Severed head left on Amsterdam street, immigrant gang war is fun for everyone...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....Amsterdam is another example of the violence escalation in Europe. The native Europeans are fairly peaceful.....shown in the way their criminals, who can get guns easily, do not commit actual gun murder that often....

However, they are importing people from countries that do not share the same cultural attitudes toward murder that the European natives do.....and hence...the escalation of violence...

And severed heads...

Migrant Gangs Leave Severed Head On Amsterdam Street

In Amsterdam a severed head was found laying in the open street. It is just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the “MOCRO War” involving North African migrants from Morocco.

Amsterdam resident Stan Koeman made the discovery. He first thought it may just be a bag laying on the ground but he soon realized what lay in front of his deli was much worse: “But then, I saw: sh*t it looks like a head,” he told Dutch media according to

The remains of the body belonging to the victim were found a day earlier, partially burned, in a different section of the city. The victim was a 23 year-old man, Nabil Amzieb.

Police say the positioning of his head was done on purpose. His eyes were pointed toward a local shisha smoking lounge called “Fayrouz” which, according to local police, is a known meeting place for North African gangs who have been in a bitter and bloody turf war since 2012.

That is enough to ruin your pot fed high.....

Do they have gun control in Amsterdam....because the criminals seem to get guns there too...

Since 2012 there have been dozens of attacks by members of the so-called “MORCO mafia” against each other. Nearly 20 people have been killed since the beginning of the conflict but Nabil Amzieb is the youngest killed so far.

Over the past year police released statistics showing the scale of the gang war. They showed 396 fire arms seizures and six murders, which was down from the average of ten per year since 2012.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher. you actually think before you post?

I have pointed out that criminals in Europe, up till now....have not felt the need to commit murder as often as our criminals is a difference in culture between Europeans and our minority communities in our demcorat controlled inner cities.

It is a culture difference that was created through different cultural experiences in Europe and the United States......

Our criminals lure 9 year old boys to alleys with the intent on cutting off their fingers and ears and then decide to just shoot get back at the gang member father of the boy......

Big difference between European and American thugs....
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher. you actually think before you post?

I have pointed out that criminals in Europe, up till now....have not felt the need to commit murder as often as our criminals is a difference in culture between Europeans and our minority communities in our demcorat controlled inner cities.

It is a culture difference that was created through different cultural experiences in Europe and the United States......

Our criminals lure 9 year old boys to alleys with the intent on cutting off their fingers and ears and then decide to just shoot get back at the gang member father of the boy......

Big difference between European and American thugs....
They "have not felt the need."

Moron. They have not had the means. 1 pull of a trigger can end someone's life. No danger to the killer. Lunging at someone with a knife is dangerous to the killer and they have to spend more time thinking about it.

The gun crime rate in the U.S. is something like 4 times higher than anywhere in developed europe. Because, duh, crime is easier with a gun. And there are 400 million+ readily available guns in circulation for our criminals here.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher. you actually think before you post?

I have pointed out that criminals in Europe, up till now....have not felt the need to commit murder as often as our criminals is a difference in culture between Europeans and our minority communities in our demcorat controlled inner cities.

It is a culture difference that was created through different cultural experiences in Europe and the United States......

Our criminals lure 9 year old boys to alleys with the intent on cutting off their fingers and ears and then decide to just shoot get back at the gang member father of the boy......

Big difference between European and American thugs....
They "have not felt the need."

Moron. They have not had the means. 1 pull of a trigger can end someone's life. No danger to the killer. Lunging at someone with a knife is dangerous to the killer and they have to spend more time thinking about it.

The gun crime rate in the U.S. is something like 4 times higher than anywhere in developed europe. Because, duh, crime is easier with a gun. And there are 400 million+ readily available guns in circulation for our criminals here.

Again....we're a huge country. Compare similar demographic areas.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher. you actually think before you post?

I have pointed out that criminals in Europe, up till now....have not felt the need to commit murder as often as our criminals is a difference in culture between Europeans and our minority communities in our demcorat controlled inner cities.

It is a culture difference that was created through different cultural experiences in Europe and the United States......

Our criminals lure 9 year old boys to alleys with the intent on cutting off their fingers and ears and then decide to just shoot get back at the gang member father of the boy......

Big difference between European and American thugs....
They "have not felt the need."

Moron. They have not had the means. 1 pull of a trigger can end someone's life. No danger to the killer. Lunging at someone with a knife is dangerous to the killer and they have to spend more time thinking about it.

The gun crime rate in the U.S. is something like 4 times higher than anywhere in developed europe. Because, duh, crime is easier with a gun. And there are 400 million+ readily available guns in circulation for our criminals here.

And yet they have guns......lots of guns.....the criminals in Amsterdam can obviously get guns...fully automatic rifles...they don't use them as often to commit murder...though their murder rate is higher in 2014.......

If they have guns...but don't use them...that is different than American thugs who have guns and actually commit murder with them......

That is what you have to guys hate guns so much you can't see the truth....
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher. you actually think before you post?

I have pointed out that criminals in Europe, up till now....have not felt the need to commit murder as often as our criminals is a difference in culture between Europeans and our minority communities in our demcorat controlled inner cities.

It is a culture difference that was created through different cultural experiences in Europe and the United States......

Our criminals lure 9 year old boys to alleys with the intent on cutting off their fingers and ears and then decide to just shoot get back at the gang member father of the boy......

Big difference between European and American thugs....
They "have not felt the need."

Moron. They have not had the means. 1 pull of a trigger can end someone's life. No danger to the killer. Lunging at someone with a knife is dangerous to the killer and they have to spend more time thinking about it.

The gun crime rate in the U.S. is something like 4 times higher than anywhere in developed europe. Because, duh, crime is easier with a gun. And there are 400 million+ readily available guns in circulation for our criminals here.

And yet they have guns......lots of guns.....the criminals in Amsterdam can obviously get guns...fully automatic rifles...they don't use them as often to commit murder...though their murder rate is higher in 2014.......

If they have guns...but don't use them...that is different than American thugs who have guns and actually commit murder with them......

That is what you have to guys hate guns so much you can't see the truth....
So either Amsterdam criminals are morons and choose not to use guns when it would make crime so much easier, or the extra difficulty in getting a gun means anfar smaller percentage of their criminals use guns. Which is it?
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher. you actually think before you post?

I have pointed out that criminals in Europe, up till now....have not felt the need to commit murder as often as our criminals is a difference in culture between Europeans and our minority communities in our demcorat controlled inner cities.

It is a culture difference that was created through different cultural experiences in Europe and the United States......

Our criminals lure 9 year old boys to alleys with the intent on cutting off their fingers and ears and then decide to just shoot get back at the gang member father of the boy......

Big difference between European and American thugs....
They "have not felt the need."

Moron. They have not had the means. 1 pull of a trigger can end someone's life. No danger to the killer. Lunging at someone with a knife is dangerous to the killer and they have to spend more time thinking about it.

The gun crime rate in the U.S. is something like 4 times higher than anywhere in developed europe. Because, duh, crime is easier with a gun. And there are 400 million+ readily available guns in circulation for our criminals here.

And yet they have guns......lots of guns.....the criminals in Amsterdam can obviously get guns...fully automatic rifles...they don't use them as often to commit murder...though their murder rate is higher in 2014.......

If they have guns...but don't use them...that is different than American thugs who have guns and actually commit murder with them......

That is what you have to guys hate guns so much you can't see the truth....
So either Amsterdam criminals are morons and choose not to use guns when it would make crime so much easier, or the extra difficulty in getting a gun means anfar smaller percentage of their criminals use guns. Which is it?

No...moron.....their criminals use the guns to get what they want...and just don't kill the victim. American thugs use the gun to get what they want....and then murder each other and innocent people.....try to get your brain around that truth, fact and reality.

American thugs murder children.........I don't see that happening in European gun crime stories.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
Those countries you named have very few guns and a government that can enforce gun laws. The complete opposite of Russia.
Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
Those countries you named have very few guns and a government that can enforce gun laws. The complete opposite of Russia.

And gun crime in both Britain and Australia is going Britain by 4% and they are now arming more British police....

the criminals in all of those countries get guns when they want them no matter what the gun laws are...even in Japan......when their Yakuza bosses decide they want to go to war.......
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Utah is mostly white. Russia is mostly white.

Can you explain your use of the word "racist"?

Can you explain your use of vulgar and offensive profanity?
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Utah is mostly white. Russia is mostly white.

Can you explain your use of the word "racist"?

Can you explain your use of vulgar and offensive profanity?
He was putting all the blame on a skin color. It's what he does. Run along now.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Utah is mostly white. Russia is mostly white.

Can you explain your use of the word "racist"?

Can you explain your use of vulgar and offensive profanity?
He was putting all the blame on a skin color. It's what he does. Run along now.
Skin color has nothing to do with it. The problem is with inferior cultures.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?

Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
Those countries you named have very few guns and a government that can enforce gun laws. The complete opposite of Russia.

And gun crime in both Britain and Australia is going Britain by 4% and they are now arming more British police....

the criminals in all of those countries get guns when they want them no matter what the gun laws are...even in Japan......when their Yakuza bosses decide they want to go to war.......
Criminals clearly DON'T get guns whenever they want. Here, petty criminals and thieves use guns and often end up killing someone. Because they can get one practically by tripping over one in the street. It's why such a high percentage of our crimes involve guns. Not the case over there.
Yes....Amsterdam is another example of the violence escalation in Europe. The native Europeans are fairly peaceful.....shown in the way their criminals, who can get guns easily, do not commit actual gun murder that often....

However, they are importing people from countries that do not share the same cultural attitudes toward murder that the European natives do.....and hence...the escalation of violence...

And severed heads...

Migrant Gangs Leave Severed Head On Amsterdam Street

In Amsterdam a severed head was found laying in the open street. It is just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the “MOCRO War” involving North African migrants from Morocco.

Amsterdam resident Stan Koeman made the discovery. He first thought it may just be a bag laying on the ground but he soon realized what lay in front of his deli was much worse: “But then, I saw: sh*t it looks like a head,” he told Dutch media according to

The remains of the body belonging to the victim were found a day earlier, partially burned, in a different section of the city. The victim was a 23 year-old man, Nabil Amzieb.

Police say the positioning of his head was done on purpose. His eyes were pointed toward a local shisha smoking lounge called “Fayrouz” which, according to local police, is a known meeting place for North African gangs who have been in a bitter and bloody turf war since 2012.

That is enough to ruin your pot fed high.....

Do they have gun control in Amsterdam....because the criminals seem to get guns there too...

Since 2012 there have been dozens of attacks by members of the so-called “MORCO mafia” against each other. Nearly 20 people have been killed since the beginning of the conflict but Nabil Amzieb is the youngest killed so far.

Over the past year police released statistics showing the scale of the gang war. They showed 396 fire arms seizures and six murders, which was down from the average of ten per year since 2012.

They can try that shit in this country, they would get their ass shot. Which is why the left wants to disarm us.

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