Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.

Foreign terrorist don't have liberties Einstein. our constitution doesn't apply to them no mater how much the leftist hacks would like it to.

This is how Obama treats those who have helped us....the senate report will reveal more names

Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison


Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison
Regardless of which side of the debate you are on, one thing is for sure. Releasing the report will prove to those foreign nationals helping us that we can't be trusted any more now than when we sold out those who aided us in Viet Nam. In our 2 party system one party will always do anything they think will denigrate the other party including leaving allies in danger.
Democrats Use Torture Report to Embolden America's Enemies

Rush ^

RUSH: The Senate committee report on the CIA's post-9/11 detention and interrogation program is going to be released. The Democrats are insisting on releasing this CIA report now. You know what this is? This will be another catalog in how flawed and how mean and how extreme this country is because we tortured. If you boil this down to its essence, the Democrats are gonna release another report via a Senate committee that they still run on how rotten the CIA was, how bad our interrogators were, how mean we are, and how this is not who we are. And...
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.

Foreign terrorist don't have liberties Einstein. our constitution doesn't apply to them no mater how much the leftist hacks would like it to.

This is how Obama treats those who have helped us....the senate report will reveal more names

Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison


Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison

Thanks for the complement, Einstein and me are BFFs.

As for rights, yes, even prisoners have rights. You feeling OK muscles? Two insults in two posts....
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.

Foreign terrorist don't have liberties Einstein. our constitution doesn't apply to them no mater how much the leftist hacks would like it to.

This is how Obama treats those who have helped us....the senate report will reveal more names

Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison


Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison

Thanks for the complement, Einstein and me are BFFs.

As for rights, yes, even prisoners have rights. You feeling OK muscles? Two insults in two posts....

Foreign prisoners on foreign soil don't have constitutional rights...... and yeah I'm Fine, just keepin it real:thup:
"Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door"

That you and most others on the right fear facts and the truth comes as no surprise, it's a time-honored conservative tradition dating back to Vietnam and Watergate; and that you attack facts and the truth with fear-mongering, demagoguery, and lies is consistent with most conservatives.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.

Foreign terrorist don't have liberties Einstein. our constitution doesn't apply to them no mater how much the leftist hacks would like it to.

This is how Obama treats those who have helped us....the senate report will reveal more names

Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison


Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison

Thanks for the complement, Einstein and me are BFFs.

As for rights, yes, even prisoners have rights. You feeling OK muscles? Two insults in two posts....

Foreign prisoners on foreign soil don't have constitutional rights...... and yeah I'm Fine, just keepin it real:thup:

How about a current link to an actual source instead of a slon-kbob rag, then? Keeping it real? Listen, foreign prisoners absolutely do have rights, who told you that they did not?

Was there a follow up to this story and you are certain that no Republicans are going to vote to release information?

No offense, but republicans aren't exactly known for being forthright.
What's ridiculous about this thread – among many other things – is that the CIA has already admitted to the torture, which they claim ended in 2003, the report contains nothing new:

'For the most part, we already know what it’s going to say: the CIA tortured terrorism suspects, and the interrogations did not produce any valuable intelligence that couldn’t have been extracted through conventional interrogation. The report’s value lies in the statement it makes about the government’s willingness to acknowledge its failures. “The point of the Senate report is not to blow the CIA torture program wide open,” The Week’s Ryan Cooper wrote in August. “It is to confront that disgraceful era in an official manner and to restore some decency to the nation.”

There has been no accountability for the elected officials who trampled over the public trust by authorizing the use of torture. There has been no accountability for the political appointees who did violence upon the Constitution in order to manufacture something resembling a legal justification for torture. There has been no accountability for the people tasked with administering the torture. The entire process has been one big exercise in dodging consequences.

Releasing the Senate report is just a small measure of accountability in what has been one of the country’s most significant moral failings. Stop delaying, stop making excuses, and do the right thing.

Release the torture report A small measure of accountability that is long past due -

Disgraceful indeed.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.

Foreign terrorist don't have liberties Einstein. our constitution doesn't apply to them no mater how much the leftist hacks would like it to.

This is how Obama treats those who have helped us....the senate report will reveal more names

Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison


Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison

Thanks for the complement, Einstein and me are BFFs.

As for rights, yes, even prisoners have rights. You feeling OK muscles? Two insults in two posts....

Foreign prisoners on foreign soil don't have constitutional rights...... and yeah I'm Fine, just keepin it real:thup:
The detainees in Guantanamo are in fact entitled to due process rights, see Boumediene v. Bush (2008).
I get the distinct impression that many here feel detainees should be tortured for the hell of it. Conservative decency is terribly conditional.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

We could be a much greater nation if we had no scruples, nor any compunction about dishonoring the integrity that was the cornerstone of our foundation.

We could win the war on drugs by searching every household in the country and every car or pedestrian that drives or walks on our highways.

At issue here, is HOW we do things and what the benefits are when weighed against the ubuse of our personal liberties.

So, how many attacks were actually thwarted, that can justify daily strip searches from Homeland security? You seem to have this all figured out, you tell me.

Foreign terrorist don't have liberties Einstein. our constitution doesn't apply to them no mater how much the leftist hacks would like it to.

This is how Obama treats those who have helped us....the senate report will reveal more names

Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison


Doctor Who Helped U.S. Find bin Laden Speaks Out From Prison

Thanks for the complement, Einstein and me are BFFs.

As for rights, yes, even prisoners have rights. You feeling OK muscles? Two insults in two posts....

Foreign prisoners on foreign soil don't have constitutional rights...... and yeah I'm Fine, just keepin it real:thup:

Please provide the link where I suggested that this was a constitutional issue.

Obama, by the way, already stepped into to insure that no pertinent information was leeked in the final report.

To me, I would much rather have this report available for the public to scrutinize, rather than to continually enable the CIA to flout our laws under the guise of protecting citizens.

Parts of the report which have already surfaced, include threats to children, mock executions and fun stuff with a power drill. The fact that this stuff does not bother you that much, comes to no surprise to me. Folks that blindly support Israel, generally are not overly concerned with gentiles.

Liberals feigning outrage over the poor brown terrorists being water boarded while in the same pathetic hypocritical stink liberal breath wishing saddam was still alive torturing people.

Their bullshit will not work on me.

Mad cabbie, occupy hypocrite and the rest of fucking pawns can all go fuck themselves.

The deliberate damage this fucking disgrace in the white house has done to this country goes beyond treason.

The second civil war is getting.closer.
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

Yes, we must maintain secrecy of the governments breach of both domestic and international law. Statists will throw themselves in front of just about anything to protect the omnipotent State.

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