Informed Consent ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
yeah right.Try Manipulated Descent.Like what Happened in
Germany in the 1930's. Under Herr Fuhrer.Where in every town
almost every large street corner were what were called
Gestapos { or secret Police } usually obvious in their thick,
all black Leather overcoats making sure every person walking
dad their papers.And they're In Order.
I could site a popular Actor { Spencer Tracy } in his role
from - The Seventh Cross - { 1944 } as classic example.
As we watch one of Hollywoods toughest lead actor
sneak around and cower under the weight of being treated
as if an escaped mental patient.
There are no SA Today.Or Storm Troopers.But there are
a likely version or SS { Schutzstaffel } or camp administrators.
No longer as easy to recognize with their thick accents or
thick black leather coats.No need for military boots.Just
super serious commands as if You Will Comply.
As in like Covid commands.Or unto Transgender commands.
Use of paper money commands.Do Not Accept Paper money.
Do Not recognize Due Process.Or Chuch authority as in having the
right to make the choice as to being vaccinated.
Maybe even how to vote.You will Vote as WE Instruct.
We will determine if your are registered To Vote.Or How
a School Board is run.If your son or daugher is a Male or Female.
One thing is eminently Clear.
This is no Longer Walt Disney's dream for America.
Far from it.
' I Can See Clearly Now ' We don't need some Leftist Hollywood
floozie like Barbara Streisand singing that lest of witch
' The Way We Were '.
yeah right.Try Manipulated Descent.Like what Happened in
Germany in the 1930's. Under Der Fuhrer.Where in every town
almost every large street corner were what were called
Gestapo { or secret Police } usually obvious in their thick
all black Leather overcoats making sure every person walking
Had their papers.And they're In Order.
I could site a popular Actor { Spencer Tracy } in his role
from - The Seventh Cross - { 1944 } as classic example.
As we watch one of Hollywoods toughest lead actor
sneak around and cower under the weight of being treated
as if an escaped mental patient.
There are no SA Today.Or Storm Troopers.But there are
a likely version or SS { Schutzstaffel } or camp administrators.
No longer as easy to recognize with their thick accents or
thick black leather coats.No need for military boots.Just
super serious commands as if You Will Comply.
As in like Covid commands.Or unto Transgender commands.
Use of paper money commands.Do Not Accept Paper money.
Do Not recognize Due Process.Or Chuch authority as in having the
right to make the choice as to being vaccinated.
Maybe even how to vote.You will Vote as WE Instruct.
We will determine if your are registered To Vote.Or How
a School Board is run.If your son or daugher is a Male or Female.
One thing is eminently Clear.
This is no Longer Walt Disney's dream for America.
Far from it.
' I Can See Clearly Now ' We don't need some Leftist Hollywood
floozie like Barbara Streisand singing that lest of witch
' The Way We Were '.
" There remains,then,the character between these two
extremes,-- that of a man who is not
eminently good and
just,- yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice
or depravity,but by some error or frailty.
So then Danny ... you have no problemos with how our
United States is being managed and what direction we are
being driven.?
Things are better now than they were when I was a kid. My biggest concern is a cult of clowns that actually got their head clown elected president and might do it again, even if he is in jail.
Things are better now than they were when I was a kid. My biggest concern is a cult of clowns that actually got their head clown elected president and might do it again, even if he is in jail.
Hard to believe huh? A big orange clown with a cult following. Scary stuff.
I could vision use of the word " delusional ".But I prefer to prove
things.I guess the poll that asks the question of voters
Should Biden run in 2024
Should Trump Run in 2024.
Guess which one has NO { 74 % }
Guess Which one has YES { 64 % }
I'm trying to find the name of that Poll.
The numbers are within 2-3 pts. of accuracy.
Hard to believe huh? A big orange clown with a cult following. Scary stuff.
I get it.That it pleases you infinately in mocking President Trump.
To a point passing a common ordinary Hyena.
Forgetting ... " Pleasure has no fellowship with virtue. "
-- Cicero

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