Serial Killers: What Serial Killer is the Most Terrifying to You?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
Mine would have to be the Zodiac and to a lesser extent Richard Speck.

I was like six or seven at the time and our family visited my dad's best friend and his family near Sacramento, CA. We lived in San Francisco. I quickly became best friends with a son of his the same age as I. They had a large family of four sons and two daughters. I was an only child. His older brothers started talking about serial killers because there was one loose in California called the Zodiac. We just listened because we only glanced at the newspaper stories and watched briefly on the news, but didn't pay attention to them like kids our age would do. For some reason, the evening became chilly so I was closest to their open front door with a screen in front of it. I was too afraid to go over so I said no and for someone else to do it. My friend didn't want to either because he was scared. Finally, one of the older brothers got up to do it and called us babies. However, he said he was a bit chilled after doing it. I think we all got scared and us youngest ones went to a bunk bed and were too scared to do much except pull the covers over our heads and try to sleep.

As an adult, you're more aware if a serial killer is on the loose but you don't think it could happen to you. Here's what's scary though. I thought it would be harder for a serial killer to kill today as information like that would get around fast and what to look for. However, this may not be true as murder cases being solved has dropped to around 62% down from 91% in 1965 -- The most dangerous active serial killers in 2020.

Some of the most terrifying in history:

This guy is sickening:

Speaking of last meals, the state of Texas has eliminated last meal requests for their death row inmates.

If you can't stomach that, then here's something that is more palatable

The God of the Bible.

The sixth commandment should really be translated as thou shalt not murder instead of kill. For example, we can kill someone in an accident due to not seeing someone pulled over to the side of the road. However, you could have been drunk and caused the fatality, so there may be reason that work against its justification. We have to look at the intent. Jesus calls it looking into a person's heart.
Dr. Harold Shipman of England: he really did kill well upward of 200 women, maybe 250 --- he did it so many years (he injected old women in their homes with morphine, so they were found dead in their easy chair) that they truly cannot get a good count. The Brits have a lot of this type of serial killer --- it seems to be a cultural thing with them. They now have working another "Death Angel," a nurse who killed a whole lot of babies in the neonatal ward. Well, I guess that would sure lighten a nurse's work load! She is quite young and pretty, too. That's the kind of thing that bothers me the most --- people pretending to do good and caretake when actually they are murdering. I guess Gacy, who hired out as a clown for children's parties, would fit into that category, too.

Mine would have to be the Zodiac and to a lesser extent Richard Speck.

I was like six or seven at the time and our family visited my dad's best friend and his family near Sacramento, CA. We lived in San Francisco. I quickly became best friends with a son of his the same age as I. They had a large family of four sons and two daughters. I was an only child. His older brothers started talking about serial killers because there was one loose in California called the Zodiac. We just listened because we only glanced at the newspaper stories and watched briefly on the news, but didn't pay attention to them like kids our age would do. For some reason, the evening became chilly so I was closest to their open front door with a screen in front of it. I was too afraid to go over so I said no and for someone else to do it. My friend didn't want to either because he was scared. Finally, one of the older brothers got up to do it and called us babies. However, he said he was a bit chilled after doing it. I think we all got scared and us youngest ones went to a bunk bed and were too scared to do much except pull the covers over our heads and try to sleep.

As an adult, you're more aware if a serial killer is on the loose but you don't think it could happen to you. Here's what's scary though. I thought it would be harder for a serial killer to kill today as information like that would get around fast and what to look for. However, this may not be true as murder cases being solved has dropped to around 62% down from 91% in 1965 -- The most dangerous active serial killers in 2020.

Some of the most terrifying in history:

This guy is sickening:

Speaking of last meals, the state of Texas has eliminated last meal requests for their death row inmates.

If you can't stomach that, then here's something that is more palatable


The God of the Bible.

The sixth commandment should really be translated as thou shalt not murder instead of kill. For example, we can kill someone in an accident due to not seeing someone pulled over to the side of the road. However, you could have been drunk and caused the fatality, so there may be reason that work against its justification. We have to look at the intent. Jesus calls it looking into a person's heart.
I’m talking about god drowning nearly everyone and all the other nasty things he did.
The God of the Bible.
he was just pulling the weeds out of his garden...
When god drowned nearly everyone on purpose?
hey its his garden....if you had a garden and did not care for the way its going you dig it up and start over...
Makes god a mass murderer with no conscience.
if he is the being he is described as being than we are just like amoebas to him...

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