Setting the living wage


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
One of the advantages of a socialist system is it's ability to be static and keep a balance across the entire social system from worker to product to retired, etc. There are few ripples, and therefore few adjustments to be made, maybe minor tinkering. Citizens are more confident and assured of an ongoing balance from birth to the grave.

Americans on the other hand live in a world of chaos, depressions, rising prices, falling wages, insecurities of jobs & retirements & health, and cost increases. The turmoil is more noticable when looking at the forest from outside the trees.

We would be wise to turn to socialism for some of our systems, like costs & benefits of labor. We have a DOT system that outlines all employment & dutys, and could also be integrated with wage rates to create a standarized cost of living in America. By controlling wages & salarys, we could fix food & living expenses to a living wage. Everything else would fall in line with the standard and become static.

In the German system for example product prices are about the same. The difference is in the service given with the product, and the duribility of the product. It is quality over quanity. In America products are chaotically priced and sold, and made to be replaced, even going so far as to sell you extended warrantys against the coming failure of the product. We are quanity over quality.

We can see the quality work if we turn back time to the 1920s. Look at the ornate homes, jewelry, furniture, cars, etc. Go have a look at the Hummer, a plastic piece of junk riding on the name for sales. At least a Pendelton shirt has earned the name of quality.
One of the advantages of a socialist system is it's ability to be static and keep a balance across the entire social system from worker to product to retired, etc. There are few ripples, and therefore few adjustments to be made, maybe minor tinkering. Citizens are more confident and assured of an ongoing balance from birth to the grave.

Americans on the other hand live in a world of chaos, depressions, rising prices, falling wages, insecurities of jobs & retirements & health, and cost increases. The turmoil is more noticable when looking at the forest from outside the trees.

We would be wise to turn to socialism for some of our systems, like costs & benefits of labor. We have a DOT system that outlines all employment & dutys, and could also be integrated with wage rates to create a standarized cost of living in America. By controlling wages & salarys, we could fix food & living expenses to a living wage. Everything else would fall in line with the standard and become static.

In the German system for example product prices are about the same. The difference is in the service given with the product, and the duribility of the product. It is quality over quanity. In America products are chaotically priced and sold, and made to be replaced, even going so far as to sell you extended warrantys against the coming failure of the product. We are quanity over quality.

We can see the quality work if we turn back time to the 1920s. Look at the ornate homes, jewelry, furniture, cars, etc. Go have a look at the Hummer, a plastic piece of junk riding on the name for sales. At least a Pendelton shirt has earned the name of quality.

Bottom up, top down, so everybody ends up exactly the same in the middle. Individuality and personal responsibility chucked straight out the fuckin' window.

Fuck you!......That's not what made this country great, and further proves that progressives and their agenda is one of this great country's enemies that must be defeated at ALL COST!

Fact is, Shintao, nobody owes you a god damn thing!

But at least you exposed yourself for what you truly are, an anti-american weasel!
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Germans really do make some of the highest quality stuff including tools and cars.
It is not hard to do, Australia has much lower unemployment levels the the USA, it is the only developed country that suffered no recession during the Global Financial Crises, and yet our minimum wages are higher than the USA, you can live in honorable poverty on them, by which I mean you will have everything you need, not everything you will want.
If if person works full time they should expect to have everything they need.

If the system can not provide that, then why work at all?

Best to go underground and fuck the entire system.
One of the advantages of a socialist system is it's ability to be static and keep a balance across the entire social system from worker to product to retired, etc. There are few ripples, and therefore few adjustments to be made, maybe minor tinkering. Citizens are more confident and assured of an ongoing balance from birth to the grave.

Americans on the other hand live in a world of chaos, depressions, rising prices, falling wages, insecurities of jobs & retirements & health, and cost increases. The turmoil is more noticable when looking at the forest from outside the trees.

We would be wise to turn to socialism for some of our systems, like costs & benefits of labor. We have a DOT system that outlines all employment & dutys, and could also be integrated with wage rates to create a standarized cost of living in America. By controlling wages & salarys, we could fix food & living expenses to a living wage. Everything else would fall in line with the standard and become static.

In the German system for example product prices are about the same. The difference is in the service given with the product, and the duribility of the product. It is quality over quanity. In America products are chaotically priced and sold, and made to be replaced, even going so far as to sell you extended warrantys against the coming failure of the product. We are quanity over quality.

We can see the quality work if we turn back time to the 1920s. Look at the ornate homes, jewelry, furniture, cars, etc. Go have a look at the Hummer, a plastic piece of junk riding on the name for sales. At least a Pendelton shirt has earned the name of quality.

Bottom up, top down, so everybody ends up exactly the same in the middle. Individuality and personal responsibility chucked straight out the fuckin' window.

Fuck you!......That's not what made this country great, and further proves that progressives and their agenda is one of this great country's enemies that must be defeated at ALL COST!

Fact is, Shintao, nobody owes you a god damn thing!

But at least you exposed yourself for what you truly are, an anti-american weasel!

LOL! You can't afford me. hehehehee! Are you reading this thread or have you been sucking a jug of wine and begging again?

Please point out where I said anybody owed me anything, cock sucker. Now look real hard lil boy, put down the sign "will suck cock for food" sign.
So if I'm really good skilled laborer and "fuck face" next to me sucks donkey dick, then why should he make the same as me?
Fact is, Shintao, nobody owes you a god damn thing!

But at least you exposed yourself for what you truly are, an anti-american weasel!

Since Reagan, most of the hand outs have gone to corporations and wealthy share holders in the form of subsidies, bailouts, and regulatory favors. Competition has been actively undermined through the formation of monopolies in every area of the economy, from health insurance to energy. The owners of pharmaceutical corporations are protected from foreign competition, but their workers are not. Reagan and Bush spent more than their Democratic predecessors by a staggering margin. They also grew the federal workforce by comparison. When Republicans stop robbing tax payers to take care of corporations, they will be taken seriously. Until then, all this blather about socialism and welfare seems silly.

The Conservative Nanny State
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Well, supply and demand can be tricky things, and different things have different values to different people. This is why markets are proper and just in this regard.

What you say about durability has significantly more merit. landfills bear witness to the shitty products we have, not to mention the number of times i've heard sexagenarian Rush Limbaugh listeners have a product fail and exclaim "there ought to be a law"
So if I'm really good skilled laborer and "fuck face" next to me sucks donkey dick, then why should he make the same as me?

How childish of you, were you deprived a baba when you were a lil tike?
Well, supply and demand can be tricky things, and different things have different values to different people. This is why markets are proper and just in this regard.

What you say about durability has significantly more merit. landfills bear witness to the shitty products we have, not to mention the number of times i've heard sexagenarian Rush Limbaugh listeners have a product fail and exclaim "there ought to be a law"

I am just kicking the idea around for stabilizing our system. I think the end results would be less layoffs, living wages, and standardizing real estate and other markets so people could have affordable housing, raise a family where one person is in the home. Maybe it would return the idea of

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Well, supply and demand can be tricky things, and different things have different values to different people. This is why markets are proper and just in this regard.

What you say about durability has significantly more merit. landfills bear witness to the shitty products we have, not to mention the number of times i've heard sexagenarian Rush Limbaugh listeners have a product fail and exclaim "there ought to be a law"

I am just kicking the idea around for stabilizing our system. I think the end results would be less layoffs, living wages, and standardizing real estate and other markets so people could have affordable housing, raise a family where one person is in the home. Maybe it would return the idea of

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think that socialism is immoral or anything, but if we are able to learn anything from these discussion boards, it is how selfish people can really be, and those of such a persuasion will either passively (through laziness) or actively (through black market activity, bribery, etc) subvert such a system. Thus a certain degree of coercion is necessary, a certain amount of inequality will continue to exist, or--as history illustrates graphically--both
Last time I checked Socialism didn't pay a living wage, it gave most people enough to not die, but not all.
One of the advantages of a socialist system is it's ability to be static and keep a balance across the entire social system from worker to product to retired, etc. There are few ripples, and therefore few adjustments to be made, maybe minor tinkering. Citizens are more confident and assured of an ongoing balance from birth to the grave.

Americans on the other hand live in a world of chaos, depressions, rising prices, falling wages, insecurities of jobs & retirements & health, and cost increases. The turmoil is more noticable when looking at the forest from outside the trees.

We would be wise to turn to socialism for some of our systems, like costs & benefits of labor. We have a DOT system that outlines all employment & dutys, and could also be integrated with wage rates to create a standarized cost of living in America. By controlling wages & salarys, we could fix food & living expenses to a living wage. Everything else would fall in line with the standard and become static.

In the German system for example product prices are about the same. The difference is in the service given with the product, and the duribility of the product. It is quality over quanity. In America products are chaotically priced and sold, and made to be replaced, even going so far as to sell you extended warrantys against the coming failure of the product. We are quanity over quality.

We can see the quality work if we turn back time to the 1920s. Look at the ornate homes, jewelry, furniture, cars, etc. Go have a look at the Hummer, a plastic piece of junk riding on the name for sales. At least a Pendelton shirt has earned the name of quality.

sorry, didn't make it past the first paragraph when images of Greece being on fire b/c the socialist system ran out of money.

perhaps you should pick a new idealogy. One that has a record of working long long term. Like capitalism.

It's worked in America for over 200 years. socialism ruined the EU in about 50.
So if I'm really good skilled laborer and "fuck face" next to me sucks donkey dick, then why should he make the same as me?

How childish of you, were you deprived a baba when you were a lil tike?

Good job answering the question. :clap2:

And no I was not deprived. I answered your question, now answer mine

Wages are not the only way to reward a skilled worker. And there is nothing to say a worker cannot be fired for poor performance. It is a bosses job to recognize the problems and find solutions. It happens all the time regardless of the work system, as you should know.
How childish of you, were you deprived a baba when you were a lil tike?

Good job answering the question. :clap2:

And no I was not deprived. I answered your question, now answer mine

Wages are not the only way to reward a skilled worker. And there is nothing to say a worker cannot be fired for poor performance. It is a bosses job to recognize the problems and find solutions. It happens all the time regardless of the work system, as you should know.

So its a boss's job to recognize the problems and find solutions but its not their job to set wages according to skill level and the company's profitability?

Have you ever read the book "The Giver"? If not you should.
Well, supply and demand can be tricky things, and different things have different values to different people. This is why markets are proper and just in this regard.

What you say about durability has significantly more merit. landfills bear witness to the shitty products we have, not to mention the number of times i've heard sexagenarian Rush Limbaugh listeners have a product fail and exclaim "there ought to be a law"

I am just kicking the idea around for stabilizing our system. I think the end results would be less layoffs, living wages, and standardizing real estate and other markets so people could have affordable housing, raise a family where one person is in the home. Maybe it would return the idea of

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think that socialism is immoral or anything, but if we are able to learn anything from these discussion boards, it is how selfish people can really be, and those of such a persuasion will either passively (through laziness) or actively (through black market activity, bribery, etc) subvert such a system. Thus a certain degree of coercion is necessary, a certain amount of inequality will continue to exist, or--as history illustrates graphically--both

Seems to me that capitalism breeds corruption, greed, and a shitty work attitude. I don't see that among socialists, I think because they pull together for the better good of themselves and their country. These are wired elements that underlie their work ethic. It can be achieved in the American worker, but only to the corporate level, where beyond that it breaks up. He goes home insecure and to the unknowns. ie. will I have a job tomorrow, can I afford a vacation, should I save more for retirement, do I need to buy more medical coverage, the dental braces & bills, and college, etc. The socialist is showered in his benefits, he sees them all the time, and he knows the unknown, he is confident and knows where he will be in retirement. He doesn't worry about his family's major needs like Americans. Ie medical, education, retirement, job security. He even gets free cable TV, food & rent prices are stable. And he is rested at 32 hour work weeks, mandatory paid vacations & twice as many paid holidays. He has bullet trains wisk him far off to weekend get aways.
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