*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

Well, I'll ask nicely one more time

'Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?'

Now, a double digit IQ type such as Doc might respond by just saying 'NO' in big letters, but he won't offer an engaging answer since the truth destroys his Lefty libtard meme.
Actually, you are what's wrong with this country.. Do any of you libs care that your messiah was warned 48 prior to the embassy attack and ignored it? Just breaking over the wires.. Your Appeasement President is going to lose BIG in November.. A major WALKING CLUSTERFUCK in both economics and national security. Just sayin :)

Care to make a bet?

I;'ll bet our signature, 1 month. Loser carries winners choice of signature.

I raise you....winner picks loser's avatar for a month too...both to be served in the same month. and in order to avoid daving....I would ask, if i lose to at least keep my Pirate signature PLUS the sig of your choice.
Well, I'll ask nicely one more time

'Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?'

Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Obama has already done so by 'outing' the film maker.

"Obama" outed the film maker? When?

And how does that "put freedom back in the box"?
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

Nakoula is the Coward of the Year.

He made a deliberately provactive film, and then hid his ass and let someone else pay the penalty of his work with their lives.

Then, he doubled down on his assholery and made a cowardly phone call to the press in an attempt to make them believe he was an Israeli Jew and that the film was paid for by hundreds of Israeli Jews. For those who are unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments, this is known as "bearing false witness" and is a far more serious offense than simple lying.

This guy obviously wanted the Muslims to take out their wrath on Israel.

What a cowardly fucking inciter this guy is! There just is no bigger piece of shit except for the killers themselves.

He's a Coptic Christian. And now he's upset he has been dragged into the light and his chickenshitedness exposed? Good! Let him sweat.

How's that free speech feeling? Feel the double-edgedness. Yummm...

Who could possibly defend this piece of shit?

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Well, I'll ask nicely one more time

'Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?'

Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Obama has already done so by 'outing' the film maker.

Really? Obama is the local LA news stations? Because they did it almost 48 hours ago...and passed it on to the AP.
Well, I'll ask nicely one more time

'Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?'

Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

Nakoula is the Coward of the Year.

He made a deliberately provactive film, and then hid his ass and let someone else pay the penalty of his work.

Then, he doubled down and made a cowardly phone call to the press in an attempt to make them believe he was an Israeli Jew and that the film was paid for by hundreds of Israeli Jews.

This guy obviously wanted the Muslims to take out their wrath on Israel.

What a cowardly fucking inciter this guy is!

He's a Coptic Christian. And now he's upset he has been dragged into the light and his chickenshitedness exposed? Good! Let him sweat.

How's that free speech feeling? Feel the double-edgedness. Yummm...


WTF is wrong with you?? Films portraying Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene were made and shown.. yet you don't see the same INDIGNATION from liberals.. HYPOCRITES .. TOTALLY offensive to Christians and yet I don't recall ANY fucking body calling for the asshole's death, throwing him to the wolves, etc..???!!! STFU.. I'm in the middle of a bet.
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Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Obama has already done so by 'outing' the film maker.

Really? Obama is the local LA news stations? Because they did it almost 48 hours ago...and passed it on to the AP.

Read the OP and you might look a tad less dopey than usual next time. LOL
Well, I'll ask nicely one more time

'Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?'

Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.
Obama has already done so by 'outing' the film maker.

Really? Obama is the local LA news stations? Because they did it almost 48 hours ago...and passed it on to the AP.

Read the OP and you might look a tad less dopey than usual next time. LOL

I have read the OP....and I am telling you...LIVING in the SoCAL area...that this story has been known for over 48 hours now by local news....NOT the Fed....they got it from the local news and AP....can't blame Obama no matter how hard you try. Bummer to be you.
WTF is wrong with you?? Films portraying Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene was made .. TOTALLY offensive to Christians and yet I don't recall ANY fucking body calling for the asshole's death, throwing him to the wolves, etc..???!!! STFU.. I'm in the middle of a bet.


That's the sound of the point flying over your head. Jesus, you really don't get it.

Are you so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the asshole's Muslim film they are perfectly okay with The Last Temptation of Christ?

Apparently so.

Are you also so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the cowardly asshole behind the film they are okay with, or excusing, the Ambassador's death?

Apparently so.

He's a coward. He hid. Then he tried to point the blame for the film on innocent people, hoping they would be targeted.

I seriously believe anyone who defends this guy is flat out retarded.

This is not about free speech. This is about cowardice and evil of the highest order.

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Well, I'll ask nicely one more time

'Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?'

Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?
Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?
I need to know what a davey is??
WTF is wrong with you?? Films portraying Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene was made .. TOTALLY offensive to Christians and yet I don't recall ANY fucking body calling for the asshole's death, throwing him to the wolves, etc..???!!! STFU.. I'm in the middle of a bet.


That's the sound of the point flying over your head. Jesus, you really don't get it.

Are you so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the asshole's Muslim film they are perfectly okay with The Last Temptation of Christ?

Apparently so.

Are you also so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the cowardly asshole behind the film they are okay with, or excusing, the Ambassador's death?

Apparently so.

He's a coward. He hid. Then he tried to point the blame for the film on innocent people, hoping they would be targeted.

I seriously believe anyone who defends this guy is flat out retarded.

This is not about free speech. This is about cowardice and evil of the highest order.


I honestly don't give a rats stank ass what you think.. You're annoying me at best.
WTF is wrong with you?? Films portraying Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene was made .. TOTALLY offensive to Christians and yet I don't recall ANY fucking body calling for the asshole's death, throwing him to the wolves, etc..???!!! STFU.. I'm in the middle of a bet.


That's the sound of the point flying over your head. Jesus, you really don't get it.

Are you so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the asshole's Muslim film they are perfectly okay with The Last Temptation of Christ?

Apparently so.

Are you also so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the cowardly asshole behind the film they are okay with, or excusing, the Ambassador's death?

Apparently so.

He's a coward. He hid. Then he tried to point the blame for the film on innocent people, hoping they would be targeted.

I seriously believe anyone who defends this guy is flat out retarded.

This is not about free speech. This is about cowardice and evil of the highest order.


i see...so one is brave to insult christianity, but a coward to insult islam....

makes sense

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