See the problem is ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Psychological.Since Leftists cannot be Hero's or athletes of even
good Moms' and Dad's they choose a different path.The path of
today's Democrats.For example the MSNBC Morning Joe duo
of Joe & Mika.Joe Scarborough was part of the Newt Gingrich
New Republican Majority of 1994.Then within less than 10 years
decided to get out of Politics.Using as convenient excuse to help
care for his son { with some kind of Autism ? }. Which is a noble
act.But its also the same thing former Washington Post republican
turned Libertarian and proud Trump hater decided to use.
You no longer hear from the baseball addict and " perhaps the
most powerful Journalist in America."
The same genteel Georgetown man about politics who
invited buddies { David Brooks,Charles Krauthammer and William
Kristol } to a dinner at his Chevy Chase Brownstrone where Barack
Obama was to be entertained.This within days of his being Inaugurated.
A famous remark was made by one { Brooks or Krauthammer } about how
serious Obama surely was.Judging by the meticulous crease in his trousers.
Well the former President Reagan speech writer { Will } turned out to be
himself a meticulous Snob,bore and advocate of Anything but Trump.
That's how Politics works.It's snarky and highly contagious and
tailor-made for those Not accustomed to working with their
hands or outdoors and wearing T-shirts or flannel shirts.
I mean,it's as easy to spot as a Deaf Leper.
Leftists can not be anything positive. Their entire foundation in life is hate and envy. Everything they respond to is first categorized by how much vitriol or violence is required.
BTW that Genteel Washington Post Journalist who adores
baseball as does a nutter Lefty { Doris Kerns Goodwin }
was and IS :
George Will
Leftists can not be anything positive. Their entire foundation in life is hate and envy. Everything they respond to is first categorized by how much vitriol or violence is required.
Take yesterdays Durham Hearing.It wasn't about his 300
page report.It was about attacking him personally and trying to
prove how wasted an effort it was.Which as Matt Gaetz proved
also,was genuine.The Big bearded Lug { Durham } had one measely
prosecution for 4 years of work.About the only thing we learned
was that Trump made the call to Hire on Durham as U.S. Attorney
At the behest of guess who ... AG Bill Barr.
Hereby known as Billy Barr.Who for kicks at Georgetown
cocktail parties stuff Mars bars into his Big squirrel cheeks
and acts like a Mafia Don.What Marlon Brando did in the

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