Sex Weapon

Actually, I've got both.

Ever been with a lesbian that was curious about hetero sex, and wanted you to stop halfway through the in and out because she had second thoughts?

Then........have you been enough of a human to stop because she asked?

I have.

By the way, doing that got me a lot of good karma.

If you're good enough in bed, like I am, you can cure lesbianism.

Just saying...
Actually, I've got both.

Ever been with a lesbian that was curious about hetero sex, and wanted you to stop halfway through the in and out because she had second thoughts?

Then........have you been enough of a human to stop because she asked?

I have.

By the way, doing that got me a lot of good karma.

If you're good enough in bed, like I am, you can cure lesbianism.

Just saying...


Actually, I've got both.

Ever been with a lesbian that was curious about hetero sex, and wanted you to stop halfway through the in and out because she had second thoughts?

Then........have you been enough of a human to stop because she asked?

I have.

By the way, doing that got me a lot of good karma.

If you're good enough in bed, like I am, you can cure lesbianism.

Just saying...

I thought men liked lesbians.
Actually, I've got both.

Ever been with a lesbian that was curious about hetero sex, and wanted you to stop halfway through the in and out because she had second thoughts?

Then........have you been enough of a human to stop because she asked?

I have.

By the way, doing that got me a lot of good karma.

If you're good enough in bed, like I am, you can cure lesbianism.

Just saying...

I thought men liked lesbians.

Damn it.. I don't want to talk about it....:lol:

(lonely... very lonely)
They do. By the way, this illustrates an interesting point in the whole gay/straight thing..........

By the way, she wasn't the first lesbian I'd been with. There was one in Norfolk who used to tell me she likes a man every now and again. Spent around 8 months with her by the way. Nice lady.

Also lived with 2 in Va. Beach, but......I digress.........

The point I wish to illustrate is this.........homosexuality isn't a "choice", it's actually genetic and physiological. She liked me a lot, and really enjoyed riding on the back of my Harley all over town, we were really great friends.

It was after around a month of seeing each other that she asked me if I would have sex with her, as she's never had a man before. I said sure, and things happened, and she wanted to stop.

Apparently, it made her feel very uncomfortable, because her psyche just wouldn't allow it.

Tried a second time, same results.

Like I said, gay isn't a choice.
They do. By the way, this illustrates an interesting point in the whole gay/straight thing..........

By the way, she wasn't the first lesbian I'd been with. There was one in Norfolk who used to tell me she likes a man every now and again. Spent around 8 months with her by the way. Nice lady.

Also lived with 2 in Va. Beach, but......I digress.........

The point I wish to illustrate is this.........homosexuality isn't a "choice", it's actually genetic and physiological. She liked me a lot, and really enjoyed riding on the back of my Harley all over town, we were really great friends.

It was after around a month of seeing each other that she asked me if I would have sex with her, as she's never had a man before. I said sure, and things happened, and she wanted to stop.

Apparently, it made her feel very uncomfortable, because her psyche just wouldn't allow it.

Tried a second time, same results.

Like I said, gay isn't a choice.

Sounds like a blanket statement...:lol:
They do. By the way, this illustrates an interesting point in the whole gay/straight thing..........

By the way, she wasn't the first lesbian I'd been with. There was one in Norfolk who used to tell me she likes a man every now and again. Spent around 8 months with her by the way. Nice lady.

Also lived with 2 in Va. Beach, but......I digress.........

The point I wish to illustrate is this.........homosexuality isn't a "choice", it's actually genetic and physiological. She liked me a lot, and really enjoyed riding on the back of my Harley all over town, we were really great friends.

It was after around a month of seeing each other that she asked me if I would have sex with her, as she's never had a man before. I said sure, and things happened, and she wanted to stop.

Apparently, it made her feel very uncomfortable, because her psyche just wouldn't allow it.

Tried a second time, same results.

Like I said, gay isn't a choice.

Well you're definitely not a quitter.:lol:
Guaranteed 5 mind blowing orgasms per session (if I have enough time).

And yes, I do like bearded clams. Matter of fact, have been told (by lesbians who would know) that I eat pussy better than a woman!
Guaranteed 5 mind blowing orgasms per session (if I have enough time).

And yes, I do like bearded clams. Matter of fact, have been told (by lesbians who would know) that I eat pussy better than a woman!

Geezz.. wouldn't be a little easier hanging out with some straight Gals?
Actually, no. Wanna know why? Simple.......straight women (90 percent of the time) will view a conversation of that nature to (which is already sexual) be nothing more than a pick up line, because all men are dogs.

Lesbians aren't like that. They view you as an equal.
Actually, no. Wanna know why? Simple.......straight women (90 percent of the time) will view a conversation of that nature to (which is already sexual) be nothing more than a pick up line, because all men are dogs.

Lesbians aren't like that. They view you as an equal.

Are you saying that lesbians are dogs??:eusa_eh:
Nope. Not at all. What I am saying is that I don't have anything that they want, and they ain't gonna let me have sex with them, so therefore, it's easier to share ideas with someone who views you as a fellow human being rather than some depraved dirt bag who's main goal is to have orgasms.
Do you think 90% of all straight women have such a low opinion of men, or is it just those you've encountered??
Do you think 90% of all straight women have such a low opinion of men, or is it just those you've encountered??

You know.......when you've spent 20 years living in towns where the male to female ratio is 10 guys for every woman, because all the towns you've lived in are military and sailor towns, you'd have the same idea.

You DO realize the stereotype of a single sailor right? One in every port and a whore on land. I can't help it, it's just the way that the world had said it was prior to my arrival here in 1964.

Of course that's what I've experienced. And, sad thing about it is, in those kind of places, people tend to go for the stereotype, even if you don't act like one.

Why? It's convenient.
Actually, no. Wanna know why? Simple.......straight women (90 percent of the time) will view a conversation of that nature to (which is already sexual) be nothing more than a pick up line, because all men are dogs.

Lesbians aren't like that. They view you as an equal.

Am I right in assuming you're a young stud that's not really interested in a long term relationship? Also.. that your only interest is getting laid?

Women come in several categories, time passes but the game remains the same. You have to figure out what their motivation is before you go for the prize. The ones that don't require respect are a waste of time unless you just want to keep it shallow and on the barnyard level.
While not having much experience with this problem. I've heard that many women use their delivery of sex as a weapon to get their men to toe the line. Basically.. do what I require or no sex. I hear men complain about this fairly regularly.

I recall having this problem when I was single, years ago, but that was different, I just took it as a bad sign and moved on.

Is it like that in the universe where you live, Lumpy?

I'd move, then, if I were you.

Clearly the men there are all dogs and the women all bitches.
Actually, I'm a 45 year old man who has been single for 38 of those years. As far as the long term relationship thing? I'm interested, just won't spend time with a stupid woman, or one that can't make me laugh and feel loved. Those are rare because my standards are high.

As far as wanting to get laid all the time? I'll jump in bed with anyone that I like, but, because closed minds, stupid people, and those that don't pay attention to anything outside themselves seem to be the norm, I've not had sex in around 18 months.

Does that mean I go proposition women that I see on the street? No. I wait until someone sparks my interest and go from there.

Incidentally, I did almost get married again when I retired from the military.

Interestingly enough, there are lots of women today that view healthcare as a major bonus on the husband scale. I'm retired, so therefore anyone that I marry will also be covered.

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