*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?

Very telling that you equate Islmaic radicals with mindless insects.

I agree

When are you going to have that moment of realization that the attack had NOTHING to do with the film?
It's funny. When some extremist Muslims do something wrong, other people demand the rest of the Muslim community to condemn them.

But then some fuckface chickenshit makes a film all Muslims find highly offensive and tries to get the extremist Muslims to kill innocent people, they rush to his defense!


What a bunch of hypocrites.

US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

There are even assholes on this thread who are trying to pretend the Fed did not officially out this guy.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?
I need to know what a davey is??

"daving", not "davey".

Short answer: Wussing out on a bet.

Long answer: This thread.
Let me ask you...who is suggesting we put freedom in a box? Because until you clear that up, it's hard to answer a none-existant issue.

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.

If the film maker did not break the law with making the film, our government officials have no right putting his name out there. I believe it is the governments job to protect it's citizens, at least the last time I checked. Even if he or she is scum.

If our government did this. They violated this man's rights under the constitution
WTF is wrong with you?? Films portraying Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene was made .. TOTALLY offensive to Christians and yet I don't recall ANY fucking body calling for the asshole's death, throwing him to the wolves, etc..???!!! STFU.. I'm in the middle of a bet.


That's the sound of the point flying over your head. Jesus, you really don't get it.

Are you so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the asshole's Muslim film they are perfectly okay with The Last Temptation of Christ?

Apparently so.

Are you also so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the cowardly asshole behind the film they are okay with, or excusing, the Ambassador's death?

Apparently so.

He's a coward. He hid. Then he tried to point the blame for the film on innocent people, hoping they would be targeted.

I seriously believe anyone who defends this guy is flat out retarded.

This is not about free speech. This is about cowardice and evil of the highest order.


i see...so one is brave to insult christianity, but a coward to insult islam....

makes sense

Please show me where I said any of that, idiot.

God, you people are dense.

US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

There are even assholes on this thread who are trying to pretend the Fed did not officially out this guy.


They didn't.

An anonymous source leaked it to the AP. Nothing "official" about it.
Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.

If the film maker did not break the law with making the film, our government officials have no right putting his name out there. I believe it is the governments job to protect it's citizens, at least the last time I checked. Even if he or she is scum.

Absolutely.. Liberals are never for freedom of speech unless they ok it.. They want to take our guns.. They despise the Constitution.. They don't have the first clue of what liberty means.. I'm also tired of hearing them bash this Christian.. but that's ok.. Open season on Christians. They're hypocrites.
Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.

If the film maker did not break the law with making the film, our government officials have no right putting his name out there. I believe it is the governments job to protect it's citizens, at least the last time I checked. Even if he or she is scum.

If our government did this. They violated this man's rights under the constitution

I don't think you people are up on the facts.

An extremist Christian made a film he knew would offend Muslims. He lied to the cast about the nature of the film.

Then he released it into the wild, hoping to offend. Very un-Christian of him.

Then when it got the desired result, he decides to tell the press he is an Israeli Jew and that a bunch of Israeli Jews paid for the film to be made. This is AFTER Muslims started killing people over it.

Now...why would he do that knowing the Muslims have just killed a bunch of other people over it?

Hmmmm...could it be he wanted the fired up extremist Muslims to kill some Jews, too?

Yes. That is the only reason it could be.

He's a chickenshit coward and was seeking to incite the murder of Jews. Period.


That's the sound of the point flying over your head. Jesus, you really don't get it.

Are you so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the asshole's Muslim film they are perfectly okay with The Last Temptation of Christ?

Apparently so.

Are you also so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the cowardly asshole behind the film they are okay with, or excusing, the Ambassador's death?

Apparently so.

He's a coward. He hid. Then he tried to point the blame for the film on innocent people, hoping they would be targeted.

I seriously believe anyone who defends this guy is flat out retarded.

This is not about free speech. This is about cowardice and evil of the highest order.


i see...so one is brave to insult christianity, but a coward to insult islam....

makes sense

Please show me where I said any of that, idiot.

God, you people are dense.


And you're an asshole.. Now what?!
I don't think you people are up on the facts.

An extremist Christian made a film he knew would offend Muslims. He lied to the cast about the nature of the film.

Then he released it into the wild, hoping to offend. Very un-Christian of him.

Then when it got the desired result, he decides to tell the press he is an Israeli Jew and that a bunch of Israeli Jews paid for the film to be made.

Now...why would he do that knowing the Muslims have just killed a bunch of other people over it?

Hmmmm...could it be he wanted the fired up extremist Muslims to kill some Jews, too?

Yes. That is the only reason it could be.

He's a chickenshit coward and was seeking to incite the murder of Jews. Period.


CODE BOOK FOR RACISM-- he said "YOU PEOPLE" <SQUAWK> RACIST!! SQUAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RACISM ALERT.. See how that works loser?
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

There are even assholes on this thread who are trying to pretend the Fed did not officially out this guy.


They didn't.

An anonymous source leaked it to the AP. Nothing "official" about it.

Let me give you the remedial help you need. No charge, this time:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal authorities have identified a Coptic Christian in southern California
i see...so one is brave to insult christianity, but a coward to insult islam....

makes sense

Please show me where I said any of that, idiot.

God, you people are dense.


And you're an asshole.. Now what?!

The only assholes are the ones defending the cowardly fuck who is trying to get the Muslims to kill some Jews.

Looks to me like you are all a bunch of anti-Semites.
Please show me where I said any of that, idiot.

God, you people are dense.


And you're an asshole.. Now what?!

The only assholes are the ones defending the cowardly fuck who is trying to get the Muslims to kill some Jews.

Looks to me like you are all a bunch of anti-Semites.

I believe you will find we are defending speech and privacy from government crackdown.

History tells us letting your gubmint get away with that ends ugly.
Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?
I need to know what a davey is??

Daving is two things:

1. Partially welching on a bet on avatars, by putting something in a signature saying you only have said avatar because someone else won a bet and you are made to do it
2. Saying you don't care about something but showing that you do care again and again and again.

Daving....in honor of our own Daveman.

So...is it on?
There are even assholes on this thread who are trying to pretend the Fed did not officially out this guy.


They didn't.

An anonymous source leaked it to the AP. Nothing "official" about it.

Let me give you the remedial help you need. No charge, this time:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal authorities have identified a Coptic Christian in southern California

Perhaps you should read the article, not just the headline.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation...
Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?
I need to know what a davey is??

Daving is two things:

1. Partially welching on a bet on avatars, by putting something in a signature saying you only have said avatar because someone else won a bet and you are made to do it
2. Saying you don't care about something but showing that you do care again and again and again.

Daving....in honor of our own Daveman.

So...is it on?

Why do I have to leave your pirate in the signature then?? That's a partial welch isn;t it? I want my avatar left in then..
Should speech that people find offensive be banned?

Should 'The New Normal' - that new sitcom about fags, be banned because it is offensive to millions?

When did I say that?

Are you legally retarded?

This isn't some esoteric debate about the first amendment you numbskull.

LOL -- Now now.. all the name calling.. you people can't discuss anything without tossing out insults?

If you want to take up the issue of board civility, you'd best start leading by example.

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