Senate Approves Stimulous Bill!!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
The Senate voted 61-37 in favor of the $838 billion economic stimulus bill, with three Republicans voting to pass the plan. The vote came after a prime-time appeal from President Obama Monday night to quickly approve the legislation and bolster the suffering U.S. economy. The bill must now be reconciled with the $819 billion House version of the plan.

Senate Passes Stimulus Bill -
We won! Obama is not a failure!!!! You guys were ready to call it 2 weeks into his presidency? HA!!! fucking losers!!!
I'll get back to you when they ask for another, then another , then another "stimulus"

Japan had their lost decade and now we are starting ours.

My financial advice to anyone who cares to listen is to pay down your debt and save (horde) all the money you can, preferably in gold or silver coins.
We won! Obama is not a failure!!!! You guys were ready to call it 2 weeks into his presidency? HA!!! fucking losers!!!

Sealydumbdumb, has it failed to penetrate your pea brain that Obama last night decried Bush's doubling of the National Debt on his watch? Has it further failed to make an impression on you that Obama with Quadruple the debt in one month?

I didn't realize the standard for being a winner was being the biggest loser.
don't you know it's better to have everlasting, ever growing debt than it is to DIE?

Because if we don't do this, WE"RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!
No only some would die, the US government would crumble though.

If when you say crumble you mean it would shrink to fit back within the limits of the Constitutional confines of its defined powers instead of growing more intrusive and more expensive by the minute then let the crumbling begin.
I'll get back to you when they ask for another, then another , then another "stimulus"

Japan had their lost decade and now we are starting ours.

My financial advice to anyone who cares to listen is to pay down your debt and save (horde) all the money you can, preferably in gold or silver coins.

You mean like Bush kept going back for additional Iraq spending and you said if we didn't give it to him we weren't "supporting the troops"?

We had our lost decade idiot. The last 8 years. Plus 2 for Obama to get us out of the hole you dug us into.

Your advice is exactly what people have done with Bush's tax breaks. It didn't help the economy. Checkmate bitch!!!

That's why we didn't go with your plan, yet again!

PS Gold and silver are too expensive. You already missed the boat on that tip.

But by all means, buy up!!!
We won! Obama is not a failure!!!! You guys were ready to call it 2 weeks into his presidency? HA!!! fucking losers!!!

Sealydumbdumb, has it failed to penetrate your pea brain that Obama last night decried Bush's doubling of the National Debt on his watch? Has it further failed to make an impression on you that Obama with Quadruple the debt in one month?

I didn't realize the standard for being a winner was being the biggest loser.

You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?
No only some would die, the US government would crumble though.

If when you say crumble you mean it would shrink to fit back within the limits of the Constitutional confines of its defined powers instead of growing more intrusive and more expensive by the minute then let the crumbling begin.

:eusa_hand: Not another word.

:eusa_shhh: You don't know what you are talking about.

:lol: Obama won! America won!

This is only step one to fixing America.

That's what you right wingers don't get.

Still a lot of work today.

Now, how can we get jobs back in America?

Remember, you Redumblicans argued in favor of sending manufacturing jobs overseas. So really, I'm not asking any of you. You can all fuck off. Lucky you all still have jobs. So no wonder you don't realize the country is in a mess. That's ok though. Whether you get it or not, we'll still fix this for you.
I'll get back to you when they ask for another, then another , then another "stimulus"

Japan had their lost decade and now we are starting ours.

My financial advice to anyone who cares to listen is to pay down your debt and save (horde) all the money you can, preferably in gold or silver coins.

You mean like Bush kept going back for additional Iraq spending and you said if we didn't give it to him we weren't "supporting the troops"?

We had our lost decade idiot. The last 8 years. Plus 2 for Obama to get us out of the hole you dug us into.

Your advice is exactly what people have done with Bush's tax breaks. It didn't help the economy. Checkmate bitch!!!

That's why we didn't go with your plan, yet again!

PS Gold and silver are too expensive. You already missed the boat on that tip.

But by all means, buy up!!!

This has nothing to do with Iraq

And do you really think that people are going to spend spend spend again? they'd be stupid to do that.

and gold will keep going up because we all know that the massive money printing to come will boost inflation. So gold is still a good option.

besides, I've been buying gold for years now so I'm good with the increase.

And I have no idea what you mean when you say "your plan" Because any plan I would call mine would be heavy on spending cuts and we haven't seen a spending cut in decades.
I'll get back to you when they ask for another, then another , then another "stimulus"

Japan had their lost decade and now we are starting ours.

My financial advice to anyone who cares to listen is to pay down your debt and save (horde) all the money you can, preferably in gold or silver coins.

You mean like Bush kept going back for additional Iraq spending and you said if we didn't give it to him we weren't "supporting the troops"?

We had our lost decade idiot. The last 8 years. Plus 2 for Obama to get us out of the hole you dug us into.

Your advice is exactly what people have done with Bush's tax breaks. It didn't help the economy. Checkmate bitch!!!

That's why we didn't go with your plan, yet again!

PS Gold and silver are too expensive. You already missed the boat on that tip.

But by all means, buy up!!!

And I have no idea what you mean when you say "your plan" Because any plan I would call mine would be heavy on spending cuts and we haven't seen a spending cut in decades.

Your parties plan.
We won! Obama is not a failure!!!! You guys were ready to call it 2 weeks into his presidency? HA!!! fucking losers!!!

Sealydumbdumb, has it failed to penetrate your pea brain that Obama last night decried Bush's doubling of the National Debt on his watch? Has it further failed to make an impression on you that Obama with Quadruple the debt in one month?

I didn't realize the standard for being a winner was being the biggest loser.

You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?

Yes, we just went from ankle deep mess to chin deep. You ain't won nutting but a pile of bad debt.. but keep on cheering, you will ruin the country and are too stupid to realize it.
You mean like Bush kept going back for additional Iraq spending and you said if we didn't give it to him we weren't "supporting the troops"?

We had our lost decade idiot. The last 8 years. Plus 2 for Obama to get us out of the hole you dug us into.

Your advice is exactly what people have done with Bush's tax breaks. It didn't help the economy. Checkmate bitch!!!

That's why we didn't go with your plan, yet again!

PS Gold and silver are too expensive. You already missed the boat on that tip.

But by all means, buy up!!!

And I have no idea what you mean when you say "your plan" Because any plan I would call mine would be heavy on spending cuts and we haven't seen a spending cut in decades.

Your parties plan.

What party is "my" party?

i am neither a Dimocrat nor a Repudlican
We won! Obama is not a failure!!!! You guys were ready to call it 2 weeks into his presidency? HA!!! fucking losers!!!

Sealydumbdumb, has it failed to penetrate your pea brain that Obama last night decried Bush's doubling of the National Debt on his watch? Has it further failed to make an impression on you that Obama with Quadruple the debt in one month?

I didn't realize the standard for being a winner was being the biggest loser.

You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?

If there was a better choice than Bush I would have voted for them believe me. I wasn't any happier about him than McLame.

Obama wouldn't know fiscal responsibility if it bit his ass. He has absolutely no intention of being fiscally responsible. Even he doesn't say that.

Oh yes, it's a mess and the dumb fuck "Repubs" in the Bush admin did the wrong things and now they are followed by even dumber fuck Dems doing the wrong thing bigger.

I'll give you a hint, two of my 3 careers are in my name. I went from making your computer work to making your server work, to making your network work, to making sure your network was secure to making sure that other people do all of those things. And before that I practiced law and before that I defended our country.
Sealydumbdumb, has it failed to penetrate your pea brain that Obama last night decried Bush's doubling of the National Debt on his watch? Has it further failed to make an impression on you that Obama with Quadruple the debt in one month?

I didn't realize the standard for being a winner was being the biggest loser.

You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?

Yes, we just went from ankle deep mess to chin deep. You ain't won nutting but a pile of bad debt.. but keep on cheering, you will ruin the country and are too stupid to realize it.

Further proof you idiots don't realize that YOU ALREADY DID RUIN THE COUNTRY!!! Thanks for backing me up my little queef.

In fact, how many jobs were lost in the last week that could have been avoided had the GOP not dragged their feet?

They don't care about American workers.

You know it too you fucking liar. Admit it. Admit that you and the GOP want this plan to fail so you can win in 2010 and 2012.

And if your party wins, expect 1% to be rich and 99% of us to be working poor. In other words, if the GOP run things again, it will mean goodbye to the middle class.

And I guarantee you will not end up rich.

You put party ahead of country.
You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?

Yes, we just went from ankle deep mess to chin deep. You ain't won nutting but a pile of bad debt.. but keep on cheering, you will ruin the country and are too stupid to realize it.

Further proof you idiots don't realize that YOU ALREADY DID RUIN THE COUNTRY!!! Thanks for backing me up my little queef.

In fact, how many jobs were lost in the last week that could have been avoided had the GOP not dragged their feet?

They don't care about American workers.

You know it too you fucking liar. Admit it. Admit that you and the GOP want this plan to fail so you can win in 2010 and 2012.

And if your party wins, expect 1% to be rich and 99% of us to be working poor. In other words, if the GOP run things again, it will mean goodbye to the middle class.

And I guarantee you will not end up rich.

You put party ahead of country.

What part of this have you deluded yourself into thinking is a plan?

The "Porkulus" Bill is nothing but a payback for Dem supporters. $3 Billion for ACORN? What bridge are they gonna build? Bullshit.
You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?

Yes, we just went from ankle deep mess to chin deep. You ain't won nutting but a pile of bad debt.. but keep on cheering, you will ruin the country and are too stupid to realize it.

Further proof you idiots don't realize that YOU ALREADY DID RUIN THE COUNTRY!!! Thanks for backing me up my little queef.

In fact, how many jobs were lost in the last week that could have been avoided had the GOP not dragged their feet?

They don't care about American workers.

You know it too you fucking liar. Admit it. Admit that you and the GOP want this plan to fail so you can win in 2010 and 2012.

And if your party wins, expect 1% to be rich and 99% of us to be working poor. In other words, if the GOP run things again, it will mean goodbye to the middle class.

And I guarantee you will not end up rich.

You put party ahead of country.

This plan was doomed to fail from it's inception and you were told. Why? because it is a spending bill not a recovery bill. all it does is fullfill the wet dreams of the DUmb Democrats that have been denied to them.. A frisbee park? give me a break idiot.
Sealydumbdumb, has it failed to penetrate your pea brain that Obama last night decried Bush's doubling of the National Debt on his watch? Has it further failed to make an impression on you that Obama with Quadruple the debt in one month?

I didn't realize the standard for being a winner was being the biggest loser.

You should have thought about that before you voted for Bush 2 times, dumb fucker.

And watch. Obama will become fiscally responsible when we get out of this mess.

You do realize we are in a mess, right?

What do you do for a living?

If there was a better choice than Bush I would have voted for them believe me. I wasn't any happier about him than McLame.

Obama wouldn't know fiscal responsibility if it bit his ass. He has absolutely no intention of being fiscally responsible. Even he doesn't say that.

Oh yes, it's a mess and the dumb fuck "Repubs" in the Bush admin did the wrong things and now they are followed by even dumber fuck Dems doing the wrong thing bigger.

I'll give you a hint, two of my 3 careers are in my name. I went from making your computer work to making your server work, to making your network work, to making sure your network was secure to making sure that other people do all of those things. And before that I practiced law and before that I defended our country.

You're an IT guy? :lol:

OMG!!! I used to be against this, but now that I know it will fuck you, I am all for this:

Now I am all for more H1B Visa's!!!!

As, you can see Microsoft has 3,117 H1B Visa holders working for them and they certainly would need similar or even more number of H1B Visas for 2008 - 2009. Even, I read about Microsoft planning to move some of its positions to Canada which is about 2 hours drive from Seattle.

In 2005, Bill Gates had requested Congress to Scrap the H1B visa restrictions.

Bill Gates : We need more H1B Visa (2009)

Yet still they continue to cut your salaries!!! No way!!! They just want to hire cheaper foreign labor!

Well because of you, now I am all for it!!!!

Because it will keep your wages down.

I used to sell MCSE's and CNA's. They/You made $90K a year. Bet you don't make that anymore. You have sold YOURSELF out?


And how is this possible?

IBM hits back against over-timers with pay cut

IBM hits back against over-timers with pay cut • Channel Register

Do you realize they would never have gotten away with this if there was a shortage of IT pro's?

So then why is Bill Gates lobbying for more visas? Because he wants to flood the market with people like you!!! That makes you less valuable!!!


Now I am going to scream for more of those visas!!!! We need more foreign IT pro's in this country who will work for much less than you!!!!
Arlen Specter (R - PA) will never get another vote of mine again.

To those who think this bill will do any good, enjoy your euphoria while you can, but please don't come a Bush-bashing if it fails. This is on Obama, for good or bad.

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