Senator McConnell's Proposal Isn't Such A Bad Idea!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Many people have panned Senator McConnell's recent proposal in regards to the Pandemic Rescue Legislation negotiations that if the Parties can't reach a deal on a comprehensive package than do a skinny package on provisions where there is bi-partisan agreement which means Congress would drop out the liability protections, hurting Republicans, and drop out the State/Cities aid, hurting Democrats. Which means America would see a rescue package that had monies to buy and distribute the Covid 19 vaccine, money to open up schools, money to help float the airline industry until the Pandemic is over, an injection of money into the PPP for another round of financial assistance for America's small businesses and probably an extension of unemployment insurance through March of this year because after the end of December ten million families are going to cease receiving unemployment checks because their UC insurance ran out - how are they going to do things like buy food and pay their gas and electric bills.

This is why it is a smart move for Democrats to take Senator McConnell up on his offer. Because come January 20, 2021 Joseph Biden is going to be sworn in as President and Mr. Biden the good man that he is and the dedicated leader of the Democrat Party is going to want to pass legislation for all the people that helped the Democrat Party in the 2020 election cycle and it will be outstandingly difficult, like no prudent gambler would take the bet, for him to get major legislation through a Republican Senate. Wisdom calls for the Democrats to unofficially recognize that they almost certainly will not win both Senate run-off elections in Georgia; miracles do happen but the Democrats are without there Novemeber 3rd Wild Card, Donald Trump on the Presidential ballot which because he was so widespread extremely disliked unpresentedly drove voter turnout and the Republicans record setting negative advertising campaign which is throwing so much mud at the Democrats candidates that likely a modest portion will stick which will sink the respective candidate at the polls. President Biden is going to want to get another rescue package through and a major infrastructure bill because in theory both parties want an infrastructure bill. These two pieces of legislation will be a heavy lift, like "turn you beet red and give you a stroke" heavy. On the rescue bill, Republicans will be tired of spending money and it wil be like pulling teeth to get them to sign on to another trillion dollar bill and in regards to a major infrastructure bill for such a large bill the Republicans are going to want it partially paid for and because gasoline tax revenue is falling as Americans turn away from combustion engine vehicles, the only avenue for raising the needed type of revenue will be to put a fee on electric powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicles and Democrat leadership do you really think your devout "green" members are going to want to sign on to this for this will discourage the use of such vehicles for transportation . But if the Democrats do one of these McConnell's skinny deals, they have significant leverage for another deal. The big one of course is pandemic liability protection but also "state and city" aid not $500 billion but $250 billion. This is why Republican leadership is against the state assistance now because it will turn off a significant portion of their voting block that thinks things like this spending will be helping Democrat states who are widely irresponsible with their too costly pension plans for public employees. After the elections Republican leadership will view it differently because many Republican states have experienced massive drops in tax revenue caused by economic restrictions and other consequences from the pandemic which have caused them to face or have implemented significant lay-offs, Republicans will recognize the compelling sense in replacing that temporary loss of tax revenue for the states to preserve the economy and protect their ideology that lower taxes grows the economy and ultimately increases tax revenue. If Democrat Congressional leadership leaves President Biden with these two pieces of leverage Joe very well may be able to negotiate with the Republicans a good rescue/stimulus bill in February/March of 2021 that not only is a good Pandemic rescue bill but will also have significant infrastructure spending for a year or maybe two without the fees on electric and hydrogen vehicles. Democrat leadership y'all have been around the block a few times you know all this talk about what the new Democrat President is going to do is all talk he doesn't have the power Dems did not win the Senate the Democrat Party left their new President with a car that has a bad clutch so you better find him a flat road to travel!
I didn't take a fucking dime from the stimulus package offered to me since I am not a U.S citizen. I received a notice from the IRS informing me that even though I had not "filed" with them in ten years that I was entitled to 1,200 dollars that they simply needed my bank account information. I sent them my reply with a stamp addressed envelope to go "fuck themselves".
Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?
Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?
It really is a tear-jerking moment but it has not a damn thing to do with the OP......
Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?
It really is a tear-jerking moment but it has not a damn thing to do with the OP......

It's just that I stopped reading the OP's run-on sentences & paragraphs at "Biden is a good man." Biden isn't even his own man for starts, so how would he know Biden is a good man?

Not sure what you mean by tear jerking. Biden's wife drove into an intersection and she and a child killed. Sure, big bummer. But Joe-Yen used it to lie to the American people for power and votes. That sound like a good man to you, because he strikes me as a guy who sells his soul, and those around him too.
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Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?

I'm sure
The truck driver, identified as Curtis C. Dunn, 33, of Avon dale, Pa., appeared to have es caped without any major in jury, the police said.

hunted him till his death knowing he was in an accident that caused deaths and hurt the 2 children.

did they have breathalyzers, NO they didn't have them then. Now days there would be an investigation.
Many people have panned Senator McConnell's recent proposal in regards to the Pandemic Rescue Legislation negotiations that if the Parties can't reach a deal on a comprehensive package than do a skinny package on provisions where there is bi-partisan agreement which means Congress would drop out the liability protections, hurting Republicans, and drop out the State/Cities aid, hurting Democrats. Which means America would see a rescue package that had monies to buy and distribute the Covid 19 vaccine, money to open up schools, money to help float the airline industry until the Pandemic is over, an injection of money into the PPP for another round of financial assistance for America's small businesses and probably an extension of unemployment insurance through March of this year because after the end of December ten million families are going to cease receiving unemployment checks because their UC insurance ran out - how are they going to do things like buy food and pay their gas and electric bills.

This is why it is a smart move for Democrats to take Senator McConnell up on his offer. Because come January 20, 2021 Joseph Biden is going to be sworn in as President and Mr. Biden the good man that he is and the dedicated leader of the Democrat Party is going to want to pass legislation for all the people that helped the Democrat Party in the 2020 election cycle and it will be outstandingly difficult, like no prudent gambler would take the bet, for him to get major legislation through a Republican Senate. Wisdom calls for the Democrats to unofficially recognize that they almost certainly will not win both Senate run-off elections in Georgia; miracles do happen but the Democrats are without there Novemeber 3rd Wild Card, Donald Trump on the Presidential ballot which because he was so widespread extremely disliked unpresentedly drove voter turnout and the Republicans record setting negative advertising campaign which is throwing so much mud at the Democrats candidates that likely a modest portion will stick which will sink the respective candidate at the polls. President Biden is going to want to get another rescue package through and a major infrastructure bill because in theory both parties want an infrastructure bill. These two pieces of legislation will be a heavy lift, like "turn you beet red and give you a stroke" heavy. On the rescue bill, Republicans will be tired of spending money and it wil be like pulling teeth to get them to sign on to another trillion dollar bill and in regards to a major infrastructure bill for such a large bill the Republicans are going to want it partially paid for and because gasoline tax revenue is falling as Americans turn away from combustion engine vehicles, the only avenue for raising the needed type of revenue will be to put a fee on electric powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicles and Democrat leadership do you really think your devout "green" members are going to want to sign on to this for this will discourage the use of such vehicles for transportation . But if the Democrats do one of these McConnell's skinny deals, they have significant leverage for another deal. The big one of course is pandemic liability protection but also "state and city" aid not $500 billion but $250 billion. This is why Republican leadership is against the state assistance now because it will turn off a significant portion of their voting block that thinks things like this spending will be helping Democrat states who are widely irresponsible with their too costly pension plans for public employees. After the elections Republican leadership will view it differently because many Republican states have experienced massive drops in tax revenue caused by economic restrictions and other consequences from the pandemic which have caused them to face or have implemented significant lay-offs, Republicans will recognize the compelling sense in replacing that temporary loss of tax revenue for the states to preserve the economy and protect their ideology that lower taxes grows the economy and ultimately increases tax revenue. If Democrat Congressional leadership leaves President Biden with these two pieces of leverage Joe very well may be able to negotiate with the Republicans a good rescue/stimulus bill in February/March of 2021 that not only is a good Pandemic rescue bill but will also have significant infrastructure spending for a year or maybe two without the fees on electric and hydrogen vehicles. Democrat leadership y'all have been around the block a few times you know all this talk about what the new Democrat President is going to do is all talk he doesn't have the power Dems did not win the Senate the Democrat Party left their new President with a car that has a bad clutch so you better find him a flat road to travel!

Isn't this suppose to have an article attached? All opinion.
Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?
It really is a tear-jerking moment but it has not a damn thing to do with the OP......

It's just that I stopped reading the OP's run-on sentences & paragraphs at "Biden is a good man." Biden isn't even his own man for starts, so how would he know Biden is a good man?

Not sure what you mean by tear jerking. Biden's wife drove into an intersection and she and a child killed. Sure, big bummer. But Joe-Yen used it to lie to the American people for power and votes. That sound like a good man to you, because he strikes me as a guy who sells his soul, and those around him too.
Dunn got to live.
Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?
It really is a tear-jerking moment but it has not a damn thing to do with the OP......

It's just that I stopped reading the OP's run-on sentences & paragraphs at "Biden is a good man." Biden isn't even his own man for starts, so how would he know Biden is a good man?

Not sure what you mean by tear jerking. Biden's wife drove into an intersection and she and a child killed. Sure, big bummer. But Joe-Yen used it to lie to the American people for power and votes. That sound like a good man to you, because he strikes me as a guy who sells his soul, and those around him too.

You know my friend who was hit by a drunk driver (who didn't get hurt and he was drunk and showed it), which killed her dtr and husband and left her in the hospital in traction for months still talks about her lot in life decades later, it happened in her late 20's and she is now about 70, so while it maybe old, its still fresh.

Do you really think she would of drunk knowing she had 3 kids in the car , one 18 month at 2:30 Pm at the hospital, and you know the accident happened before the hospital.
Clipping from Delaware County Daily Times -
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I didn't take a fucking dime from the stimulus package offered to me since I am not a U.S citizen. I received a notice from the IRS informing me that even though I had not "filed" with them in ten years that I was entitled to 1,200 dollars that they simply needed my bank account information. I sent them my reply with a stamp addressed envelope to go "fuck themselves".

So you not a US citizen and you don't pay taxes. You need to fill out one of these:
Form W-7 (Rev. August 2019) (
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Many people have panned Senator McConnell's recent proposal in regards to the Pandemic Rescue Legislation negotiations that if the Parties can't reach a deal on a comprehensive package than do a skinny package on provisions where there is bi-partisan agreement which means Congress would drop out the liability protections, hurting Republicans, and drop out the State/Cities aid, hurting Democrats. Which means America would see a rescue package that had monies to buy and distribute the Covid 19 vaccine, money to open up schools, money to help float the airline industry until the Pandemic is over, an injection of money into the PPP for another round of financial assistance for America's small businesses and probably an extension of unemployment insurance through March of this year because after the end of December ten million families are going to cease receiving unemployment checks because their UC insurance ran out - how are they going to do things like buy food and pay their gas and electric bills.

This is why it is a smart move for Democrats to take Senator McConnell up on his offer. Because come January 20, 2021 Joseph Biden is going to be sworn in as President and Mr. Biden the good man that he is and the dedicated leader of the Democrat Party is going to want to pass legislation for all the people that helped the Democrat Party in the 2020 election cycle and it will be outstandingly difficult, like no prudent gambler would take the bet, for him to get major legislation through a Republican Senate. Wisdom calls for the Democrats to unofficially recognize that they almost certainly will not win both Senate run-off elections in Georgia; miracles do happen but the Democrats are without there Novemeber 3rd Wild Card, Donald Trump on the Presidential ballot which because he was so widespread extremely disliked unpresentedly drove voter turnout and the Republicans record setting negative advertising campaign which is throwing so much mud at the Democrats candidates that likely a modest portion will stick which will sink the respective candidate at the polls. President Biden is going to want to get another rescue package through and a major infrastructure bill because in theory both parties want an infrastructure bill. These two pieces of legislation will be a heavy lift, like "turn you beet red and give you a stroke" heavy. On the rescue bill, Republicans will be tired of spending money and it wil be like pulling teeth to get them to sign on to another trillion dollar bill and in regards to a major infrastructure bill for such a large bill the Republicans are going to want it partially paid for and because gasoline tax revenue is falling as Americans turn away from combustion engine vehicles, the only avenue for raising the needed type of revenue will be to put a fee on electric powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicles and Democrat leadership do you really think your devout "green" members are going to want to sign on to this for this will discourage the use of such vehicles for transportation . But if the Democrats do one of these McConnell's skinny deals, they have significant leverage for another deal. The big one of course is pandemic liability protection but also "state and city" aid not $500 billion but $250 billion. This is why Republican leadership is against the state assistance now because it will turn off a significant portion of their voting block that thinks things like this spending will be helping Democrat states who are widely irresponsible with their too costly pension plans for public employees. After the elections Republican leadership will view it differently because many Republican states have experienced massive drops in tax revenue caused by economic restrictions and other consequences from the pandemic which have caused them to face or have implemented significant lay-offs, Republicans will recognize the compelling sense in replacing that temporary loss of tax revenue for the states to preserve the economy and protect their ideology that lower taxes grows the economy and ultimately increases tax revenue. If Democrat Congressional leadership leaves President Biden with these two pieces of leverage Joe very well may be able to negotiate with the Republicans a good rescue/stimulus bill in February/March of 2021 that not only is a good Pandemic rescue bill but will also have significant infrastructure spending for a year or maybe two without the fees on electric and hydrogen vehicles. Democrat leadership y'all have been around the block a few times you know all this talk about what the new Democrat President is going to do is all talk he doesn't have the power Dems did not win the Senate the Democrat Party left their new President with a car that has a bad clutch so you better find him a flat road to travel!
The shutdowd which is causing the economy to implode is the problem

the shutdown is good for democrats and bad for republicans
Biden really is a good man huh OP?

The sad story is 29-year-old senator-elect Biden received the horrible call in December, 1972, that there was an accident in which his wife Neilia and baby daughter Naomi were killed, and his young sons Beau and Hunter severely hurt. Mrs. Biden seems to have driven into a busy intersection, into the path of an oncoming truck. Its driver was Curtis Dunn. Investigators found him blameless. Of no surprise, according to his family, his involvement in the deaths of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weighed on Dunn until his own death in 1999.

For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.

To me that's a man who sells his soul for power, what you say?
It really is a tear-jerking moment but it has not a damn thing to do with the OP......

It's just that I stopped reading the OP's run-on sentences & paragraphs at "Biden is a good man." Biden isn't even his own man for starts, so how would he know Biden is a good man?

Not sure what you mean by tear jerking. Biden's wife drove into an intersection and she and a child killed. Sure, big bummer. But Joe-Yen used it to lie to the American people for power and votes. That sound like a good man to you, because he strikes me as a guy who sells his soul, and those around him too.
You are still off topic and derailing the threat. If that is not clear enough have a mod help yous.
Many people have panned Senator McConnell's recent proposal in regards to the Pandemic Rescue Legislation negotiations that if the Parties can't reach a deal on a comprehensive package than do a skinny package on provisions where there is bi-partisan agreement which means Congress would drop out the liability protections, hurting Republicans, and drop out the State/Cities aid, hurting Democrats. Which means America would see a rescue package that had monies to buy and distribute the Covid 19 vaccine, money to open up schools, money to help float the airline industry until the Pandemic is over, an injection of money into the PPP for another round of financial assistance for America's small businesses and probably an extension of unemployment insurance through March of this year because after the end of December ten million families are going to cease receiving unemployment checks because their UC insurance ran out - how are they going to do things like buy food and pay their gas and electric bills.

This is why it is a smart move for Democrats to take Senator McConnell up on his offer. Because come January 20, 2021 Joseph Biden is going to be sworn in as President and Mr. Biden the good man that he is and the dedicated leader of the Democrat Party is going to want to pass legislation for all the people that helped the Democrat Party in the 2020 election cycle and it will be outstandingly difficult, like no prudent gambler would take the bet, for him to get major legislation through a Republican Senate. Wisdom calls for the Democrats to unofficially recognize that they almost certainly will not win both Senate run-off elections in Georgia; miracles do happen but the Democrats are without there Novemeber 3rd Wild Card, Donald Trump on the Presidential ballot which because he was so widespread extremely disliked unpresentedly drove voter turnout and the Republicans record setting negative advertising campaign which is throwing so much mud at the Democrats candidates that likely a modest portion will stick which will sink the respective candidate at the polls. President Biden is going to want to get another rescue package through and a major infrastructure bill because in theory both parties want an infrastructure bill. These two pieces of legislation will be a heavy lift, like "turn you beet red and give you a stroke" heavy. On the rescue bill, Republicans will be tired of spending money and it wil be like pulling teeth to get them to sign on to another trillion dollar bill and in regards to a major infrastructure bill for such a large bill the Republicans are going to want it partially paid for and because gasoline tax revenue is falling as Americans turn away from combustion engine vehicles, the only avenue for raising the needed type of revenue will be to put a fee on electric powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicles and Democrat leadership do you really think your devout "green" members are going to want to sign on to this for this will discourage the use of such vehicles for transportation . But if the Democrats do one of these McConnell's skinny deals, they have significant leverage for another deal. The big one of course is pandemic liability protection but also "state and city" aid not $500 billion but $250 billion. This is why Republican leadership is against the state assistance now because it will turn off a significant portion of their voting block that thinks things like this spending will be helping Democrat states who are widely irresponsible with their too costly pension plans for public employees. After the elections Republican leadership will view it differently because many Republican states have experienced massive drops in tax revenue caused by economic restrictions and other consequences from the pandemic which have caused them to face or have implemented significant lay-offs, Republicans will recognize the compelling sense in replacing that temporary loss of tax revenue for the states to preserve the economy and protect their ideology that lower taxes grows the economy and ultimately increases tax revenue. If Democrat Congressional leadership leaves President Biden with these two pieces of leverage Joe very well may be able to negotiate with the Republicans a good rescue/stimulus bill in February/March of 2021 that not only is a good Pandemic rescue bill but will also have significant infrastructure spending for a year or maybe two without the fees on electric and hydrogen vehicles. Democrat leadership y'all have been around the block a few times you know all this talk about what the new Democrat President is going to do is all talk he doesn't have the power Dems did not win the Senate the Democrat Party left their new President with a car that has a bad clutch so you better find him a flat road to travel!
The shutdowd which is causing the economy to implode is the problem

the shutdown is good for democrats and bad for republicans
I doubt there is a clear demarcation of political ideology recognized by the virus.( eye roll)
Many people have panned Senator McConnell's recent proposal in regards to the Pandemic Rescue Legislation negotiations that if the Parties can't reach a deal on a comprehensive package than do a skinny package on provisions where there is bi-partisan agreement which means Congress would drop out the liability protections, hurting Republicans, and drop out the State/Cities aid, hurting Democrats. Which means America would see a rescue package that had monies to buy and distribute the Covid 19 vaccine, money to open up schools, money to help float the airline industry until the Pandemic is over, an injection of money into the PPP for another round of financial assistance for America's small businesses and probably an extension of unemployment insurance through March of this year because after the end of December ten million families are going to cease receiving unemployment checks because their UC insurance ran out - how are they going to do things like buy food and pay their gas and electric bills.

This is why it is a smart move for Democrats to take Senator McConnell up on his offer. Because come January 20, 2021 Joseph Biden is going to be sworn in as President and Mr. Biden the good man that he is and the dedicated leader of the Democrat Party is going to want to pass legislation for all the people that helped the Democrat Party in the 2020 election cycle and it will be outstandingly difficult, like no prudent gambler would take the bet, for him to get major legislation through a Republican Senate. Wisdom calls for the Democrats to unofficially recognize that they almost certainly will not win both Senate run-off elections in Georgia; miracles do happen but the Democrats are without there Novemeber 3rd Wild Card, Donald Trump on the Presidential ballot which because he was so widespread extremely disliked unpresentedly drove voter turnout and the Republicans record setting negative advertising campaign which is throwing so much mud at the Democrats candidates that likely a modest portion will stick which will sink the respective candidate at the polls. President Biden is going to want to get another rescue package through and a major infrastructure bill because in theory both parties want an infrastructure bill. These two pieces of legislation will be a heavy lift, like "turn you beet red and give you a stroke" heavy. On the rescue bill, Republicans will be tired of spending money and it wil be like pulling teeth to get them to sign on to another trillion dollar bill and in regards to a major infrastructure bill for such a large bill the Republicans are going to want it partially paid for and because gasoline tax revenue is falling as Americans turn away from combustion engine vehicles, the only avenue for raising the needed type of revenue will be to put a fee on electric powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicles and Democrat leadership do you really think your devout "green" members are going to want to sign on to this for this will discourage the use of such vehicles for transportation . But if the Democrats do one of these McConnell's skinny deals, they have significant leverage for another deal. The big one of course is pandemic liability protection but also "state and city" aid not $500 billion but $250 billion. This is why Republican leadership is against the state assistance now because it will turn off a significant portion of their voting block that thinks things like this spending will be helping Democrat states who are widely irresponsible with their too costly pension plans for public employees. After the elections Republican leadership will view it differently because many Republican states have experienced massive drops in tax revenue caused by economic restrictions and other consequences from the pandemic which have caused them to face or have implemented significant lay-offs, Republicans will recognize the compelling sense in replacing that temporary loss of tax revenue for the states to preserve the economy and protect their ideology that lower taxes grows the economy and ultimately increases tax revenue. If Democrat Congressional leadership leaves President Biden with these two pieces of leverage Joe very well may be able to negotiate with the Republicans a good rescue/stimulus bill in February/March of 2021 that not only is a good Pandemic rescue bill but will also have significant infrastructure spending for a year or maybe two without the fees on electric and hydrogen vehicles. Democrat leadership y'all have been around the block a few times you know all this talk about what the new Democrat President is going to do is all talk he doesn't have the power Dems did not win the Senate the Democrat Party left their new President with a car that has a bad clutch so you better find him a flat road to travel!
Joe Biden leads? I would say, Joe makes appearances and does his best to use complete sentences.

I remember on interview where he was asked if he gave Trump any credit for getting a vaccine in record time, faster than any country in the world. Joe mumbled something and said, "It's a complicated process cuz you then have to get it in the arm of citizens afterwards............"

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