Settlers thow stones at Americans in the West Bank


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(Yes this story is one year old , but here is a perfect exp of Jews destroying Olive trees and Palestinians calling the American Embassy for help, and the Jews stone the Americans , lie , and call them spies, while the thieving Jews live on stolen land, they are low life scum)

Israeli settlers have stoned two cars belonging to the staff of the US consulate in Jerusalem during an angry stand-off in which US security guards – according to conflicting accounts – reportedly unholstered their weapons.

The confrontation – unusual in seeing US diplomatic staff targeted – occurred between a US consular party and far-right settlers from the illegal Adei Ad outpost on the occupied West Bank on Friday.

While the initial details are sketchy it appears the US diplomats – accompanied by a security team – had been in the area after being invited by Palestinian farmers from the village of Turmus Aya, north-east of Ramallah, to examine olive saplings that had been uprooted overnight on Thursday by settlers.

The consular officials were asked to attend because some of the land owners affected hold US citizenship.

According to Palestinian reports quoting land owners, in recent days settlers uprooted more than 5,000 olive tree saplings (scum uprooted those saplings), some of which had been planted to mark the recent death of senior Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein, who collapsed and died after being manhandled by an Israeli soldier.

When the US vehicles arrived on the scene, close to the outpost, settlers exited the outpost and a confrontation ensued in which the American cars were stoned. It was during this confrontation that US security officers drew a side arm and a rifle.

After settlers reportedly threaten US diplomatic convoy in West Bank incident, attack them with stones, embassy says employees did not draw arms; settler leader: They are spies, expel them.

Itamar Eichner


01.03.15, 20:04 / Israel News

The American consulate in Jerusalem has offered to pass Israel a video of the event, in which they claim it is clear that a group of armed settlers surrounded the American delegation, armed with a gun and an M-16 rifle.

A senior consulate source said that US was very concerned at the incident: "We treat the safety of our diplomats very seriously. The Israeli authorities have expressed their concert at the incident and have vowed to work to find those responsible for it and bring them to justice."
"No consulate employee drew their arms during the incident. Reports claiming as much are simply wrong," the official said, adding that the US "monitors economic and political events in the West Bank very closely. "

Head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan – who is taking over for Gershon Meskia, currently being held for his role in a massive corruption scandal – sent a letter to Interior Minister Gilad Erdan urging him to expel those involved in the incident from Israel, he further claimed they were spies.

US embassy: Diplomats did not pull guns on settlers

The US needs to quit aid to Israel.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.

Besides the fact that this incident happened a-year-and-a-half ago.
Not a problem. I have it on good authority that Jews throw like girls (Sandy Koufax being the exception, of course).
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.
Throwing stones is a big deal in Israel. You can get 20 years in prison for that.

As far as I'm concerned, American security forces should've blown those racist heads right off their fucking shoulders and let wild game take care of the rest.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.

Really that is all you took away from that article. Nothing about the 5000 saplings they dug up and the stealing of land? Really, your the one who is sad. No I find that that actions of the Hebrew people in Palestine are not unlike their actions here in the US, a bit different, but none the less the same, and I so despise our tax money going to scumbags.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.
Throwing stones is a big deal in Israel. You can get 20 years in prison for that.

As far as I'm concerned, American security forces should've blown those racist heads right off their fucking shoulders and let wild game take care of the rest.

Not if your a jew.
(Yes this story is one year old , but here is a perfect exp of Jews destroying Olive trees and Palestinians calling the American Embassy for help, and the Jews stone the Americans , lie , and call them spies, while the thieving Jews live on stolen land, they are low life scum)

Israeli settlers have stoned two cars belonging to the staff of the US consulate in Jerusalem during an angry stand-off in which US security guards – according to conflicting accounts – reportedly unholstered their weapons.

The confrontation – unusual in seeing US diplomatic staff targeted – occurred between a US consular party and far-right settlers from the illegal Adei Ad outpost on the occupied West Bank on Friday.

While the initial details are sketchy it appears the US diplomats – accompanied by a security team – had been in the area after being invited by Palestinian farmers from the village of Turmus Aya, north-east of Ramallah, to examine olive saplings that had been uprooted overnight on Thursday by settlers.

The consular officials were asked to attend because some of the land owners affected hold US citizenship.

According to Palestinian reports quoting land owners, in recent days settlers uprooted more than 5,000 olive tree saplings (scum uprooted those saplings), some of which had been planted to mark the recent death of senior Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein, who collapsed and died after being manhandled by an Israeli soldier.

When the US vehicles arrived on the scene, close to the outpost, settlers exited the outpost and a confrontation ensued in which the American cars were stoned. It was during this confrontation that US security officers drew a side arm and a rifle.

After settlers reportedly threaten US diplomatic convoy in West Bank incident, attack them with stones, embassy says employees did not draw arms; settler leader: They are spies, expel them.

Itamar Eichner


01.03.15, 20:04 / Israel News

The American consulate in Jerusalem has offered to pass Israel a video of the event, in which they claim it is clear that a group of armed settlers surrounded the American delegation, armed with a gun and an M-16 rifle.

A senior consulate source said that US was very concerned at the incident: "We treat the safety of our diplomats very seriously. The Israeli authorities have expressed their concert at the incident and have vowed to work to find those responsible for it and bring them to justice."
"No consulate employee drew their arms during the incident. Reports claiming as much are simply wrong," the official said, adding that the US "monitors economic and political events in the West Bank very closely. "

Head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan – who is taking over for Gershon Meskia, currently being held for his role in a massive corruption scandal – sent a letter to Interior Minister Gilad Erdan urging him to expel those involved in the incident from Israel, he further claimed they were spies.

US embassy: Diplomats did not pull guns on settlers

The US needs to quit aid to Israel.

And where is the evidence that shows the olive trees were

A) planted by arab muslims

B) on land that arab muslims held title to

C) not stolen from Jews who planted the trees and owned the land.

A lot of Jewish land was stolen by force in 1948/1949 by Palestinians when Jordan invaded and stole the west bank
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.
Throwing stones is a big deal in Israel. You can get 20 years in prison for that.

As far as I'm concerned, American security forces should've blown those racist heads right off their fucking shoulders and let wild game take care of the rest.

Which would have led to those same security forces ending up as dinner for the local wildlife. And then Obama would have had to grovel on his knees at the UN for allowing his security forces to listen to a jumped up Jew hating neo Nazi.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.

Really that is all you took away from that article. Nothing about the 5000 saplings they dug up and the stealing of land? Really, your the one who is sad. No I find that that actions of the Hebrew people in Palestine are not unlike their actions here in the US, a bit different, but none the less the same, and I so despise our tax money going to scumbags.

Did they have title, or did they steal it in 1948/1949 ? If they did not have title but a Jew did then they lose.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.
Throwing stones is a big deal in Israel. You can get 20 years in prison for that.

As far as I'm concerned, American security forces should've blown those racist heads right off their fucking shoulders and let wild game take care of the rest.

Ah yes. Spoken like a real moral authority on the matter. Your virtue is overwhelming.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.

Really that is all you took away from that article. Nothing about the 5000 saplings they dug up and the stealing of land? Really, your the one who is sad. No I find that that actions of the Hebrew people in Palestine are not unlike their actions here in the US, a bit different, but none the less the same, and I so despise our tax money going to scumbags.

Did they have title, or did they steal it in 1948/1949 ? If they did not have title but a Jew did then they lose.

They are all Canaanites, Phoenicians, pretty much same as the Hebrews. I mean come on, Ezra writes about the Canaanite intermarriage, but the Hebrew language is Canaanite language. The new Zionist there, are Russians and Germans, Ukrainians, Austrians, etc.
What does 'thow' mean?

Not only does it seem like you're bored by bringing up a year old article, the article seems familiar. In so much that I wouldn't doubt that you already posted a thread about this a year ago when the article was new. Alas, I cannot go that far back in your old posts to verify.
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.

Really that is all you took away from that article. Nothing about the 5000 saplings they dug up and the stealing of land? Really, your the one who is sad. No I find that that actions of the Hebrew people in Palestine are not unlike their actions here in the US, a bit different, but none the less the same, and I so despise our tax money going to scumbags.

Did they have title, or did they steal it in 1948/1949 ? If they did not have title but a Jew did then they lose.

They are all Canaanites, Phoenicians, pretty much same as the Hebrews. I mean come on, Ezra writes about the Canaanite intermarriage, but the Hebrew language is Canaanite language. The new Zionist there, are Russians and Germans, Ukrainians, Austrians, etc.

But they were never arab muslims were they, as they were not invented until 630 C.E.

But you miss the point of my comment, showing that the arab muslims stole the land from the Jews who paid for it. Not the first time that they had stolen other people lands either is it. So when will you condemn the arab muslims for stealing the land and evicting the Jews by force contrary to the UN charter
Canaanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be sure to follow the footnotes, never trust anything on Wiki unless you do your homework. Like Jesus said "ye are from your father , the devil". They were many secular Hebrews in Canaan even at the time of 1AD, Hellenistic Jews did not practice Judaism.
Canaanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be sure to follow the footnotes, never trust anything on Wiki unless you do your homework. Like Jesus said "ye are from your father , the devil". They were many secular Hebrews in Canaan even at the time of 1AD, Hellenistic Jews did not practice Judaism.

Irrelevant deflection because you have been caught out again posting old reports that have already been debunked as islamonazi propaganda.

No comment on the fact that arab muslims are known to steal land and forcibly evict the legal owners. So much so that Jordan has been known to pass laws enabling them to do so legally in their courts.
What does 'thow' mean?

Not only does it seem like you're bored by bringing up a year old article, the article seems familiar. In so much that I wouldn't doubt that you already posted a thread about this a year ago when the article was new. Alas, I cannot go that far back in your old posts to verify.

Nope, just checking out the papers this am, and wondered who this scumbag is , inviting French Jews to move to the West Bank

Samaria Council head urges French Jews to move to Israel

Yossi Dagan tells French Jews that in light of anti-Semitism in France they should move to Samaria.

By Raphael Poch

First Publish: 1/28/2016, 2:15 PM

Following the recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks in France, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan traveled to France to invite French Jews to move to Samaria.

Saplings! I've heard about the blood libel, but I've never heard about the sap libel, until now.

Step one. Denounce violence, the destruction of Israel and theocracy.
Step two: Declare a country.
Step three: Plant your saplings within the border of that country.

Problem solved!
You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?

People are being slaughtered under Islamic State, being shot and bombed in Eastern Ukraine, being hacked to bits in Narco-Wars in Latin America, and what's your big thing? JEWS! JEWS! They threw stones! STONES!!!

That is sad. Really sad.

anti-Semite terrorist supporters think jews are the problem in the world.

i'm pretty sure that jews just don't want terrorists firing missiles at them.

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