think that providing gloves is that much of an accomodation.

RSR, I am a little disappointed with all of your half-measures, and your unwillingness to join with me in coddle-free universe. What is it you love so much about the Jews and the disabled, and their lame demands? I think you are turning liberal on me. Is that a tinge of blue that I see in you?
Well, I still don't think that providing gloves is that much of an accomodation.

RSR, I am a little disappointed with all of your half-measures, and your unwillingness to join with me in coddle-free universe. What is it you love so much about the Jews and the disabled, and their lame demands? I think you are turning liberal on me. Is that a tinge of blue that I see in you?

Wearing gloves is NOT going to good eneough for them - they are refusing to handle the pork items

The cabbies are refusing to pick up blind passengers with seeing eye dogs

This is why the terrorists love the left - they would rather switch then fight
Wearing gloves is NOT going to good eneough for them - they are refusing to handle the pork items

The cabbies are refusing to pick up blind passengers with seeing eye dogs

This is why the terrorists love the left - they would rather switch then fight

In some cases, if it affects the consumer directly, you can always sue. In other cases, the store has to make reasonable accomodations. Not extraordinary accomodations. Just reasonable accomodations.

By the way, I do go over the top sometimes, but I want you to understand why. I am mocking you. I am making fun of you. I am gaining enjoyment at your expense. I just don't want you to think of this as a liberal trait. This is all about me, and to a lesser extent, you.

However, don't ever think that I don't care. I love you. I love you very much. I think you are damn right sexy in fact, and when you say lib to me, my heart melts.

ReillyT + Real Sexy Republican = 4ever!
In some cases, if it affects the consumer directly, you can always sue. In other cases, the store has to make reasonable accomodations. Not extraordinary accomodations. Just reasonable accomodations.

By the way, I do go over the top sometimes, but I want you to understand why. I am mocking you. I am making fun of you. I am gaining enjoyment at your expense. I just don't want you to think of this as a liberal trait. This is all about me, and to a lesser extent, you.

However, don't ever think that I don't care. I love you. I love you very much. I think you are damn right sexy in fact, and when you say lib to me, my heart melts.

ReillyT + Real Sexy Republican = 4ever!

Maybe the Muslims need to get treatment for their inflated opinions about themselves


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By the way, I am a man, but I hope that this won't prevent us from becoming closer.

Libs say we need to be more tolerant and strive for diversity. Yea, diversity is working out well in Britian, Spain, and France

I gues we are playing "catch up"

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