Sex Weapon

While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

Is it like that in the universe where you live, Lumpy?

I'd move, then, if I were you.

Clearly the men there are all dogs and the women all bitches.

Well I tell ya Eddy, that's an interesting reaction to my post.. You have a knack for finding hidden meanings between the lines..:eusa_eh:
Well ABS, you're certainly not a shy man. It sounds like you've lived an interesting life.
Actually, I'm a 45 year old man who has been single for 38 of those years. As far as the long term relationship thing? I'm interested, just won't spend time with a stupid woman, or one that can't make me laugh and feel loved. Those are rare because my standards are high.

As far as wanting to get laid all the time? I'll jump in bed with anyone that I like, but, because closed minds, stupid people, and those that don't pay attention to anything outside themselves seem to be the norm, I've not had sex in around 18 months.

Does that mean I go proposition women that I see on the street? No. I wait until someone sparks my interest and go from there.

Incidentally, I did almost get married again when I retired from the military.

Interestingly enough, there are lots of women today that view healthcare as a major bonus on the husband scale. I'm retired, so therefore anyone that I marry will also be covered.

Well first thing, that assuming thing does send you down the wrong path .
And second , thank you for your service to the country, you have my respect and honor.

Since you opened up, I feel someone obligated to do the same.

My first wife could easily be described as a liber-nazi, extremely smart, great looks but a rather shallow heart. (she's calmed down over the years) The end part of our relationship ended with my daughter being born and a divorce.

I liked the basics of marriage and with my daughter of three months, I embarked on a search for the right kind of women. I ran across the money grubbers, the lazy bums, the users, the party Gals, the blown out.. used up ones and many other types.

My daughter was 4 years old now and I'd pretty well given up on finding the right sort of lady. Now.. I'm not what you would call a religious person but I recall being frustrated with the search and saying to myself " God help me out here, all I want is a good women".

Maybe it's coincidence to some but soon after my daughter comes to me asks me if I would ask out her pre-school teacher. I'd actually had never met her. Well I did and wow what an angel, I asked her out and she refused on principle. Well, obviously she changed her mind and we've had a great marriage, 3 more kids and I'm happy beyond what I deserve.
I guess the point is, hold out and don't settle for less.
Well ABS, you're certainly not a shy man. It sounds like you've lived an interesting life.

Was sold for 25,000 at 1, orphaned at 8, in foster care from 12-16, graduated HS at 17, joined the Navy and retired at 38. could say that my life has been interesting.

Oh yeah, 26 different countries, 49 different states (only missing Alaska), and 4 war zones.
While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

I would never be with a woman who thought so little of herself much less me, that she would act in such a manner.
While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

I would never be with a woman who thought so little of herself much less me, that she would act in such a manner.

While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

Any woman who would deny herself sexual pleasure to "punish" her man is a moron.
Sex Weapon
Epic Fail!

Nope. Not at all. What I am saying is that I don't have anything that they want, and they ain't gonna let me have sex with them, so therefore, it's easier to share ideas with someone who views you as a fellow human being rather than some depraved dirt bag who's main goal is to have orgasms.

...rather than some depraved dirt bag who's main goal is to have orgasms.

Some friendly advice? Raise the bar on the women you date or change who you are or what you are doing so you do not attract the depraved ones. lol
The depravity was a reference to how most women view men who speak about sexual things outside of the bedroom. You'd be surprised how many women think that talking about sex is "dirty".

Me? If I can't talk about it, I probably shouldn't be doing it.
While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

Any woman who would deny herself sexual pleasure to "punish" her man is a moron.

The Vagina is a true WMD, it has brought many a hard man to his knees,in comparison the penis is a christmas cracker.
While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

I have never shown this kind of disrespect to a man. No games. I love men and respect them and myself, too much to go so low.

While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

I have never shown this kind of disrespect to a man. No games. I love men and respect them and myself, too much to go so low.


You bring up an interesting point Mermaid. There is one thing that really bugs me about sex sometimes, and that is a woman who tells me that if we do enjoy some adult time, she's worried that I'm gonna think she's easy and a slut.

I then have to remind her that I respect myself, and why would I disrespect myself by sleeping with a skank?

I then ask if she would still respect ME in the morning.

But......if they persist in the "you're gonna think I'm a whore tomorrow" thinking, I generally shake their hand, tell 'em good night, and never call back.

Why? I won't be devalued myself by someone who devalues themselves.
While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

I have never shown this kind of disrespect to a man. No games. I love men and respect them and myself, too much to go so low.


You bring up an interesting point Mermaid. There is one thing that really bugs me about sex sometimes, and that is a woman who tells me that if we do enjoy some adult time, she's worried that I'm gonna think she's easy and a slut.

I then have to remind her that I respect myself, and why would I disrespect myself by sleeping with a skank?

I then ask if she would still respect ME in the morning.

But......if they persist in the "you're gonna think I'm a whore tomorrow" thinking, I generally shake their hand, tell 'em good night, and never call back.

Why? I won't be devalued myself by someone who devalues themselves.

Exactly, ABikerSailor. You and I seek another with self esteem, and intellectual properties, equal to our own. :)

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You know......if she can make me think and laugh, and I feel loved in her presence, that's really all that matters.

Not really even concerned about the looks.
You know......if she can make me think and laugh, and I feel loved in her presence, that's really all that matters.

Not really even concerned about the looks.

If he can make me laugh and make great love with me, I am his as long as those last. I am a woman and it takes a man with a great wit, passion and sense of humor for me to have chemistry. Love it when those three forces come together. :) My favorite former husband was the best. Gold Medal...Olympic!! lol Nothing that hot lasts forever and that is fine. Love it while it lasts and design your next adventure. There always is one for those like me. I seek.


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