Sessions and his bible quoting.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Romans 13:1-2 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 13
Obedience to Authority.1 Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. 2 Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves.
1. An AG should not be quoting bible verses and saying he is adhering to the bible (separation of church and state).
2. There is no law on the books saying we must separate child and parents and no, Obama NEVER did that.
3. He probably picked that verse thinking he was put in the AG position by God, (not sure if he means God or Trump)
and 4. the most important;

I infer that Paul was Josephus so he was describing being a good slave and obey your masters, meaning the Caesars , for him the first one was Vespasian, then Titus, then Domitian. He was a slave to Jesus the Christ (meaning a Caesar).

If this is what our new AG has learned from the bible I feel sorry for him, there are many more important chapters in the bible that really describe how to live a Godly life, instead of one that uses authoritarian language.

These people were asylum seekers, ( even the OT tells one what to do about immigrants):

Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt. (Exodus 22:21)

When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. (Leviticus 19:33)

Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow. (Deuteronomy 27:19)

Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge. (Deuteronomy 24:17)

and here are a few on the NT verses:

Matthew 25:35
'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;

Matthew 25:38
'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?

'Matthew 25:44
"Then they themselves also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?'

Ephesians 3:1
For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles--

1 Timothy 5:10

having a reputation for good works; and if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints' feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work.

3 John 1:5

Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers;


this is the problem when we use the bible to project certain ideologies and want to stress points, taken all out of context and content. There are many good lessons to learn from the writings of the scriptures but Sessions flunked out.

These people were fleeing and seeking asylum, there was no reason to divide the parents and children up. The Trump Admin should be ashamed of themselves. Esp Trump and Sessions.
You are a typical Lefty. First you wish to claim that Christians should not use the Bible in the political arena in any way when it conflicts with Left wing ideology, and then turn around and try to make the Bible agree with your ideology, as if it should be listened to.


And no, people who build walls are not going to hell. God told a man named Nehemiah to do it to protect Jerusalem, so get over yourselves!
You are a typical Lefty. First you wish to claim that Christians should not use the Bible in the political arena in any way when it conflicts with Left wing ideology, and then turn around and try to make the Bible agree with your ideology, as if it should be listened to.


And no, people who build walls are not going to hell. God told a man named Nehemiah to do it to protect Jerusalem, so get over yourselves!

and the Jews are still building walls. What is left of that wall, not much. Persia King gave the materials.
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Misuse of the Hebrew word.
The “foreigner” is a productive non-Jew.

Just like you were workers in Egypt, and not slaves.
You’re quoting the Torah out of context.
What a shock.

They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.
You are a typical Lefty. First you wish to claim that Christians should not use the Bible in the political arena in any way when it conflicts with Left wing ideology, and then turn around and try to make the Bible agree with your ideology, as if it should be listened to.


And no, people who build walls are not going to hell. God told a man named Nehemiah to do it to protect Jerusalem, so get over yourselves!

Exactly, she wants to have it both ways..
Misuse of the Hebrew word.
The “foreigner” is a productive non-Jew.

Just like you were workers in Egypt, and not slaves.
You’re quoting the Torah out of context.
What a shock.

They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.

Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You are a typical Lefty. First you wish to claim that Christians should not use the Bible in the political arena in any way when it conflicts with Left wing ideology, and then turn around and try to make the Bible agree with your ideology, as if it should be listened to.


And no, people who build walls are not going to hell. God told a man named Nehemiah to do it to protect Jerusalem, so get over yourselves!

Exactly, she wants to have it both ways..

Wall are not even the issue here, we are taking kids away from their parents and Session is trying to justify it by quoting a verse from the Bible.
They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.
Not for nothing but who are you complaining about? Penelope has never shown disdain for the bible..

She just seems to notice right wing misuse of it..

Don't you?
Misuse of the Hebrew word.
The “foreigner” is a productive non-Jew.

Just like you were workers in Egypt, and not slaves.
You’re quoting the Torah out of context.
What a shock.

They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.

Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You took every Torah text out of context.
The walls that need to be built are the walls between Separation of Church and State, and Trumps emolememts walls.
Misuse of the Hebrew word.
The “foreigner” is a productive non-Jew.

Just like you were workers in Egypt, and not slaves.
You’re quoting the Torah out of context.
What a shock.

They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.

Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You took every Torah text out of context.

Imitating Sessions, but I picked much better verses. Next verse he will quote, "Slaves obey your masters".
The walls that need to be built are the walls between Separation of Church and State, and Trumps emolememts walls.
Just like you were workers in Egypt, and not slaves.
You’re quoting the Torah out of context.
What a shock.

They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.

Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You took every Torah text out of context.

Imitating Sessions, but I picked much better verses. Next verse he will quote, "Slaves obey your masters".

Yeah, no. Next time you wanna try and use The Bible wrongly? Just smack yourself, k?
The walls that need to be built are the walls between Separation of Church and State, and Trumps emolememts walls.
You’re quoting the Torah out of context.
What a shock.

They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.

Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You took every Torah text out of context.

Imitating Sessions, but I picked much better verses. Next verse he will quote, "Slaves obey your masters".

Yeah, no. Next time you wanna try and use The Bible wrongly? Just smack yourself, k?

You mean I can't quote verses like the protestants do??? and the evangelicals?
The walls that need to be built are the walls between Separation of Church and State, and Trumps emolememts walls.
They are experts don't ya know.

They are experts regarding a book they disdain and whose followers they refer to as deplorable.

But like everything else, Progressives have all the answers. They really should write their own Bible.

Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You took every Torah text out of context.

Imitating Sessions, but I picked much better verses. Next verse he will quote, "Slaves obey your masters".

Yeah, no. Next time you wanna try and use The Bible wrongly? Just smack yourself, k?

You mean I can't quote verses like the protestants do??? and the evangelicals?

I mean you don't comprehend it, therefore are unqualified to quote it and make statements.
The walls that need to be built are the walls between Separation of Church and State, and Trumps emolememts walls.
Since he was quoting verses he might try a few of those which I posted, but no he describes the one verse where it says to obey your authorities, they were picked by God, he is a joke. I don't take the bible verses out of context.
You took every Torah text out of context.

Imitating Sessions, but I picked much better verses. Next verse he will quote, "Slaves obey your masters".

Yeah, no. Next time you wanna try and use The Bible wrongly? Just smack yourself, k?

You mean I can't quote verses like the protestants do??? and the evangelicals?

I mean you don't comprehend it, therefore are unqualified to quote it and make statements.

I comprehend it just fine, better than Sessions or any Evans do , they just make money off of it.
The walls that need to be built are the walls between Separation of Church and State, and Trumps emolememts walls.
You took every Torah text out of context.

Imitating Sessions, but I picked much better verses. Next verse he will quote, "Slaves obey your masters".

Yeah, no. Next time you wanna try and use The Bible wrongly? Just smack yourself, k?

You mean I can't quote verses like the protestants do??? and the evangelicals?

I mean you don't comprehend it, therefore are unqualified to quote it and make statements.

I comprehend it just fine, better than Sessions or any Evans do , they just make money off of it.

No, you don't. It's readily apparent.

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