Senate passes Wall Street Reform

well, lots of these bills have tiered implimentations, or simply aren't relevant until they come full circle Dante'

my point is the right screams about how Obama is changing the US all while claiming he isn't accomplishing anything.

they cover all bases with scatter shot bullshit. it is obvious that as of now, the right has no coherent message

Each bill they pass takes more and more of our freedoms away.

Sure....he's doing things.....but not what he claims he is.

Now our bank accounts are open to government inspection....just like in Europe.

Don't try to lie on your income taxes ever again because now you can't get away with it.

Oh...and Obama can now tear apart any bank that pisses him off or bail out any bank that kisses his ass.....without congress having to lift a finger.
Senate passes sweeping Wall Street reform - Business - Stocks & economy -

WASHINGTON — Congress passed a sweeping overhaul of America's financial regulations Thursday, securing for President Barack Obama his third major, hard-fought legislative victory.

Obama said he will sign the bill next week.

"I'm about to sign Wall Street reform into law, to protect consumers and lay the foundation for a stronger and safer financial system, one that is innovative, creative, competitive and far less prone to panic and collapse," the president said at the White House.

The bill has been Obama's top domestic priority after the passage of health care legislation and his early victory in setting up a nearly $800 billion fund to pump life into an economy hit with the deepest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

So, will all trading now take place from the White House Situation Room and all transaction fees now get paid to President Obama?

well, lots of these bills have tiered implimentations, or simply aren't relevant until they come full circle Dante'

my point is the right screams about how Obama is changing the US all while claiming he isn't accomplishing anything.

they cover all bases with scatter shot bullshit. it is obvious that as of now, the right has no coherent message

Each bill they pass takes more and more of our freedoms away.

Sure....he's doing things.....but not what he claims he is.

Now our bank accounts are open to government inspection....just like in Europe.

Don't try to lie on your income taxes ever again because now you can't get away with it.

Oh...and Obama can now tear apart any bank that pisses him off or bail out any bank that kisses his ass.....without congress having to lift a finger.

I demand my freedom to endure a financial collapse of the economy!
Well well well. Looks like the hit has been put out on Wall Street and the US economy.

Over and under on when that's gonna get filled and who's going to be blamed for tanking the works?
my point is the right screams about how Obama is changing the US all while claiming he isn't accomplishing anything.

they cover all bases with scatter shot bullshit. it is obvious that as of now, the right has no coherent message

Each bill they pass takes more and more of our freedoms away.

Sure....he's doing things.....but not what he claims he is.

Now our bank accounts are open to government inspection....just like in Europe.

Don't try to lie on your income taxes ever again because now you can't get away with it.

Oh...and Obama can now tear apart any bank that pisses him off or bail out any bank that kisses his ass.....without congress having to lift a finger.

I demand my freedom to endure a financial collapse of the economy!

so what is in the bill and what exactly do you support about it?
Well well well. Looks like the hit has been put out on Wall Street and the US economy.

Over and under on when that's gonna get filled and who's going to be blamed for tanking the works?

Ummmm....wasn't the hit put on the economy when the financial sector collapsed? that would never happen again
my point is the right screams about how Obama is changing the US all while claiming he isn't accomplishing anything.

they cover all bases with scatter shot bullshit. it is obvious that as of now, the right has no coherent message

Each bill they pass takes more and more of our freedoms away.

Sure....he's doing things.....but not what he claims he is.

Now our bank accounts are open to government inspection....just like in Europe.

Don't try to lie on your income taxes ever again because now you can't get away with it.

Oh...and Obama can now tear apart any bank that pisses him off or bail out any bank that kisses his ass.....without congress having to lift a finger.

I demand my freedom to endure a financial collapse of the economy!

h*ll, i demand the freedom to sing about it......>

[ame=]YouTube - Frank Zappa - Can't Afford No Shoes[/ame]
Another 2,500+ page bill that "we'll need to pass to find out what's in it"...Well, we do know that reforming or privatizing Fannie & Freddie isn't in it.

Yep, that's about all we know except obie wan has screwed over America again. and the demonRats just lap that shit up.
I love how one news report headlined it...

'...with help from three MODERATE Republicans, Snowe, Collins, and Scott Brown...'

Tea, anyone? lolol
so what is in the bill and what exactly do you support about it?

the part where is starts out as financial reform, and ends up funding mad mothers against dogs who lick their privates......

rightslinger would approve anything obama and the dems did....

if this bill had been republican, he would have been against it

i highly doubt he knows what is in the bill, nor does sarah g....they are typical dems that cover their eyes and clap when pelosi, reid and obama tells them too
so what is in the bill and what exactly do you support about it?

the part where is starts out as financial reform, and ends up funding mad mothers against dogs who lick their privates......

rightslinger would approve anything obama and the dems did....

if this bill had been republican, he would have been against it

i highly doubt he knows what is in the bill, nor does sarah g....they are typical dems that cover their eyes and clap when pelosi, reid and obama tells them too

It is another Bill that no one voting on it has read.

It is funny how when you ask people; would you vote along party lines of vote for the best candidate, they always say vote for the best candidate, but when all these crap Bills come along they stay with partying lines and defend their ass-wipe leaders with their last breath, not having a clue what is in this Bill either.

Senate passes sweeping Wall Street reform - Business - Stocks & economy -

WASHINGTON — Congress passed a sweeping overhaul of America's financial regulations Thursday, securing for President Barack Obama his third major, hard-fought legislative victory.

Obama said he will sign the bill next week.

"I'm about to sign Wall Street reform into law, to protect consumers and lay the foundation for a stronger and safer financial system, one that is innovative, creative, competitive and far less prone to panic and collapse," the president said at the White House.

The bill has been Obama's top domestic priority after the passage of health care legislation and his early victory in setting up a nearly $800 billion fund to pump life into an economy hit with the deepest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The right will say Obama has accomplished nothing and then on another day they will say Obama has signed into law the biggest government efforts in ages.

Obama accomplishes nothing as he accomplishes very big things. The Right Wing Noise Machine is Schizoid

They like to call it a "failed Presidency" and compare it to that of Jimmy Carter's but look at what's been accomplished with less than 2 years in office. Far short of ideal, but better than anything Carter or even Clinton achieved.

If he does last only one term, he will have left a lasting impression.

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